What should I take to a psychologist: after 9 and 11 classes

The profession of a psychologist attracts many young people.

Future soul doctors are vividly imagining how they sit in a cozy office with a leather sofa, and some pop diva comes to their house to cry for the fate of the villain: they say, and the rotation of the song on the radio was cut, and the new clip was released full "bullshit, "and the maid did not wipe the dust from the antique dresser well enough.

But in fact everything is not so rosy: you have to deal with severe childhood injuries, and work with victims of violence or people who are prone to suicide.

Does not that scare you? Are you sure that psychology is your vocation? Then let's understand what you need to hand over to the psychologist .

What subjects should I take for a psychologist, if the choice of profession is final and is not subject to "appeal"?

After 11 classes: forward and with the song!

If after the 11th grade you have decided to become, if not the new Sigmund Freud, then at least the best private psychologist of the city, you need to know what items for the USE will have to pass:

instagram viewer
  • Russian.

    And how are you going to "pour out a nightingale" in front of a man, promising that everything will be fine with him, if you can not connect two words correctly?

  • mathematics.

    No, do not frown, as from a toothache. It is this subject that helps to develop logic and analytical thinking, and they are useful in the work of a psychologist;

  • biology( profile subject).

    Without this knowledge, the brilliant career of a psychologist, the respect and respect of colleagues you do not exactly shine;

  • social studies( in some universities).

How to find a good psychologist?

But this list as well, which exams must be submitted to a psychologist, is not "iron":

  • , many universities do not particularly muzzle prospective students with social studies, but they do not necessarily require the transfer of biology to the USE;

  • in some educational institutions from you will require to write an essay on the psychological topic and it should be something better than: "Vasya threw the pregnant Masha and therefore he is a scoundrel, and Masha is a fine fellow."

    In any case, no matter what items you need to hand over to a psychologist, we recommend reading classics and popular science books, and not just instructions for a new smartphone;

  • in individual universities can offer you to pass an interview with - do not immediately fall into a deep faint! We are sure that when speaking with teachers you will show yourself as an adequate, motivated and self-reliant person.

    In the end, you're going to study for a psychologist, where you need to establish contact with people, not an accountant. Consider this the first exam for professional fitness.

  • if the school you graduated in a carefree youth, and the profession of a psychologist decided to master being "a man in the prime of life", then the will have to pass exams( EGE) in the same subjects as graduates of schools;
  • in any case, should be clarified in the selection committee of the selected university, what examinations for the psychologist you need to pass it .

After 9th grade: a little patience - and voila, you are a psychologist!

If you have decided since the 9th grade that without psychology the light is not nice to you, you should grieve a little: you will not be able to apply to a psychologist at once to a higher education institution.

The best option is to first learn a nurse / nurse, and then bite the granite of science in some steep university.

In order to become a student of a medical college( this will be your first step on the path to the profession of a psychologist), it is necessary to pass such examinations in the form of GIA( state final attestation):

  • Russian language.

    And here without this object can not escape;

  • mathematics.

    Do not even try to tell the members of the Attestation Commission that you are a typical "lyricist", not created for swarming in all these logarithms and integrals;

  • chemistry.

    We think that we will not open to you "America" ​​if we inform that in many respects the psychological mood of a person depends on the chemical reactions in his body.

    So do not quietly hate yourself, if for complete happiness you need one big chocolate per day and a million dollars in cash;

  • biology.

"So that you live on one salary": is it worth to know in general, what exams you need to take on a psychologist?

Before rushing to a well-chosen university to find out what you need to hand over to a psychologist, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the range of salaries:

  • in Moscow, the salary of a psychologist - from 20 to 70 thousand rubles a month.

    It all depends on your competence and experience. And if you are lucky enough to get some rich metropolitan "trick" into the clients that will tell you at each corner what kind of "magician and sorcerer" you think you grabbed God by the beard;

  • in other cities of Russia, a graduate psychologist can count on 15-70 thousand rubles a month.

    And it is unlikely that you will see Tina Kandelaki or Anastasia Volochkova on the couch in your office.

What should I take to a psychologist, and most importantly - where: 5 of the best Moscow universities for studying the psychology of

These universities are worthy of "getting bogged down" and learning what exams to take on a psychologist, because they are famous for class teachers and high level of training:

No.n / a The name of the university
1 Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis
2 Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov
3 Institute of Psychology. L. Vygotsky
4 The State Academic University for the Humanities
5 The Russian State Social University

Before rushing to a chosen university, to clarify what you need to hand over to a psychologist, it will not hurt to find out the salary you can expect after graduation:

  • in Moscowsalary of a psychologist - from 20 to 70 thousand rubles a month.

    It all depends on your competence and experience. And if you are lucky enough to get some rich capital "thing" in the clients that will tell you at each corner what kind of "magician and wizard" you think you grabbed God by the beard;

  • in other cities of Russia, a certified psychologist can count on 15-70 thousand rubles a month.

    And it is unlikely that you will see Tina Kandelaki or Anastasia Volochkova on the couch in your office.

When you know what you need to hand over to a psychologist - "not enough": 10 important qualities of a good specialist

Even if you learned how to "Pray ours", what subjects you need to take on a psychologist you can not do without these qualities:

  • high emotional and general intelligence.

    And how would you like? Which of you is a psychologist, if you can offend a man in two counts, and then wonder why he does not answer your phone calls?

  • the ability to patiently listen and hear a person.

    Believe me, it will be very useful to you when the client for the sixth time will tell how in his deep childhood mother did not buy a red locomotive, and from there - his aggression, greed and dislike for red color;

  • tolerance for someone else's way of life, opinion, behavior, etc.

    Do you just adore your mother? And what do you say about a man who has not visited his parents in a nursing home for several years? If you are a really good psychologist, and knowingly know what exams you need to pass on to him, then you will not "blurt" anything offensive;

  • the ability to calm and empathize.

    Agree, a person goes to the psychologist to talk heart to heart, and not "rub" about the problems with his wife's cactus on your table;

    "I myself am a practicing psychologist, and my husband is an Orthodox priest. And we often talk about how similar our professions are: both there and there one must be able to penetrate the human problem.
    Often after a working day, we argue which of us it was heavier and who put the milk( in our case - chocolate candy) "for the harmfulness" of
    , - Maria shares from Tver.

  • tactfulness.

    Hmm, well, we think that since you passed all the examinations for a psychologist, then probably you will not interrupt the patient who tells about the long depression to call a friend Seryozhka and call for a glass of beer after work;

  • responsibility.

    Once a man has reached his psychologist with internal problems( and this does not happen often in Russia), then he really has "seams" and he is ready to hear professional advice.

    You, in turn, are obliged to try to make this advice useful to him. It is not good to listen to the patient on the floor of the ear, thinking about the forthcoming fishing.

  • observability.

    No, Dr. Li Laitman's tremendous abilities in The Theory of Lying from a psychologist are not required, but if the patient claims to have calmed down and himself dies the fifteenth paper napkin, it is unlikely he is sincere with you;

  • emotional stability and optimism.

    Staying "on the positive", listening to heavy emotional experiences and delving into someone else's psychological "underwear", is not so simple. Do you still want to know what items need to be handed over to a psychologist?

  • self-reliance.

    Perhaps without this quality is not that not become a good psychologist, but simply a successful person;

  • creativity.

    Especially when it comes to children: whom in childhood would you listen more willingly-a boring aunt, something babooning to herself or a young lady dressed in the costume of a sorceress or your favorite Disney princess? The answer is obvious.

What do you need to become a psychologist?

Find out a simple secret how to master the profession:

So, to find out what you need to take on a psychologist and successfully "shoot out" on profile subjects is just the first step on the way to the profession of your dream. But, as the author's friend often says: "If you are not capable of even this, then what are you even capable of? This is your goal! ".

  • Mar 04, 2018
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