Kpi sales manager: what is this and how to use it?

Sales - one of the most dynamic areas of modern business.

If you do not play the fool and do not "click your beak," here you can fully earn not only bread with caviar and classic all Inclusive in Turkey, but also on your own square meters in the city center.

It remains only to find out how to assess the effectiveness of their work, so as not to get off the right path of making money for an apartment or a brand new Lexus.

This is the purpose of the kpi sales manager.

KPI sales manager: do not be afraid. It's just a term!

Kpi( Key Perfomance Indicators) is a toolkit that is used to assess whether you have achieved your business goals, that is, key performance indicators for your business.

And so it does not sound so intimidating, we suggest looking at the examples in the table:

instagram viewer
Category Purpose Indicator
Finance Budget execution Budget amount
Clients Increasing customer satisfaction Internal customer satisfaction
Internal processes Increasing recruitment efficiency PercentageClosing of vacancies
Percentage of employees who passed the probationary period
Internal processes Increasing training effectiveness EffectLearning efficiency
Development of Increasing employee loyalty Satisfaction of employee

But if the figure invented by your bright head, busy with sales, is not aimed at achieving the goal, it can not be called a kpi sales manager.

It was the establishment, timely audit and control of goals that formed the basis of the "Management by objectives" system.

Its author, Peter Drucker, believes that the right assessment of performance is one of the key factors for success, but is poorly understood.

So, in Russia, about 80% of top managers are dissatisfied with how the results of the company as a whole, its individual structures and employees are evaluated.

In the US, such leaders are not less than 60%.

The implementation of the kpi sales manager makes it possible to form a clear relationship between:

  • planned sales and the actual state of affairs.
  • Against the figures, indicating that you were "shariling" last month, as they say, you will not trample on. Be ready to face the truth!
  • motivation and performance.
  • If you know that meeting with a nasty but very necessary client promises you a solid bonus for the New Year, it will make it easy for your gait and the power to smile at the "bearded" jokes.

5 most needed kpi sales manager: without them - nowhere!

Kpi Sales Manager No. 1: Profit.

You do not need to be a genius in the forehead to include this figure in the list.

But not so simple!

The terms "revenue" and "profit", as they say in Odessa, are two big differences.

And it's about the profit that the company receives, net of all costs, and not just the amount received for the goods in cash or on the company's settlement account( revenue).

How to create a sales plan?

For example, the sales manager Vasily sold slippers for 400 thousand rubles.

But at the same time he took a technical department for 100 hours to perfect shoes for a new client.

Cost of footwear( excluding payment for additional labor of the technical department) was 150 thousand rubles.

Thus, Vasily provided the firm with a profit:

400000( revenue) - 100 * 1500( developer's salary) - 150000( cost price) = 100 thousand rubles

His colleague Valery also sold slippers for 400 thousand rubles, but he managed to "flirt"buyers for those models that have already been developed.

Thus, Valery enriched his employer on:

400000( revenue) - 150000( cost price) = 250 thousand rubles.

We present the results of two sales geniuses in the table:

Indicator Vasily Valery
Cost of goods sold, rubles 150000 150000
Additional costs for the sale of goods, rubles 150000 0,00
Sales of goods, rubles 400000 400000
Profit, rubles 100000 250000

In this case, the efficiencyValeria was higher and he can count on a bonus from his superiors.

Kpi sales manager number 2: average check, number of contacts, conversion.

If you take into account these kpi sales manager, you need to remember:

  • average check counts when done, at least 100 sales, otherwise you will not form an objective picture;
  • conversion( the ratio of the number of people who made a purchase with the number of those who listened to the trade offer) consider when at least 500 calls are made;
  • for all sales channels( personal meetings, social networks, calls, etc.) conversion is considered separately;
  • should take into account absolutely all contacts with potential customers, but personal meeting is undoubtedly appreciated more than calls, emails, messages, etc.

Kpi Sales Manager No. 3: Debt receivable and product range coverage.

The amount of accounts receivable at the end of the period, one of the main kpi sales manager, indicates:

  • ability to "squeeze" out of the client the proper payment of , even if he left for a year on a round-the-world trip with one of the gorgeous Victoria's Sekret girls;
  • ability to competently plan and conduct personal meetings, make calls and compose letters and messages.

    Here it is necessary to show miracles of communication and remarkable literary talent;

  • the ability to "keep the defense" when the customer insists on a discount, changing the payment term, etc.

    Yes you need a squad to fight the lead!

  • ability to plan profit for the next reporting period.

    Are you sure that next month you will "scratch" out of the respected Ivan Ivanovich, the director of LLC "Buttercup", a debt of 200 thousand?

Telephone sales technique: 10 tips from a professional

With the product assortment everything is quite simple - the more different types of products managed to "smuggle" the sales manager, regardless of all kpi, disagreements with his wife and bad weather, the greater his esteem and respect.

After all, at least customers will be aware of the availability of a product from your company.

Kpi sales manager No. 4: the ratio of concluded deals to potential.

This kpi sales manager will perfectly tell about his professionalism.

For example, our friends, Vasily and Valery, over the last month had 50 meetings with potential clients.

At the same time, at the first employee 30 people took a time-out to consider the proposal, five decided to consult with the higher management, and 15 have already signed the contract and made an advance payment.

Of the Valerine potential customers, only ten have "ripened" to cooperation.

As you can see, Basil in this case worked better.

Kpi sales manager number 5: simple.

Unusual, but very useful feature.

You can find out this kpi sales manager if you have a CRM-system installed in your company.

It summarizes the time spent by the employee to perform their immediate duties - calls, writing emails, messages on the mobile phone, personal meetings, viewing professional sites, etc.

For example, the sales manager Anton on the basis of the results of the month sold the goods for 300 000 rubles, his salary - 20 000 rubles.

However, the careful manager deducts from the guy's salary 90 rubles for every hour of idle time, when CRM-system signaled the lack of activity( he did not dial text, did not call anyone, did not move the computer mouse, did not meet with anyone).

On which software is better to spend money, will tell reviews of modern CRM-systems on the Internet.

The best Russian-language versions of 2015-2016, allowing you to lead kpi sales manager are:

  • "Megaplan".

    The system can be adjusted to your sales scheme or use a ready-made solution.

    Much attention is paid to maintaining a database of counterparties, it is possible to generate invoices for payment.

    However, users claim that "Megaplan" is quite complex in understanding and more suitable for large companies;

  • Bitrix24.

    The system can be integrated with e-mail and online store.

    Gives the opportunity to monitor the development of relations with each client from the establishment of the first contact before the conclusion of the contract;

  • "amoCRM".

    The system is focused not on the formation of a database of clients, but on the basis of transactions.

    From it you can make sms-mailings and conduct email marketing;

  • RosBusinessSoft.

    Successfully integrates with "1C Accounting", e-mail, online store, company website, access to bank accounts;

  • "ManageEngineServiceDesk".

    You can deal with orders processing, customer management, purchase tracking, contact management, although it was originally conceived as a working tool for IT people.

Kpi sales manager: when the ovchinka is not worth the candle?

Although the introduction of kpi sales manager can increase the company's profit up to 30%, there are cases when it is not practical to do this:

  • if the management has the time and the strength to personally meet with each employee of in order to set tasks for him and send them to theirperformance;
  • if the firm employs fewer than 30 employees.

    Implementation of kpi sales manager - the process is almost as troublesome as organizing a wedding for an Arab sheik.

    Should I spoil my nerves if you can analyze the results of each manager's work and, if necessary, clarify the goal and give the "magic pendle"?

  • if your company is so steep that everyone without a kpi sales manager achieves the goals.

    We congratulate you!

    You managed to assemble a team of real professionals who do not need extra gingerbread and whips!

Once again briefly about what a kpi sales manager, in the video:

With the kpi sales manager determined! And what to do with them further?

The importance of each kpi sales manager( the weight of the KPI in the goal) is determined by the manager at his own discretion: it is important for someone to contact as much as possible potential customers, working for a bright future, someone - to know how to beat out debts, and the majoritywarmth of the idea of ​​net profit received during the reporting period.

Based on this, the salary is formed:

Kpi sales manager can be an effective tool for motivating employees and, ultimately, increase the profit of the enterprise, if you approach this issue with all responsibility.

A motivated employee is a terrible force that can raise your business to the top of success.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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