How to properly ask the Guide salary increase?

  1. Initially, you need to well justify your demand for salary increases, why should you raise it?

    Remember, if you start to press on pity, cry and tell your boss that now the country has grown food prices, housing, and you are planning a wedding - it's your personal wants and your problems, they do not care about your bosses!

    Do not even think about telling this to your leadership - take off from the office like a cork under the champagne!

    Justifications from you must come from either management or market!

    For example:

    "Here I analyzed the labor market yesterday and saw that most specialists in a similar position receive a lot of that. .."( and provide the director with a printout of this information).

    Or, for example:

    "For today, I catch myself that in comparison with the previous year I grew up professionally by 2 times, because I know how to do this, I'm responsible for that. ..!"

    Alsoyou can consider the following option: "I already have a great crust of knowledge and skills, and I know that I'm much more expensive! Therefore, in other companies my work is evaluated, much higher than here! "

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    To consolidate the result and for full confidence in your arguments, you should walk through several interviews, try to get several successful proposals and with this already go to your boss so that hethought what a specialist can lose!

  2. It is necessary to prepare weighty arguments for your leadership!

    If you are targeting the salary increase of , you must convince your Guide!

    For example, instead of the words: "if you raise my salary, I'll buy a car and go to work comfortably," you need to say: "you know, after , the salary increase of , I'll buy myself a car to solve the work issues fasterand thus I will increase the efficiency of my work in your company! "

  3. The conversation should begin in a favorable and comfortable environment.

    First of all, your director should have a great mood, fatigue and irritability should not come from him!

    At work, there should be no commotion and running around, so that your conversation is not interrupted by other employees.

    The best time to talk is the time after dinner, when in the morning your boss has already solved the most important questions, distributed specific tasks to all employees, and sits to himself satisfied with life and certainly not hungry!

  4. Try to prepare a certain ground before the conversation!

    So, ask one of your colleagues to praise you before your superiors.

    You can also provoke your director to make you a compliment for a well-done job, on this basis it will be easier to talk about raising salaries.

  5. Take control of the decision!

    If negotiations with the authorities about increase of salary have ended in your favor, then management should order the personnel department to prepare an order for your salary increase.

    Do not relax in any way until this order is signed by the authorities.

  6. You need to know the specific answer!

    There are 3 options for answering your request: "yes", "no", or "I agree, but on condition. .."

    Never let your management postpone its decision for a week, a month. The authorities in this way can simply delay the moment.

    Think about it, maybe tomorrow your boss will be fired, but a new person will come instead, and then what?

    You have to start all over again.

  7. You must be ready to give up!

    You can not blackmail your boss in any way and say phrases such as: "Anu-ka raise my salary more, and then immediately quit!"

    But, mentally, you have to tell yourself this and be prepared for such a step so as not to seem like a loser!!

    In your words, the leader should feel confident, courageous and persistent!

    And the refusal for you should look like a voucher to the future, as "Everything that is not done, everything is done for the best" and perhaps fate will make it clear to you that a future job with a satisfactory salary awaits you in the future!

Today we'll talk with you about how to ask your boss to increase the salary of !

You have been working for a long time on the company, you are respected and appreciated?

But alas. .. they appreciate it only in words, not supporting words with material values!

Or can it be the other way round?

You have been working in the company for not very long, but already managed to show the bosses the staggering results of your work, and do not want your leadership to just pat you on the shoulder and say: "What a fine fellow you are! Keep it up! "

Every person faces the situation when he realizes that he has already outgrown his salary, that he has become much more valuable, more expensive and therefore he comes to the conclusion that you need to ask to increase the salary of !

We need to somehow make it clear to our leadership that you would like to receive more money, but human modesty, fear that you will be denied - prevent you from daring to take this decisive step, and your goal can not be achieved.

When should I apply for a salary increase?

  1. You started a successful development of a new project and already see its prospects in the future;
  2. You yesterday made a big deal;
  3. Thanks to you, the company saved a good amount of money;
  4. You have been overreported;
  5. You yourself were able to raise the activity of your department and it showed up on the company's performance.

Personnel experts themselves believe that there are 2 main reasons why your bosses are simply obligated to raise your salary, and this:

  • you have dramatically increased the volume of work;
  • you have radically expanded job responsibilities.

If this is so - then forward with your head up, bold and confident walk ask the bosses of to increase the salary of - as you deserve it!

How correctly to ask management for a salary increase? Recommendations!

Also specially for you, we uploaded a very useful video of one successful business coach, who shared tips on how to properly ask for a salary increase!

Be sure to look, because we tried for you!🙂

Arguments that should not be used in a request for salary increase!

It's very ridiculous in the conversation about to raise the salary of based on the following arguments:

  1. "Eh. .. I took out a loan for a car and I have nothing to give it - raise my salary."

    To this ridiculous request your management can answer the following: "You know,and I do not have a couple of hundred dollars to go to Sri Lanka and buy a bungalow there. "

  2. "The unfair situation is happening in our company! Petrov works in a similar position and for some reason gets 2 times more than I do! "

    " You know my dear sloth Petrov, compared to you, does five times more, and even on weekends goes to work! And if you already put this situation on the shelves, then you need to cut your salary and give it to the same Petrov! "

Experts recommend that the salary increase should be discussed once a year, or once in 2 years,but not more often.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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