On whom to go to study: 67 options for the profession

While you are small, you can afford to choose a profession at least every year.

But the older you become, the more serious you need to concern yourself with choosing your future profession.

All high school students are concerned with the question, on whom to go to learn after graduation 9 or 11 class?

I very much want the future specialty to be interesting, at the same time it brings pleasure and good money at the same time.

Can you combine both?

Of course - you can, if you take a career choice with the mind.

Why is it so hard to decide who can go to school for?

Remember how many times in your childhood and adolescence you have changed the dream of a future profession.

I, probably, times 10.

Who I just planned to be: a teacher, a doctor, a banker, a director, an archeologist, a journalist, an entrepreneur, etc.

But the real pains of choice had to be experienced in high school, when from dreams it was necessary to go to specific solutions and determine with the future profession.

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If you are also trying to decide who to go to learn, there will be useful tips for you:

  1. Really appreciate your abilities.

    Do you dream of a career as a banker, but only the kindness of your math allows you to get an annual rating of 4 points, instead of a deserved unit?

    Well, then you can hardly get an economic or financial education.

  2. Think about what you would like to do.

    Cold calculation when choosing a future profession is, of course, a good thing, but they can not be limited to anything.

    Going day by day to hateful work is very difficult.

    Still, professional activity should bring pleasure.

  3. Look at the amount of your future salary.

    While you are on the maintenance of your parents, you can afford an uncompromising "I'll go study for a philosopher, because money is not the main thing," but your beliefs will change when you start living separately.

    The profession should feed you.

    If you do not feed, then you are mistaken with the choice.

  4. Consider career prospects in the future.

    Thinking about who to go to school for, do not forget that your work path is just beginning, so it's silly to choose a profession that will soon go into oblivion.

    Experts refer to the specialties that will disappear in 10 years: librarian, archivist, travel agent, driller, notary, stuntman, stenographer, logist and some others.

  5. Do not forget about the relevance of the specialty.

    Let's say you are attracted by archeology.

    You dream of how you will go to excavations, seek treasures, discover civilizations.

    But think, how much this industry is in demand and will it be easy for you to find a job if you decide to go to study at an archaeologist?

    I do not think so.

And it is also important to assess your chances to enter the chosen university, college, technical school or some other educational institution.

If there is too much competition in it, your average score is so-so, and ZNO or EGE you practically failed, and paid training is too expensive for your parents, you may have to say goodbye to your dream and go to study for someone else.

Who will help decide who to go to school for?

It's very difficult to decide who can go to school, because the right and wrong choices will affect your future life. Of course, without help in such a serious matter, it's very difficult to manage.

Here is who can help you decide who you can go to learn:

  1. Parents.

    Allowing them to make a decision for you is wrong, but you can not completely reject their advice.

    They are older and clearly more aware of the realities of this life.

    You can still judge her, only by focusing on someone else's experience.

    And if so, why not take advantage of the experience of parents who will definitely advise only what will go for your benefit?

  2. Tests.

    There is a great variety of different tests, the results of which will help you in choosing a profession.

    You can find them on these:

    • http: //www.psynavigator.ru/ tests.php? Code = 519,
    • http://atlas.nmc-it.mari-el.ru:8999/index.php?module=prof_test,
    • http: //agdf.ru/na_kogo_poyti_uchitsya_test.html # _teststudio and many other sites.
  3. Staffing.

    If your parents have acquaintances who work in a recruitment agency or in the state labor exchange, ask them to give you information:

    • which specialties are in demand;
    • which are best paid;
    • people with what kind of education and work experience are the most difficult to find a vacant place, etc.
  4. Psychologists.

    Only you need to find a psychologist who specializes precisely in career counseling and personal growth.

    Such an expert will give you good advice on who you can go to school for.

  5. Those who already have experience in the profession, which you aspire to get.

    Let's say you want to become an electrician.

    Talk to a couple of electricians with decent work experience and ask them to talk about the pros and cons of the craft.

Well, of course, a lot of useful information can be found on such sites as:

  • http://www.proforientator.ru,
  • http://atlas.nmc-it.mari-el.ru:8999,
  • https: //www.ucheba.ru/prof,
  • http: //worknew.info/articles/candidate/profession/,
  • http: //edunews.ru/professii/ and others.

The more information you collect, the easier it will be for you to decide on whom to go to school after 9 or 11 class. On whom to go after 9th grade to boys and girls?

I do not really understand what drives people to drop out of school after grade 9 instead of getting a complete secondary education.

The desire to become financially independent?

Well, it's not a fact that after your vocational school you will find a well-paid job.

The financial situation of the family?

So, do your bit by working as a courier, copywriter, handing out leaflets, walking around neighbor dogs, etc.

Youthful maximalism?

This will pass, but the decision taken for stupidity will remain.

Of course, until you get a complete secondary education, you can not think about higher education.

Only nine colleges are available for colleges, vocational schools, technical schools.

After graduating from college, college or technical school, you will receive a complete secondary and at the same time a special education.

It's impossible to make a serious career without higher education, so ambitious graduates of the named educational institutions still enter the institute, university or academy anyway.

If I could not persuade you to stay in school and you still think about who to go to school after grade 9, here is a list of professions that you can master.

1. Who can I go to school after grade 9 for boys?

According to statistics, boys are more likely than girls to think about who to go to school after 9th grade.

Maybe that's why the choice of men's professions in technical schools, colleges and vocational schools is more than women's.

  1. Electrician
  2. Mason
  3. Locksmith
  4. Plumber
  5. Plasterer
  6. Programmer
  7. Railwayman
  8. Driver
  9. Tractor driver
  10. Automechanic

2. Who should I go to after the 9th grade for girls?

Girls should not work hard physically, so they should choose a profession that does not require heavy loads.

Unfortunately, most of the female professions, whose name you find on the list, although they do not require long training and outstanding abilities, are not paid well.

  1. Accountant
  2. Seamstress
  3. Hairdresser
  4. Secretary
  5. Teacher
  6. Make-up artist
  7. Cashier
  8. Nurse
  9. Florist
  10. Maid

3. Who can go to school after grade 9 children of both sexes?

XX - XXI centuries - the period of struggle for gender equality and in this struggle, certain successes were achieved.

For example, there are many professions that can be obtained by both boys and girls after grade 9.

  1. Realtor
  2. Waiter
  3. Medical assistant
  4. Seller
  5. Masseur
  6. Administrator
  7. Designer( interior design, landscape, computer graphics, etc.)
  8. Manager
  9. Advertising agent
  10. Social worker

On whom to go after the 11th grade? Yes to anyone!

Having decided to get a full secondary education, that is - to finish 11 classes, you did very sensibly.

The choice of specialties, which can be obtained after grade 11, is large enough.

In addition, you are available for admission not only colleges, colleges and technical schools, but also educational institutions such as universities, institutes, academies, etc.

Naturally, higher education allows you to count on more highly paid jobs and career growth.

To go to school after grade 11 exactly to where you long dreamed, you need:

  1. To receive at school not only good grades, but also real knowledge.
  2. Already 10 - 11 class begin to lean on those items that you need for admission.
  3. Dedicate the last year in the school to self-education, attend courses at a higher educational institution, which you want to enter, classes with a tutor, etc.
  4. To pass the EGE or ZNO with the highest possible result.
  5. It's hard to believe that you will succeed and make maximum efforts to achieve the goal.

1. Who should I go to after the 11th grade for boys?

Only a few men's professions that can be obtained after grade 11 are not that many.

But nevertheless, there are those areas that girls prefer to avoid and that are considered "male".

  1. It-sphere
  2. Financier
  3. Rescuer
  4. Forwarder
  5. Sailor
  6. Mechanizer
  7. Customs officer
  8. Military
  9. Priest
  10. Diver
  11. Engineer
  12. Pilot

2. Who can I go to study after 11th grade for girls?

If there are male professions, then certainly there must be women's. ..

Of course, young ladies can fight for equality and become a diver, a rescuer or an IT person, that's just why to do it, if there are more suitable for the female specialty?

And I think that girls should go to university or institute to not work 15 hours a day in the future and not risk their health.

  1. Hairdresser
  2. Hairdresser
  3. Teacher
  4. Museum worker
  5. Designer
  6. Art critic
  7. Librarian
  8. Cosmetologist
  9. Florist
  10. Confectioner

3. Who can I go to school after grade 11 with both of them?

Of course, most of the specialties that can be obtained after the 11th grade are available to both boys and girls.

Thinking about who to go to, consider these universal options.

  1. Lawyer
  2. Banker
  3. Doctor
  4. Translator
  5. Journalist
  6. Marketer
  7. Actor / actress
  8. Musician
  9. Advertiser
  10. Chemist
  11. Technologist of the food industry
  12. Manager
  13. Pharmacist
  14. Agronomist

Of course, this is not the entire list of professions that graduates of grade 11 can get.

Many other specialties are available to you.

Smart, persistent, hardworking, quick, responsible, endowed with many talents a person can implement in any field.

The video shows 9 areas of professions in which you can realize yourself,

considering your talents:

Decide how to study , based on your personal preferences, prospects and profitability of the profession, and you will definitely not lose with the choice.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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