How to make money in network marketing: the pros and cons

Did you notice that when you open a newspaper with job search ads, in almost every text you will see the phrase: "Intim and network marketing not to offer!"

Everything is clear with intimacy, but why are people so frightened by network marketing?

What is network marketing for and is it possible to make profit by doing this business?

Now let's try to figure it out. ..

What is network marketing?

The term MLM conceals the concept of multi level marketing, which literally can be translated as multi-level, that is, network marketing.

The essence of it is that the seller of the goods( which is not present in ordinary stores - food supplements, cosmetics, kitchen appliances, electrical appliances, etc.) not only tries to sell it, but also attract other sellers.

His benefit is that every person he brings to the network will bring him income.

Those, in turn, also attract sellers, and thus a kind of pyramid is formed.

The biggest income in it has those who are closest to the top!

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It would seem that there is nothing terrible in the described method, but for some reason most people try to avoid such activities and do not believe that can be earned in network marketing of .

But millionaires are confident that this is one of the simplest and fastest ways to put together capital.

On one of the American talk shows, a very rich man was asked: What would he be doing if he lost his money?

The answer stunned those present: "I would go to work in network marketing!"

How to make money in network marketing: what is needed for this?

Network marketing, like any other work, requires certain knowledge and abilities. A person who does not know the multiplication table can hardly work as an accountant.

It's the same here.

Successes in this business are achieved:

  • are communicative people who are not afraid to address a stranger;
  • people who know how to speak beautifully and persuasively convey their point of view to others;
  • those who have a lot of friends or work in organizations with a large staff;
  • is an active and quickly trained man and woman who can easily learn the whole range of products.

If at least one of these items is a description of your merits, then you will be able to become a successful person and it's good to earn in network marketing of .

If not, do better than anything else.

What is network marketing: 3 real examples of

Whether or not to choose this way of earning is up to you.

Nobody will give you a guarantee that in a couple of months this activity will be able to bring you good incomes.

I have both successful and sad examples from real life.

  1. "I did it!"

    Network marketing is a perfect business, because it allows you to change over time intellectually, emotionally and physically.(Robert Kiyosaki)

    One of my friends about 10 years ago became one of the agents of the company that distributes household chemicals and cosmetics.

    This brand product does quite good quality, I bought it several times myself.

    Prices, however, are pretty biting, but the main advantage of the product is that it lasts a very long time.

    And now a friend, left without work, decided to join the network.

    Nobody believed in the success of his project.

    However, gradually he acquired a permanent clientele( helped him in this, by the way, the Internet) and brought into the business of several dozen people.

    Not all of them, of course, stayed working, but the income from the remaining ones is stable.

    Claims that his salary per month is about 10 000 UAH.

  2. "I do not strive for the stars. .."

    My colleague has been distributing the famous cosmetic company from Sweden for 3 years already. The brand is inexpensive, and the quality is quite self.

    The team is predominantly female, bosses do not prohibit girls from flipping sometimes catalogs with products.

    To form their network, a colleague has never aspired, network marketing for her - the opportunity to buy cosmetics for themselves at a discount and receive gifts if girls at work order a lot.

    Earns it a little, but it does not need to invest anything: 4.50 UAH - for the catalog and 12 UAH.- for the shipment.

    But, nevertheless, she is happy with everything, and colleagues are glad that there is an opportunity to buy products practically at home.

    6 tips to help start your business

  3. Cheats! What should I do now?!

    But the last example is rather sad, but the person is to blame for this.

    My distant relative decided to earn on selling dishes.

    She registered as an agent, lent a large sum of money, because you had to pay for the goods first, in order to be able to sell it.

    Dishes, maybe, and high-quality, but it costs so much that even a person with an average income can hardly afford it, especially when the stores are simply filled up with all kinds of pots.

    Nothing she could not sell, and the loan must be returned!

    She rushed to the office with the desire to return the goods and collect the money, and there she: "So, they say, and so, dear: you yourself agreed with our terms, so - excuse me."

    On the one hand, the relative is sorry, but on the other - no one was climbing into her pocket.

    Nothing illegal has done.

    Proposed conditions for cooperation, to which the potential employee agreed.

    The fact that they violated the laws of morality by promising the golden mountains is another matter. ..

Network marketing or fraud?

The most difficult thing in network marketing is not the essence of work, but the need to choose a company.

If you are called to work for some famous brand, then on the Internet and among your friends you will find enough information to make the right decision.

How to succeed in business - step-by-step instruction!

If the company is new, then to avoid meeting with scammers, pay attention to:

  1. A product that you have to distribute.

    First, this very product must be available.

    And secondly, the more harmonious the combination of price and product quality, the higher your chances of successfully implementing it.

  2. Promises that are handed out by management.

    If you promise a fabulous profit the next day, then your potential leader is either a fool or a fraud!

  3. Requires you to invest money( my most "favorite" item!)

    It's one thing to buy a product catalog or several probes for a couple of hryvnia, and quite another, if you are called to purchase a product for several thousand.

    Probability that you can at least get your money back - SAVE TO "0"!

    And it's not about the earnings of millions! Think!

Be sure to check out this useful video!

Tips from the successful multimillionaire Peter Daniels on how

how to properly earn in network marketing!

P.S. .. I think he will open his eyes to many. ..

And the last thing you need to remember: any work takes time and effort.

If you think that network marketing is nonsense compared to the profession of an accountant, you are mistaken.

With this approach, you better do something else.

Only 10% succeeds in this business and it's up to you, if you join the favorites of this race or outsiders.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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