Causes, symptoms and modern treatment of sigmoiditis

The sigmoid colon is inherently quite unusual in shape and somewhat resembles the letter of the Greek alphabet "Sigma" to some extent.

It is for this reason that the segment of the lower part of the colon, which imperceptibly passes into the rectum and received such a nonspecific name.


  • Functional necessity
  • Causes of the inflammatory process
  • Varieties and forms of the disease
  • Features of the clinical picture
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • How is sigmoiditis treated?
  • Possible complications
  • Preventive measures

Functional need for

Proper functioning of the sigmoid colon allows the enrichment of the human body with water, and also acts as the place where the stool solidifies.

When the functions of this organ are violated, namely in the case of a severe inflammatory process, the normal functioning of the digestive tract organs is significantly impaired.

This causes dysfunction of almost every internal organ of a person, which in turn provokes a huge number of problems and unpleasant sensations.

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Disease, in which there is a strong inflammation of the sigmoid colon, was called sigmoiditis.

Its symptoms in various forms of the disease can be absolutely painless, as well as bear quite severe and painful manifestations.

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Causes of the inflammatory process

To date, it is common to identify the following factors that have a significant effect on the onset of a severe inflammatory process in the sigmoid colon.

First of all, the following should be attributed to them:

  1. Human pathogens and infection infections .They are the main reason for the sigmoid colon to become inflamed. With the activity of pathological microorganisms, the walls of the intestine are destroyed, which in turn lead to erosion and even ulcers. According to the anatomical structure in the human body, it is the sigmoid colon that is least tolerated by the action of toxic substances.
  2. Frequent diarrhea of ​​the .They cause the infection to spread to the faster times, and thereby destroy all the beneficial bacteria that are contained in the intestines. As a result, the process of digestion and assimilation of consumed food is disrupted.
  3. Chronic Bowel Diseases and Crohn's Disease .When these diseases occur, the mucous membrane of the intestines is largely affected, which as a result leads to the appearance of ulcers and erosion. Because of the course of such processes, the immune system independently decides to destroy intestinal cells. That as a result leads not to the best consequences for human health.
  4. Ischemic Bowel Disease .Because of its course in the body, there is a disruption of the normal circulation of blood, a consequence of this is a lack of oxygen in the internal organs.
  5. Negative consequence of the chemotherapy .After it, there is destruction of some cells that cover the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
  6. Development of hemorrhoids .It leads to disturbance of blood circulation and accumulation of a large number of pathogenic bacteria and microbes. With untimely treatment, inflammation can also pass to the sigmoid colon.
During pregnancy, a strong pressure appears on the sigmoid colon, which in turn can cause an inflammatory process.

If at least one of the diseases manifests itself in a person, then he must necessarily seek medical help.

Only after the examination and laboratory tests have been completed, an accurate diagnosis will be made and an effective treatment will be prescribed that can prevent the development of sigmoiditis.

The following are also classified as risk factors:

  • mental stress and frequent stressful situations;
  • increased physical activity, improper exercise;
  • eating harmful foods;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • getting bruises and injuries;
  • Intestinal diseases and infections.

Varieties and forms of the disease

Like most diseases, sigmoiditis can occur in acute and chronic form.

In addition, it is necessary to distinguish such varieties of the inflammatory process of the sigmoid colon:

  1. Catarrhal sigmoiditis. It is the easiest and painless form of the disease. During this period, only the upper layers of the epithelium are disturbed.
  2. Erosive form of inflammation .Most often it develops due to improper treatment of the catarrhal form of inflammation. Its peculiarity is the appearance of erosion in unprotected areas of the intestinal mucosa. If you do not conduct timely treatment of eruptions, they can develop into more severe lesions of the intestinal tissues.
  3. Ulcerative form of .Ulcers develop by ignoring the symptoms of erosion. With the passage of this form on the mucosa, deep ulcers develop, which in turn cause severe discomfort and pain in the patient.
  4. Pericigmoiditis .It is considered the most dangerous form of the disease. In its process, the soft tissues of the intestine are severely affected, resulting in the body losing its ability to function. With the prolonged destruction of tissues, a spike begins( that is, the layers of the intestine coalesce with each other).

Features of the clinical picture

Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms of sigmoiditis will be different.

So, the acute form of the disease develops very quickly and unexpectedly. At the same time, a person suffers rather acute pain, which can very often be confused with appendicitis, renal colic, or gynecological diseases in women.

In addition to sharp pains, the patient begins profuse diarrhea, which at the same time can contain blood clots and pus. Nausea and fever may occur rarely.

A person who suffers from an acute form of the disease, feels constant weakness and fatigue. His appetite is disturbed and he constantly wants to sleep.

Chronic inflammation of the sigmoid colon can occur with the onset of periods of rest. That is, in a certain period of time, the pain symptoms completely disappear.

Usually their manifestation is most often called with the following reasons:

  • non-compliance with the prescribed diet;
  • physical exertion or nerve stress;
  • received injuries or bruises of the abdomen;
  • hypothermia of the whole organism;
  • transferred to acute respiratory viral infection or influenza.

In this case, the symptomatology manifests itself in a variety of ways. Basically, the degree of pain is closely related to the cause that triggered the development of the inflammatory process.

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first alarming symptoms of the disease it is very important to consult a specialist in the shortest possible time. Depending on the situation, the patient may be referred to a gastroenterologist, proctologist or surgeon.

It is on the basis of the examination of these specialists that the picture of the course of the disease is drawn up.

The diagnostic procedure consists of the following:

  • a thorough examination of the patient, which includes a feeling of the belly and compilation of a detailed medical history, such information allows you to determine which part of the intestine has been severely disturbed;
  • to determine the severity of inflammation it is necessary to give a general blood test;
  • analysis of stool, allows you to determine how badly the intestine itself suffered;
  • carrying out a sigmoidoscopy gives an opportunity to examine the large intestine in detail and see if there are erosions or ulcers in it;
  • X-ray examination allows exclusion of intestinal obstruction;
  • for the female must necessarily visit a gynecologist, only this specialist can exclude the development of gynecological pathologies in the body.

Based on the results of the conducted studies, the specialist puts an accurate diagnosis and immediately starts treatment.

How is sigmoiditis treated?

The main goal of treatment for inflammation of the sigmoid colon is the elimination of the inflammatory process, as well as the elimination of the initial causes that triggered the development of this disease.

In order to reduce the painful symptoms of an illness, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. They can destroy pathogens. It is also very important to restore the normal intestinal microflora, probiotic agents may be prescribed for this.

If necessary, by intravenous administration, glucose, plasma of blood, iron can be prescribed.

In severe pain syndromes, experts attribute pain medication, which should be taken strictly according to the instructions.

A very important moment in the treatment of sigmoiditis is a diet. The patient is primarily limited to taking fatty, fried foods and alcohol.

It is necessary that the food does not contain a lot of carbohydrates and it is cooked in a steam or in an oven. Before you serve the patient needs to grind it well.

As a supportive treatment you can use folk methods of treatment. Very good helps to remove inflammation of tea on the basis of plantain, celandine, chamomile, fennel seeds and hips.

Possible complications of

In the absence of adequate treatment, there is a risk that the inflammatory process will move to other areas of the gut.

Such a process after a short period of time can lead to the development of peritonitis( inflammation of the large intestine).His treatment is carried out only through surgical intervention.

Even with properly prescribed medications and patient compliance with all prescriptions, sigmoiditis treatment can last up to 3-4 weeks. In order to avoid complications, it is important to undergo a course of therapy to the very end!

Preventive measures

The most important and simple rule of disease prevention is timely treatment of intestinal infections.

It is important that the disease does not develop into a chronic form of development, otherwise it will be difficult to get rid of the disease.

Do not forget about the proper nutrition and daily routine. Physical exercise should be carried out in moderation, but the best way to avoid nervous strain and stress is to avoid.

You should try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and give up fatty and fried foods. If you exclude harmful food, then the digestive organs will function correctly and without failures.

Pay attention to the signals that your body sends you, sometimes the symptoms seen in time can prevent the development of a serious illness.

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