What is the management of personnel: 4 components

The organization of the work of the company requires proper work with the personnel. It is the internal influence of employees on employees, in order to ensure a quality work process.

Understanding what is, what is the management of , and how to properly organize this process, is an important basic for building the activities of the entire organization.

Of course, you can shift the responsibility of management to the shoulders of invited specialists, and forget about it.

But a successful leader must understand all the business processes that occur in his firm.

Let's look at how personnel management works, and what you need to know to do it right.

Especially looking at the statistics of the use of personnel management methods in Russia, it becomes obvious: the topic is in demand!

Basic terms of management understandable language

Personnel management - work with the staff of the institution, aimed at improving productivity( both individual workers and the collective as a whole).

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Human Resources Manager is the person who is responsible for working with the company's personnel.

The tasks of the HR manager are very extensive:

  • Recruiting employees for vacancies.
  • Management and organization of the workflow.
  • Control of the moral and physical condition of people in the state.
  • Increase the level of each frame, by organizing trainings, useful practices that can improve the knowledge or moral qualities of employees.
  • Opportunity analysis, proficiency check.
  • Motivation of employees, search for an individual approach to each., Search for an individual approach to each.

HR Manager is a unique position. This is the person who must have the skills of a psychologist, an economist and a speaker.

Work with personnel requires special skills and great experience. Because at present it is difficult to meet a young specialist in this field.

Methods of personnel management - operations aimed at managing the behavior of employees.

They serve as an incentive for the employee, motivation to do their work qualitatively, and to move in the right direction.

There are three main management methods for :

  • Economic is the material content of a person.

    As an example, you can increase or decrease wages, change the size of premium, vacation, sick.

    In general, any change in the financing of an employee can be attributed to economic methods of influence.

  • Organizational is a direct guide to action for people in the state.

    This method is based on discipline.

    Any actions that violate the general order, should be analyzed.

    And also opportunities for their occurrence in the further are suppressed.

  • Psychological - is the motivation of employees, training for personal and collective development.

    Maintaining the "moral health" of employees is a very important task for the manager.

The HR manager is sometimes called an HR manager. The meaning of these two words is identical, simply the second is derived from "Human Rosources" - a human resource.

With the methods of functioning of a specialist in personnel management everything is clear. Next, we will try to determine why it is so important to have a qualified human resources officer in each organization.

What is management: the real application of

The staff of is the foundation of its successful operation. Even the development of technology does not allow to avoid human mistakes.

Organizational moments are very important in any business field.

The collective of workers of one enterprise can be compared with the activity of our brain: the more highly developed the neural network, the faster the interaction of all organs and systems of the organism.

Speed ​​of interaction between employees is a factor determining the success of a business project.

The most significant application of management in management can be considered in the process of recruiting employees for positions.

It is this personnel manipulation that is considered the main employment of management managers.

To more accurately assess why the management of personnel in the functioning of the entire business project is so important, it is worth looking into the "screen" of the manager's activities, and getting to know each stage of interaction with employees.

1) How to start a team management: recruitment

Every reader, once faced with job interview. So, the moment when a potential employee gets acquainted with an organization, this is the initial stage of the process for personnel officers.

It is impossible to organize the activities of an enterprise correctly if the employee does not meet the due requirements.

Stage Implementation of

Determining the initial level of preparation

With the help of an interview, the manager determines the willingness and potential of the employee, based on the tasks that will be put before him in the future. Most ineligible applicants are screened out at the first stage.

Internship and initial adaptation of

In the second stage, the applicant is admitted to the real working environment and partially assumes the duties indicated by the vacancy. The task of the manager is to determine whether he received the truthful information in the interview process and whether the employee is ready to face the real features of the proposed work.

Activity analysis and final evaluation

If the applicant managed to survive the internship and cope with it at the proper level, he falls into the collective of employees.

Stages of selecting employees

2) Personnel management: adapting "newcomers"

The competence of HR managers includes the ability to facilitate the adaptation of new employees.

Under adaptation it is necessary to understand not only the introductory word and the excursion around the office, but attentive accompaniment of human activity.

Adaptation is divided into areas, each of which requires a special approach of the HR manager:

  • Organization of the workflow.

    This area includes setting up a schedule of work, setting a payroll date, etc.

  • Communicative and social.

    Help in the adaptation of the personality in the new team.

  • Technological and professional.

    Teaching the intricacies of work, checking for compliance with the necessary level of professionalism.

It is important to understand that competent management is not only in the methodical application of measures of influence on their subordinates.

The basis of a quality process is the support of everyone, encouraging him to work and become successful in your company.

3) Personnel development as the goal of the

process. The process of employee training can be divided into two parts - independent and corporate.

In our time it is not enough just to sit at your workplace and do the usual work. It is necessary to constantly develop, otherwise the risk of giving up vacancy to others is increased.

Independent development of a specialist requires strong-willed efforts and the desire of an employee. There is no direct dependence on management here.

Although, if you dig deeper, you can find a relationship between the employee's motivation and his own desire to develop.

The main task, which is generally pursued by the management process, is to ensure the proper level of the enterprise's work. And he directly depends on the skills of his team.

Corporate development is the work of the HR manager. Organization of training events for employees is a rather complex and painstaking process.

Professional development is carried out by organizing:

  • In-depth briefings, if the work is related to complex technical means.
  • Trainings on development of personal qualities.

    Another important component of the successful operation of the entire institution.

    If you think that the mood for work is not related to productivity, just remember your productivity on Friday night.

  • Specialized lectures - is the most costly method, as it involves the largest expenses for organization.

    The lecturer should be a very knowledgeable person in his field of business.

A quality approach to management not only provokes an increase in overall production indicators.
An integral part of the process is the increase in the level of awareness in the team, both in the specialization of their work and in social features.

4) Moral health and culture of

employees The culture of the team is determined by the company's goals. The task of management is to instill in employees a love for their occupation.

Each organization should have a corporate code - a document that defines the framework for employee behavior.

Depending on the direction of the company's activities, the culture may radically differ.

HR manager should monitor the behavior of his staff, because adjusting the correct climate in the team is an important mission.

Smart personnel management is the key to the success of the company!

How to set tasks so that they are executed? Answer in the video:

So, what is the management of personnel: motivation for action or thoughtless punishment?

To create the motivation for achieving corporate goals, it is necessary to achieve several permanent factors:

  • wages, corresponding to the level of employment and complexity of work.
  • timely informing each employee, an individual approach;
  • career prospects;
  • additional financial motivation for the quality of work.

To motivate a worker by dismissal is a past, so you can not do it. Dictatorship invariably leads to the lack of personnel.

Contrary to the opinion of many employers about themselves, competition is present in the job market just like in the unemployed market.

What is Personnel Management? This is a whole series of scientifically grounded approaches to solving the problems of the enterprise collective. Without a well-functioning human resource management system, successful business is impossible.

The main goal of the management is to select the appropriate personnel and motivate it for a cohesive and collective interaction.

Each employee is a single ring chain, without which the whole system crashes.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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