Planning time: 10 tips from Dan Kennedy

Today we will talk with you about the practice, without which you simply can not succeed, no matter how hard you try: about working time planning .

Who is Dan Kennedy and how does he plan his time?

With the example of Dan Kennedy, a multimillionaire from Phoenix, nature has proved that one person can have many talents.

Dan is a successful entrepreneur, author of books, that instantly become best-sellers, business consultant, copywriter, blogger, teacher, lecturer.

But the main advantage of this unique person is that he generously shares the secrets of his success with those who need it.

Planning the work time from Dan Kennedy has helped many people who are striving for success to reach unprecedented heights.

If you are one of those strong homo sapiens who build their own lives, and do not rely on fate, who prefer to struggle with the continuous whining of "Ah, I'm poor-unhappy", who believe in their success, then you will definitely use 10 effective techniques fromthis American genius.

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10 effective technician from Dan Kennedy on time planning

Technique No. 1. Tame your phone and other equipment.

Mobile phones, faxes, skype and other technical benefits are not only your assistants, but also some kind of enemies who are godlessly stealing your time.

And, worst of all, they act in such a way that you do not notice how you lose priceless hours that could be spent on something useful.

Teach yourself not to be distracted by phone calls or "banging" Skype, if you are busy with something.

Or do not react at all or, having specified in advance: "Do you have something urgent? No? Then I'll call you back when I'm free. "- Put the phone down and go back to work. Working hours are for working calls only.

Chat with your mom, girlfriends, husband / wife, either at lunchtime or in the evening.

Technique No. 2. Business meetings battle!

If you believe American movies, then business people spend their time at business meetings.

In fact - it's not. No successful millionaire will waste his time on empty talk when they can be avoided.

Follow their example and:

  • reduce the number of business meetings to a minimum;
  • many negotiations can be carried out with the help of video chat, telephone, fax, so do not necessarily spend time on the winding in the city;
  • at a meeting immediately take the bull by the horns, and do not start with conversations and weather, then the negotiations will not take you more than 30 minutes;
  • delegate authority: not too important agreements can hold your deputies, assistants, etc.

Technique No. 3. Be punctual.

Agree, it is difficult to require your subordinates or partners to come to work on time, if you yourself have a habit of being late.

You should show by personal example that punctuality is an invariable component of a successful person.

In addition, punctual people are authoritative and disciplined, and these are important qualities for those who are aimed at the top.

How to plan your day: 3 variants of

Technique No. 4. Love making lists.

We have already talked about how important it is for a successful person to make lists of cases with an indication of the time of their execution, why one can not do without diaries, etc. Dan Kennedy confirms this.

It's impossible to remember everything. Sooner or later your brain computer will boil, and you will forget about something important that will throw you back a few steps.

Do not allow such mistakes due to the fact that you are lazy to write lists of cases.

Technique No. 5. Accumulate all your forces at the service of your goals.

Dan Kennedy is confident that most people do not succeed because they have not yet discovered the secret to their effectiveness.

The easiest way to do this is to send all your knowledge, skills, connections and time to achieve some goal.

On the way to the top, ask yourself often: "If I do this, will I go up one level higher?".

If the answer is yes, you are doing the right thing.

If, however, the negative or you are in doubt, it may be better to look for another way.

Technique No. 6. Be sure to catalog your events.

Letters, business notes, reports - learn to save any texts in folders arranged in chronological order.

I, for example, save articles and other materials related to the "Success Diary" site in folders on the computer with the names "May 2015", "April 2014", etc.

If you like printouts and paper folders at the outset, then catalog your events like this.

But I prefer my system: it's more convenient, and you do not need to look for storage space.

Time management! How to properly manage your time?

Technique number 7. Create time blocks.

This is what we talked about: it's not enough just to write a list of cases, it's important to allocate time for their execution.

Be sure to check whether you are within the specified time frame or not.

If there were unplanned malfunctions in your schedule, then the things that have not been done today should be postponed to tomorrow or the day after tomorrow( do not drag on longer!), Putting them first points on your list.

Set a realistic deadline, otherwise the creation of the time blocks will turn into a meaningless occupation.

Technique number 8. Do not get distracted by the stupidity.

Social networks, caffeers with girlfriends, sms correspondence with a guy, an interesting article about a star on the site of gossip, news. .. Do you have any idea how much time you have such a day stealing?

Accustom yourself not to be distracted by them!

At least, do not spend on unscheduled classes more than 1 hour a day! Learn how to fill unexpected time windows.

Stuck in traffic? Your flight was delayed for several hours due to bad weather?

In the queue at the cashier will have to proorchat about an hour?

These unexpectedly formed windows can be useful: read a useful book, listen or watch some video or audio lessons, learn a dozen or two foreign words, etc.

Do not waste this time listening to pop songs from some Hit-FM!

How to start the day right: 5 valuable tips

Technique No. 10. Go against the habits of the crowd.

Do not pay utilities from the 15th to the 20th of each month, do not delay the purchase of products for a week for the weekend, etc.

Do this sooner or later, so as not to encounter the crowd and not spend more time on these exercises than you expected.

Look for, in the end, alternative options: for utilities can be paid using Internet banking, and any goods today can be ordered online with home delivery.

I want to invite you to learn one more method of

to manage your time and increase efficiency.

We include, look, try, experiment:

As you can see, time planning is not a difficult task.

The main thing is to approach it seriously and with the mind.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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