Become an egoist.
Spit at least once the opinion of others!
Stop being afraid of what your mom or dad, or your grandmother, or Aunt Val will think about you from the fifth entrance. It is not up to them to decide who you are and what to do.
Imagine that you are in a world where you do not know anyone and you are told: "You have a chance to start everything from scratch. What would you like to do? ".
Try to honestly answer yourself to this question and go forward - to realize the dream, without looking at the opinions of others.
Love yourself.
"The main human life goal is to give life to oneself, to become what it is potentially. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality. "
Erich FrommPeople who do not like themselves can not be happy, who spoil their bodies with tens of kilograms of smeathers who do not wash their hair that does not care for nails and skin that rape their ownbrain blunt serials.
First, love yourself as you are now, and then gradually begin to do yourself even better( both externally and internally) so that others will love you.
Get rid of the habit of self-sinking.
Did I do the right thing? And maybe a girlfriend was offended by this phrase?
Will not people think that I'm too old for this skirt?
Throw away all doubts, especially those that concern already happened events.
You can not change the past, but you are quite able to achieve the desired in the future.
So why waste time and energy on something that can not be changed anyway?
Do not be lazy to learn new knowledge.
Do you have the opportunity to attend a seminar, sign up for some courses, buy a useful book, learn something new? Use it to the maximum.Even if you have not yet decided what exactly you want to do, any knowledge and skills - the luggage is not heavy, but extremely useful, because you never know what from what you have already learned can come in handy.
Determine the vector of your movement.
This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.
It is necessary simply to calmly, without external pressure, determine what is most important for you in life: career, family, hobby, self-development, knowledge of the world, etc. And then you should prioritize.
Self-development is the foundation of a successful person's life
Identify the sources of your anxiety.
You have to find that aspect of your life that prevents you from finding happiness: the boss, the low salary, the envious girlfriend, the stupid, pulling you to nowhere company of "friends", husband / wife, etc.
And as soon as you find the source of your anxiety, immediately remove it.
Identify the sources of your enjoyment.
Do you like to mess with kids or plants?
Can not imagine your life without communication? Are you just gushing with creative ideas?
Adore paper red tape?
Are you happy when you need to count something?
Cook divinely delicious?
The source of inspiration will help you choose the ideal profession and find a job that you want to run.
Share your dream with loved ones.
Just do not ask how to proceed, but clearly say: "I decided to continue to do so and so on."
Do not let anyone convince yourself, but listen to sensible advice, if any.
Without the help and support of close people it is difficult enough to live.
Even if you do not believe in the successful implementation of your plans - it does not matter, it's also useful: you will work twice as hard to prove to everyone that they were wrong.
Program yourself to succeed.
I've already told you a million times how important a positive attitude and visualization of desires is.
You can not approach the new case with thoughts: "Probably, I will not succeed".
Of course, it will not work if you pre-configure yourself to fail.
Belief in success is the secret of realizing a dream.
Well, making a wish card is not superfluous either.
Do not give up after the first failure.
Every successful person has a couple of stories in the zagashnik, what difficulties met in his path and how he resolutely overcame them.
So: it's true, albeit embellished, but - it's true!
Everyone goes to the stars through thorns, everyone stumbles, falls, and then goes up.
If every successful businessman, scientist, actor turned after the first failure, the world would consist of only losers.
We now turn to the topic of today's conversation: " How to find yourself in the life of ".
I already told you once that I try not to advise anything without experiencing it on my personal experience, not finding a person who tried these tips on myself, without finding a life example that illustrates the topic of the article, or at least - not hearing the recommendations given to youfrom the mouth of a trustworthy specialist.
Today I want to share with you information that I heard from the super-coach at a training in London.
Why is it important to find yourself in life?
Looking at some people, it seems to me that they still have a couple of dozen lives left in store, so they lead to a miserable existence that no longer exists for a reasonable being, but for a unicellular organism.
Others seem to be exerting efforts trying to figure something out there, but they do it somehow uncertainly, like, "oh well, I did not really want this success, I'd better stay on the stove for a while".
The third generally cease to use the brain and look for ways to improve life.
They curse the alarm clock, because they need to gather for unloved work, they keep silent for days, being in the same house with their "second half", because they have nothing to say to each other.
And there is a small category of people who have found their place in life and enjoy every minute of their being.
And this is the paradox: all the categories of people I have named do not even try to change something qualitatively, they are not troubled by the question " How to find oneself in the life of ".
And only those who have already achieved much, continue to improve.
I meet such people at various trainings, seminars.
Kaizen - do not stop improving
I did not go to the training, which I briefly tell you( in my own words, of course 🙂), I did not go because I was too interested in the topic, but because many were very praised by the coach.
After the end of the seminar, I realized that I was praised quite deservedly.
Its recommendations to those who have not yet found their place in life, but very much to strive for it, I hasten to share.
How to find yourself in life: 10 recommendations
And one more advice on the topic,
how to find yourself in life, see in the video:
I'm just confident that after reading this article you will no longer be tormented by the question " How to find yourself in thelife of ".
I believe in your success!