Cold calls: is that?

Do you look into the vacancies on websites and newspapers to find a decent job with no less worthy payment?

Then let us give you a little "tip-off"!

Today one of the most promising professional niches is the sales sphere.

And it's not so important what exactly do you sell - cottages in an elite countryside village or mineral water from a local spill.

To succeed, you will need D'Artagnan's love for life and Margaret Thatcher's determination, but the result is worth it.

And about that, that such cold calls , which are often included in the duties of salespeople, we'll tell you today.

What are cold calls and where does this beast live?

Cold calls are calls that you, the potential sales geniuses, need to make to strangers to realize any "good of life": goods, products, services, and the like.

Let's figure out what else cold calls mean for the company, besides increasing sales:

  • retains potential customers.

    You can roll up to the ceiling of the eye any time, for the 135th time seeing the advertisement of the production of "Colgate" and ironically that in Spanish this name means "Go and hang yourself!", But when you come to the supermarket,shopping basket with this toothpaste.

    instagram viewer

    You also, sitting on cold calls, do not let people forget who you are and what your company does;

  • controls the productivity of all personnel.

    When offering products of your company, you can hear that in the corporate store on X Street you were naughty to the client, and on the street Y - on the contrary, treated to tea with buns and unless you danced a lambada and a cold bell meant for you a little more, than simple "vtyuhivanie" the goods;

  • analyzes the effectiveness of advertising.

    If, in response to cold calls with a proposal to lease space in the new office center, you are told that such a room is known and ready to think, the marketing department is not for nothing to eat its bread.

And first let the handset fall out of your hands and the voice trembles - soon you will overcome your fears, because you have such a responsible mission entrusted to you!

And impartial statistics claim that at least 3% of your cold calls will end with a successful sale:

What is cold calls, we have figured out, it is still necessary to understand what stages they consist of:

  • entry.

    Here it is not necessary to aspire to the laurels of Ellochka the Cannibalist, who could in a few words convey the whole range of feelings, but simply clearly identify herself and the company that you represent when making a cold call;

  • establishing a contact.

    At this stage, you need to know how to address the interlocutor and how much time it has at your cold call.

    Believe me, a young mother on a walk with a baby will be able to listen to you exactly until he begins to climb the hill or run out onto the roadway.

    Then she certainly will not be up to a cold call!

  • call of interest.

    Over time, each salesperson crystallizes his "chips": in the course are jokes, light provocations, special voice intonations and other things.

    This means that you will also master this secret knowledge about cold calls!

  • an arrangement for a personal meeting or a sale.

    It all depends on what cold calls are in your company and what is their ultimate function.

What does it mean: "Cold calls are too difficult for me"?You will succeed!

How to prepare for cold calls no worse than for a combat operation?

Cold calls are not just fireworks of intellect and eloquence, but scrupulous preparation:

  • form the base of potential customers.

    Do not just buy a phone base on the black market and make one cold call after another, spending both your own and someone else's time.

    And the neurosis does not last long!

    It's better to think about the characteristics of your potential client( location, scope, number of employees, management team, business partners, etc.) and carefully, as a first-grade student in a notebook, get all the contact information for cold calls on the Excel tableor use a more "advanced" option.

    And what does it mean to make cold calls to individuals not a waste of time?

    Here it makes sense to buy a base of phones on certain grounds( for example, the place of residence or age).

    As an option - to come up with several speech blanks for each type of client( man, woman, teenagers, old people, youth, etc.), which you dial up on cold calls;

  • develop a general outline of the dialogue.

    The conversation scenario for cold calls should be very flexible, because no one will be pleased to talk with someone like Werther's robot from the "Guest from the Future".

    You should provide only the main points( welcome form, a few questions to "hook", customer needs that are "closed" with the help of your product, the advantages of your products before similar offers), which means the permissibility of improvisation in cold calls;

    Sales Manager: Responsibilities in the work of

  • tune in to positive.

    If a potential customer at a cold call refused to listen to you - this is not proof that your product - bullshit, and you - a rare mediocrity.

    He just was busy or not in the mood.

    Exhale and boldly dial the next number in your database.

    This means that in cold calls you will be lucky a little later!

What is cold calls "with a bang" from the point of view of psychologists?

Cold calls are a psychology of pure water, so let's use the clues of the followers of old Freud:

  • find a good reason to call a person.

    Think about what a cold call means for your interlocutor.

    What is his personal or work problem you can help solve?

    And on a wave of healthy enthusiasm, start dialing!

  • "Smile, gentlemen, smile. ..".

    Unfortunately, you are not a superhero in shining clothes, and therefore your only weapon in cold calls is a velvet voice and a sincere smile.

    If in a conversation you express all the grief of the world, it means that you do not see sales from cold calls until the second coming!

  • cause a lively interest in the interlocutor.

    Tell him, not being shy of his rich vocabulary, how his life will improve after he signs a contract, purchases products, orders a service.

    All this - in a friendly manner, without excessive pressure, which automatically means the effectiveness of a cold call;

  • respect any choice of your potential customer.

    Be able to take a definitive "no" as a matter of course situation from which neither your mood today nor, especially, self-esteem will suffer.

  • always "twist" the situation to a logical conclusion.

    If the person on the other end of the wire says that he is currently busy, do not rush to mentally exclaim that cold calls are a waste of time.

    It is better to ask him when it will be convenient to call back and do it.

    What does cold calling mean?

    It's 1% luck and 99% of dedication!

    If he uses the products of competitors, try to find out what it is good and whether it can somehow improve.

    This means that as a result of cold calls you will get a lot of useful information.

"Rake", which beginners are attacking, while they learn what cold calls

Cold calls are a kind of minefield, so we recommend not to undermine:

  • monotonous intonation.

    When you came to the theater for a performance, you are not interested in the fact that the actor plays his part in the 70th time, he has a cold and tomorrow he gives a divorce with a grymsa-wife?

    You just came to enjoy the art!

    Client also listens to you for the first time.

    This means that you need to try to keep your enthusiasm with cold calls.

    Take breaks to restore emotional power;

  • focus on the product or service, but not on the customer.

    By and large, a person deeply to spit at all and everything, except for himself and his loved ones, and even more so - for your products.

    Better tell me why she needs it, what wishes it will help to realize or what problems to solve;

  • inability to listen and use the information received.

    What does it mean: "There is no time for quality cold calls"? .

    And for cigarette breaks, Friday's gatherings in bars and felting in bed before lunch on weekends there?

    Listen to the client, ask, write down all the information about him, which he managed to find out( marital status, approximate monthly budget, significant dates for him, etc.).

    Otherwise it will remain as cold to the offer as your call.

  • use of phrases-taboos.

    What does it mean to fail cold calls?

    For a better understanding, we give you examples and options for replacing "explosive" words:

Cold calls are a great dish! And with what combination?

If you want to rest next year not in a removable room in Berdyansk or Iron Port, but at least enjoy the beauty of the Red Sea in Egypt, advise you not only to learn what cold calls mean but also to find out what is best for themto combine:

  • sending of electronic letters - an excellent tool for "warming up" the relationship with the client.

    In order for it to bring results, send people links to themed sites, industry news, funny pictures and only occasionally, among all these usefulness and amenities, - promotional offers.

    That's what it means to competently combine cold calls with email marketing!

  • active conduct of social networks.

    Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, Linkedin open wide opportunities for revealing their potential customers.

    Remember - in social life, people rest and talk, and do not look for useful information.

    So provoke, intrigue, initiate discussions, hold contests. ..

  • regular blogging.

    If you will share in it experience, news, give efficient advice, you will soon gain the reputation of the Internet Robin Hood, showering gifts and asking nothing in return.

    Readers will believe you and in the magic properties of the advertised product, which means increasing profits and from cold calls, since you can safely rely on a conversation on a popular blog.

An example of making cold calls according to the scenario is given in the video:

Everyone who does not care about the dream of a beautiful life with honestly earned money can figure out what cold calls of are and how to successfully master them.

This knowledge can become the foundation of your future, it is worthwhile to make a little effort.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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