A sample of the correct filling of the work record book

The workbook is almost the only document in the life of a person, who, with a nostalgic feeling, re-reads it from time to time.

But how else?

On the first page is the name of the company where you first learned what a real corporate holiday and team spirit are, and then more. ..

But how to make it not only give you the opportunity to plunge into memories of places of "military glory"but also battled its impeccability?

We will consider not one sample of filling the workbook and learn all the nuances.

Sample filling the workbook: and what is it and what does it eat?

A workbook is a document that will tell you everything about your glorious work path.

It is informed about the level of education and qualifications, professional path and diligence in the performance of your work duties.

Do not reproach personnel officers with a piece of bread, because the design, storage and maintenance of this document is a responsible job that is strictly regulated by law.

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Filling a work record sample is carried out for:

  • fixing any events in the career of ( reception, transfer to another position, dismissal, rewarding, continuing education, getting additional education, etc.).

    So watch your reputation if you do not want to be fired after a kiss with a colleague on New Year's corporate "for ethical reasons and for 1 million views of drunken debauchery on YouTube";

  • fixing the reasons for awarding and dismissal.

    But getting a prize after the brilliant negotiations is a pleasant thing, is not it?

  • confirmation of insurance and work experience.

    Now, it does not seem so significant, but when in 30-40 years you will not be missed for validol due to a meager pension, you will see how important it is that your documents are properly decorated, as they say, without a bitch andhitch.

Where can I find information on the correct filling of the work record sample?

"You do not need to know everything, you just need to know where to find the necessary information!" - say "advanced" teachers, and we fully agree with them.

The following normative acts will help to fill the working book sample:

  • The RF Labor Code will tell you what this document is from the point of view of the legislator, how to correctly register, maintain and store it( http: //www.consultant.ru/document/ cons_doc_LAW_34683);
  • The Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation will indicate the responsibility of the employer if the forms of personal documents are not maintained, filled out, stored.

    So "schalyavnichat" just will not work( http: //www.consultant.ru/document/ cons_doc_LAW_34661);

  • Government Resolution No. 225 of 16.04.2003 "On labor books".

    Here it contains a sample of how to properly fill out the work book and the liner, as well as set the standards for its storage( http: //www.consultant.ru/document/ cons_doc_LAW_41888);

  • Resolution No. 69 of 10.10.2003 "On approval of instructions for filling labor books" focuses attention of officials on how to correctly correct mistakes made when completing this document( http: //www.consultant.ru/document/ cons_doc_LAW_44948).

Sample filling the workbook: the main rules and common mistakes

The basic requirements for the workbook and a sample of the correct filling: how not to get lost in the three pines?

  • First of all, we must remember that to issue a work book and make it yourself some records you, as an individual, have no right!

    Unfortunately, if you noticed an error when filling out a personal document and it does not match the model, you can only stomp your feet in the office of the personnel officer and shake printouts with excerpts from legislative acts before his nose.

  • The document is filled out for each employee who has worked for the company for more than 5 days, including temporary and seasonal workers.

    A serious liability is provided for non-compliance with this rule.

  • The employee responsible for working with labor books must be appointed by the company's management by an appropriate order.

    It is he who guides the Book to account for the movements of labor.books and inserts to them and is checked with samples of labor filling.

    The best professions for girls after class 11

  • Usually the form of the book is bought by the employee himself, to transfer it to the personnel service for proper maintenance, however, the company can do it, collecting the document cost from it.
  • The book should be stored in a place inaccessible to unauthorized persons, that is, the secretary's office and the conference hall - clearly not the best choice.

    Most often, personnel officers between the occupations hide labor books in securely closed iron cabinets, safes.

    It is given to its employee only at dismissal, when all working moments are "closed".

  • If the former employee is not behind the document, he must be informed where he can pick up his work book or offer to send it by mail.

    In case of its uselessness, it should still be stored at the enterprise for 75 years.

  • Individual entrepreneurs maintain personnel records in the same way as in enterprises.

    In this case, the basis for recruitment may be not an order, but an employment contract.

  • Even if you work part-time, your request for a record confirming your employment is required to satisfy.

    Do this on the main workstation( where you work) based on a copy of the order from the place where you work part-time.

  • If you needed a copy or duplicate of your work record book for public services - safely go to the personnel department and write the appropriate application.

    Whether to take a chocolate bar for a staff manager or limit yourself to a dazzling smile - it's up to you!

Down with errors during filling!

Even in the official papers of the most diligent and executive staff of the whole Russia and the real professional of his business, vexing errors can sneak in, therefore the sample of filling the work book will never be superfluous:

  1. Entries are not made in blue, black or purple, but any other.

    Unfortunately, the normative acts directly indicate that such "artistic excesses" are a mistake and they do not have a place in the correctly completed document.

  2. Entries are made with a marker, a felt-tip pen, a pencil and other writing tools, rather than a pen, gel or ballpoint pen.

    Ask your personnel officer if he takes drawing lessons at his leisure?

    Here, it turns out, why his passion for the variety of colors!

  3. Any words are abbreviated, an abbreviation is used.

    Indicates the lack of professionalism of the personnel officer.

    Maybe you should tell him on what Internet resources you can "pump" your brain?

  4. The title has no signature of the official who is responsible for issuing the labor or printing company.

    The fact is that this error is difficult enough to fix.

    If you need to confirm the length of insurance, and the firm closes, renamed, changes the organizational form or the personnel officer changes, you will have to apply to the archive of the city where the company was registered with the request to issue the relevant certificate.

    So we advise young employees in the hiring process to ensure correct data entry.

    How many years can a teenager work?

  5. Latin numbers are used in the workbook.

    This is a service document, filled in the 21st century, and not the numbering of acts in the ancient Greek tragedy, right?

  6. Errors in spelling of a name, a surname, a patronymic, a date of a birth, an education level are admitted, etc.

    Often negligent personnel officers make this information by ear, and then, having checked with the passport and the diploma, "zamyayut" the problem, so as not to cause the righteous wrath of the authorities.

    Ensure that your personal data is not entered "from the ceiling" into all official papers, but from a passport, diploma, marriage certificate, driver's license, etc.

  7. No information was provided on changes in the name, name, education, etc.

    Did you marry a big love and take your husband's name?


    Do not forget to tell about the happy event in your life to the employee of the personnel service.

    To make the necessary changes, he will need your marriage certificate.

  8. Masking, gluing, blots in information about awards and work.

    If you want to correct the error on the title page, the personnel officer crosses it with a pen with one dash, inserts the correct information and next makes a note about what the new data was made on:

    If the "cant" crept into the job information, then simply cross out this note- it is impossible. First it must be recognized as invalid.

    At the same time, the new entries in the treasured booklet are entered by the number when the error is detected and the data is corrected:

  9. Enter information about the work in the information about the reward, instead of sewing in the insert.

    So often come inexperienced or very lazy staff staff.

    Are not they yours?

  10. They put two seals in the work book sample from one place of work( at admission and with dismissal).

    Your personnel officer should know that the seal is placed only upon dismissal.

  11. Fill in the work record sample more than 6 days after the employee's admission to work.

    Are not too often charming employees of the HR department "chasing teas" and running around during sales hours?

    Make sure that no incident occurs with your papers.

  12. After dismissal, it is not the stamp of the company that is stamped, but the stamp or stamp of the personnel department.

    In this situation, filling in such important securities will be void.

    You just can not confirm the place of your work.

A visual aid, how to fill out the title page of the work record, in the video:

An example of filling a work record book may be needed not only for a personnel officer, but also for any employee of the company, to make sure that his track record is executed impeccably and is ready at any moment to confirm his work experience.

Let this booklet be a testament to your high-profile victories in your chosen career.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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