We all know that without money, it's rather difficult to live, and without your own economy it is almost impossible.
If a rich grandfather does not bequeath to you Microsoft Corporation, then to earn enough money, you need to work hard.
And it often happens that we work, work, and at the end of the month a harmful boss deprives us of a premium or fined.
Unfortunately, 95% of employers try to pay the employee as little as possible, but they load as much as possible.
Charter to deal with such a system, some people start to think about how and how the where to start a small business ?
And the longer they think, the stronger the idea of working for themselves strengthens in the brain.
The business starts to seem very attractive employment.
And entrepreneurship opens the door to a completely different world, a world of freedom and self-expression.
In addition to the solid social status of the entrepreneur, you work for yourself, you determine your work schedule and are engaged exclusively in your favorite business.
Small business starts with the idea of
Perhaps I'll surprise you by saying that small business starts with an idea.
Not from the business plan, as many believe, not with the analysis of competitors, namely with the idea.
The first thing that you should do on the way to the opening of your company is to think through ideas.
After all, you will agree that to make a business plan or analyze competitors, you must first decide on the idea or with what you plan to do.
And you must present your idea in all its glory!
For example, you want to open an English school.
At the initial stage, you should think about the scale of the school: whether it will be a mini-school or a large educational center.
Do you want to attract foreign teachers to work or will you manage local, etc.?
Before starting a small business - we analyze ourselves
As soon as your idea finally ripens and takes shape - go to the analysis.
Before the start a small business, the needs to analyze its capabilities and competitors.
At this stage, evaluate how your idea coincides with your capabilities.
Also evaluate all possible risks.
Remember: without assessing your real capabilities, you risk losing money quickly.
How to get rich?
You also need to evaluate:
- all your knowledge and skills, as well as the possibility of their application in your business;
- the target audience for which your business will be calculated;
- need for room or special equipment;
- availability of sufficient funds or the possibility of a loan;
- the need for staff;
- ways of reorganization in case of an unsuccessful outcome of the case.
Yes, you heard correctly!
Before you start a small business you need to analyze absolutely all the points.
Analyzing competitors
Having weighed all the pros and cons of of opening a small business , and having made the final decision to open a business, we turn to the analysis of the chosen niche.
At this stage, you have to collect complete information about your competitors.
For this you need to compile a card for each competitor.
In the card you can write the most important points for yourself.
For the English school, the following items can be entered into the card: location, time of existence, number of languages, number of teachers, etc.
Remember: only reconnaissance on the ground will give you the fullest idea of the competitor.
At this stage you can visit all schools and find out all the information you need.
And in order to identify the existing shortcomings and strengths, it is advisable to attend a couple of lessons in each school.
So, as an apprentice, you can directly learn from teachers about the work of the school, the level of salaries, the number of students, etc.
However, you can come up with your own methods of extracting information from competitors.
For example, one of my friends arranged for an administrator in a large training center.
Working there, she slowly collected information about other competitors, and in parallel studied the organization of the work of the school itself.
As a result, the girlfriend lured the best teachers with a higher salary and opened a center for rhetoric.
Most small firms are ruined in the first year of life only because at the preliminary stage they neglected the analysis of competitors.
Do not repeat such errors!
Drawing up the business plan for
After you have "formed" the idea, analyzed your own and competitive opportunities - go on to drafting a business plan.
The business plan will help you better understand the structure of the chosen niche, competition and minimum costs at the initial stage.
The business plan should describe everything from an accurate description of the goods sold or services provided to the methods of promoting your company.
It's the only way you'll know exactly how and to whom, you are going to sell your goods or services.
Company registration
Take this point very seriously. Examine existing organizational and legal forms of legal entities.
You can open LLC, JSC, CJSC or IP.
Where to start a small business if you can not decide on the organizational and legal form?
In this case, you have to study the advantages and obligations of all forms of organization. At the initial stage of formation of the organization it will be best to apply to a special accounting agency and be sure to choose a taxation system.
You will also need a bank account and a stamp.
Once all the required formalities are settled, it is necessary to engage in office rent, recruitment and advertising campaign.
Small business loans
At the initial stage, many newly-minted entrepreneurs would like to receive a loan.
However, not all banks can help with this, since most of the banking programs are directed mainly to established business.
Therefore, before applying for a loan, examine all the conditions on which the selected bank works with a small business.
It is not superfluous to find out about the availability of government programs in support of small businesses.
After all, the state often subsidizes some niches of small business. Therefore, ask if there are any in your region.
You can find out about all existing programs in the city administration.
I recommend to see a motivating video,
where the author on the pencils is writing out to beginners -
with what and how to start your own business!
Organization of the work of the company
And now, when everything is formally behind, and you are standing on the threshold of taxation with a bundle of papers approving you as the director, the most difficult and, at the same time, the most interesting stage of your activity begins.
When the organization is established, you have to establish its work, hire employees, purchase equipment and create advertising.
On how you organize the further work of your small business, and your future profit will depend.