How to pass an interview in English?

Today, without the knowledge of English, it is difficult to count on a high-paying job, overseas business trips and a successful career.

Even some state organizations, for example, large museums require their employees to learn a foreign language at a colloquial level.

What to say about international corporations, where free English is one of the key requirements.

If you are aiming to get a job in such a company, then do not worry, how to pass an interview in English , because it was a disastrous interview that ruined many careers.

How did my friend fill up the interview in English?

With Nastya we became friends when, after graduating from universities, we also got a job at our first job.

The girl was ambitious( by the way, her ambitions were reinforced with a red diploma, sharp mind, attractive appearance, work capacity and an excellent set of useful qualities that employers appreciate) and did not hide that she would immediately change her position if she got a better option.

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But Nastya dreamed of working in a foreign company with frequent business trips abroad and emigration later to some developed European country.

Four years after graduation, she was given a chance to realize her dream.

Nastya had a good command of English, so she had no doubt that she would be able to pass the interview.

And she paid for her self-confidence: she could not cope with the British English of her future boss, nor with nerves, nor with complex questions, to which she was not ready.

A friend complained about my failure, describing the reasons why she could not pass the interview.

Her sad experience I used in this article.

By the way, after a while, Nastya still achieved success in another company and has been living in the USA for 3 years( not in Europe, but her friend is happy with everything).

What should you remember about those who want to pass an interview in English?

Suppose you also have a great education, a good command of English and have the necessary set of qualities for raising the career ladder.

For a long time you searched for a position where you could fully realize yourself, and you were invited to an interview for a large foreign firm, having warned that it will take place in English.

What should I do:

  1. Do not panic.

    Calm, as you wish, your nervous system( meditation, valerian, breathing exercises, self-control), but you should not be nervous during the interview, otherwise because of the stress all fail.

  2. Know English at the proper level.

    If your knowledge is limited to "London from the capital of Great Britain" and "hoo from out of the way", then you do not need to lie in the summary that you are fluent in English.

    All the same in the interview your lies will open and you will be expelled with disgrace.

    Improve your English and only then hurry to the interview.

  3. Think about your appearance, posture, manner of behavior, smile, etc.

    And also calculate how much time you need on the road from your home to the office.

    Get out of the house 15 minutes before this time, so as not to be late because of h / n.

    If you arrive earlier, take a walk and calm down.

10 useful tips on how to pass an interview in English

Here are some more useful tips:

  1. Study the list of common questions that are usually asked for interviews and think through the answers in writing.
  2. Take a few English lessons before the interview, preferably with a native speaker.
  3. Do not be afraid to ask questions when the interviewer asks you about it.

    So you take the initiative, and foreign employers appreciate it in their employees.

  4. Behave confidently, but not self-assuredly.


  5. If you do not understand a word in the sentence, but understand the essence of the question, do not ask again "What does this mean?".

    Demonstrate that you perfectly understand your future employer.

    If you do not understand the essence of the question, you better ask again, so as not to put yourself in a fool.

  6. Do not allow yourself to be pressured, learn to respond to "aggressive" questions, through which you check the stress-resistance of the future employee.
  7. Do not make promises that you will not be able to fulfill, and do not lie about your experience, having certain knowledge and skills.

    Of international companies, liars are driven out with the same bang as domestic ones.

  8. Investigate beforehand what kind of company it is, what it does, so that in an interview you can answer what exactly you can use here.
  9. Demonstrate the desire to work in this company.
  10. Let your future boss know that if he takes you, he will never regret it.

3 main mistakes of those who can not pass the interview in English

Let's look at the main mistakes that job seekers allow during the interview.

If you manage to avoid them, then your chances of success will significantly increase.

  1. On the offer "Tell us about yourself"( tell a little about yourself) they begin to talk long and tediously about their life or vice versa, they limit themselves to one koryavykim proposal.

    But this is the first question that interviewers almost always ask at an interview.

    It allows you to make a first impression about you, to assess your level and your adequacy.

    Try to imagine yourself in the best possible light.

  2. Overestimate their strength.

    That's exactly what happened to my friend Nastya.

    Going on this interview, she was "young and stupid"( her words, not mine), so she decided that any company dreams of an employee like her.

    And if so, then you do not need to tighten the grammar and vocabulary, you do not need to learn something about the company to speak in detail, you do not need to think through the answers to the most common questions, etc.

  3. Incorrect behavior at the interview.

    If you make a good impression on the future manager, then you will be forgiven for small mistakes in your spoken English.

    But, if you clamor or vice versa behave cheekily, if you do not like the interviewer, then even the most irreproachable English will not save you from failure.

    Grinding up the knowledge of English, do not forget about other important factors of successful interview.

What if I can not pass the interview in English?

You spent a lot of time preparing for the interview in English, but you were disappointed: took another candidate, not you.

Do not be discouraged.

It is possible that the human factor played or that other candidate had more experience, or more relaxed answered questions, or he has a natural charm, or your future chef with oddities and prefers to work only with men / women.

Video cut - get the job of your dream

The reasons can be any number.

If you really dream about working in an international company, do not give up, continue sending out your resume.

If you show proper perseverance, sooner or later success will smile on you, and you will be able to pass an interview in English and get the work of your dream.

An example of how to successfully pass an interview in English,

is shown in the video:

Of course, you should worry about how how to pass an interview in English , should try to think through all the details in order to increase their chances of success.

But do not forget that it is impossible to fully prepare for the interview, in whatever language it was passed.

Each of the employers prepares a lot of surprises for those whom he hires to work.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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