Is it difficult to start working for yourself?

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I think that you, like me, very often heard complaints from your friends, relatives, and just acquaintances in the spirit: "I'm so tired of working for my uncle!

Pays a little, it takes a lot, but even this time, this useless activity is eaten by Nemer.

I'd like to start to work for myself to have my own time, and to earn enough for a good life. "

Or maybe you yourself have such conversations?

If yes, then for sure you are interested in the topic of today's article.

Though it seems to me that it will interest you only if you were going to start talking.

Why do people start to think about how to start working for themselves?

The stories of most successful people who started work for themselves , are quite similar.

That's why I'll tell you a single story of my friend Oksana, who has been doing copywriting for three years and earns good money on it.

Oksana - the young lady is smart enough, responsible and does not shy away from any work.

She received a philological education and realized that earning decently with his help would be, well, very difficult.

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She tried herself in different spheres of activity, but especially worked for the beauty salon administrator.

And all of it seemed to suit, but I was very sorry for the large amount of lost time.

Administrators worked on shifts: 2/2 days.

There were customers or not, but they had to stay in the cabin from 8.00 to 22.00.

And the authorities, installing a camera near the girls' workplace, forbade them even to read books.

No customers, just sit and stick.

Oksana says that in unloaded days she just climbed on the wall.

How to start a business and not depend on anyone?

But the weekend was very different: the girl had time to earn money and writing articles, and a lot of other things to remake.

And then Oksana thought: why not leave the salon and not start working for yourself?

Soon she did so, and she did not regret her decision.

Advantages of working for yourself

People do not just think about how to quit their boss's "pocket" and at last think about their own business.

Working on yourself has many different advantages, the most important of which are as follows:

  1. You yourself make a convenient schedule for yourself.

    And even if you have to work no less than in the office, then you know for sure that this is a contribution to your future.

  2. No need to waste time and money on travel to the office, if your workplace is a house.

    In addition, the work of the house can significantly save on cosmetics and costumes.

  3. You can maximize the use of working time, without being distracted by gossip with colleagues, orders of the boss, visits of customers, etc.
  4. You can alternate work with cooking dinner, cleaning, caring for a small child, old parents, sports, etc.
  5. You definitely do not miss your own maximally productive working hours.

    If, for example, you work best from 7.00 to 10.00 am, then nothing prevents you from getting up early and getting down to work right away.

  6. You set the daily amount of work yourself.
  7. You do not have to pretend that you work hard, because there are still hours left before the end of the official working day.

    After completing the job, you can walk boldly.

  8. Your profit depends not on the whim of the boss, but only on yourself.

Disadvantages of working for yourself

Of course, it would be absolutely unfair to say that the work on oneself has exclusively advantages and is completely free from shortcomings.

Yet the 180 degree turn of your life has some flaws, which can forever stop you from wanting to work for yourself.

Work as a freelancer: pros and cons!

In my opinion, the main disadvantages of this step are:

  • You will have to do everything yourself.

    You will no longer be able to go to the supervisor for advice or ask a more experienced colleague to help with the presentation.

  • About stable monthly incomes in the form of a salary will have to be forgotten.

    Financially successful periods will alternate with unprofitable.

    In addition, get ready, that in the first months, until you untwist, there will be no big profits.

  • If you work at home, sooner or later you will begin to experience a lack of communication.
  • Not everyone can work effectively if they do not feel control over themselves.
  • You'll have to spend time and nerves, so that you, and your family members, and all your acquaintances get the idea: "Yes, you are at home, but you WORK."

I propose to view a motivating video,

how to start working for yourself on the Internet.

We look, we draw conclusions, we proceed to action!

How to start working for yourself?

Many do not dare to give up a stably paid position and start working for themselves, even if they do not like a lot in life.

People are full of fears and superstitions: "I will not get it!", "I will die of hunger!", "What will people think?", "How will my mother feel when she has to tell everyone that her daughter has somethingdoes everything on the Internet "," Everyone should go to work and hang around in the office from 9.00 to 18.00, and everyone who does not do it is parasites "," Big money can not be earned honestly ", etc.etc.

If you decide to start working for yourself, then first you need to stop thinking about such nonsense and not worry about public opinion.

"Work that brings pleasure is tantamount to rest."
Tamila Magomadova

In addition to this point, the compulsory components of the preparatory phase for work on themselves look like this:

  1. Decide what exactly you will be doing.

    Helps you in this compilation of a list of its main strengths and skills.

    Naturally, you should focus on what is suitable for working for yourself.

  2. Charge a positive attitude and create a wish card.
  3. Draw up a business plan and do not step back from the intended goal a single step.
  4. Describe your work schedule and explain to family members and friends that you do not need to touch on this with such a time, because you are at work.
  5. Already now, start improving your knowledge and skills in order to start earning profits as soon as possible.

Many people dream of working for themselves , but only the most powerful and courageous people can decide to go from fantasy to action.

Are you really going to remain your dreamy loser for the rest of your life?

  • Mar 04, 2018
  • 28
  • 139