How to make money: rules, mistakes, options

Conversation about money( namely, they will now be discussed) is never simple.

The endless battle, led by those who can easily support themselves and their families, and those who constantly need money, will never cease.

I think it's not worth explaining that I'm on the side of the former because I believe that in our time, ways to make money , there are plenty, and many continue to whine and complain not because they can not earn, but becausedo not want to do this.

Today we will talk about what rules to adhere to, if you want to earn, what common mistakes should be avoided.

And I will offer you several options for working on the Internet, which helped to become financially independent to real people.

How to make money: 10 basic rules

I want to immediately warn the whiners, alarmists, sloths who are waiting for a miracle, waiting for that you can say some kind of code word or phrase, how money will appear from nowhere and instantly, move away from the computer.

There are no such recipes in nature and you will not find any incredible discoveries in this or any other article.

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10 basic rules that should be adhered to by those who want to make money , everyone is familiar, but I think that it will not be superfluous to remind of them:

  1. Do not spend more than you earn.

    Yes, everyone wants to dress nicely, eat deliciously, have fun, but if you have not yet earned all this, then live within your means, saving at least a quarter of each salary.

  2. Make a list of your advantages and disadvantages, as well as what you know how to do best.

    This is useful when looking for options for earning.

  3. Well think about whether your hobby can bring money.

    Knitting, embroidery, sewing, making ornaments, fishing, crafts made of wood - all this and more can be turned into a well-paid profession.

  4. Do not try to inherit someone, look for your own ways to earn money.

    If you can offer a unique product or service, then your chances of good earnings will increase instantly.

  5. If you do something, then do it as well as possible, so that you can not find a flaw in your work.
  6. Continually improve your knowledge and skills.

    If, after reaching a certain level of skill, stop, then more advanced competitors will overtake you.

  7. Accustom yourself to the idea that nothing is given for nothing.

    In order to get something, you need a lot, hard, and most importantly - to work wisely.

  8. Charts, to-do lists, scheduling, time management are your best friends, while postponing things for later, frustrating plans, laziness, distracted attention are enemies.
  9. In pursuit of money, do not try to deceive someone, do not use dishonest ways of earning, sooner or later all this will turn against you.
  10. Do not be afraid to take risks( within reason, of course), do not be afraid to look for new ways to earn money.

    No one argues that the work "do not hit a bed" in a warm office from 9.00 to 18.00 - it's charming, but for the modern world - it's a utopia.

5 main mistakes of those who want to make money

One sincere desire to make good money is usually not enough.

From the aspirations you need to immediately begin to act.

But even those who are not afraid to take risks, who are willing to work hard and work hard, do not always succeed.

First of all, this is due to the fact that they commit gross errors:

  1. Begin not to engage in what they have a tendency.

    For example, if you were barely able to draw a triple in Russian at the school and it is extremely difficult for you to combine words into sentences, then do not try to earn money by writing articles.

    Nothing good from this venture will not work.

  2. It is mistaken that work on yourself implies a free schedule: get up for dinner, do personal things, climb as many as you like in social networks, because there is no control over you.

    Nonsense all this!

    Get up early, work at least 6-8 hours a day, do not get distracted by the stupidity!

  3. Look back at others.

    And my mother thinks, and my aunt says, but my neighbor is sure. .. Spit on the opinions of others.

    Even the closest people have no right to tell you, an adult, what to do and how to live.

  4. They retreat back before the first difficulty.

    Alas, ah, but life is a complicated thing that you will not be able to patronize and pamper.

    Failures, as well as successes - are the constant companions of any business.

    Try to minimize the amount of breakage, but accept that they will.

  5. Do not believe in your own success.

    Without a positive attitude can not be in any case, much less in such important as earning money.

How to make money: 5 real variants

For many people, the phrase "big money" is connected either with business, or with politics, or with a show-biz.

I do not argue that achieving success in each of these spheres will help to make big money, but if you do not have a business plan, hate everything that is connected with politics and do not have any talents, then it's silly to choose entrepreneurship, politicking,something connected with show business with his specialty.

It is wiser to turn to the Internet, which offers numerous options for earning.

I will offer you only 5, but each of them is checked by my friends and acquaintances personally:

  1. Writing articles, comments, comments for money.

    There are many exchanges where freelancers can find work: Etxt, Advego,, Copylancer, Weblancer, Freelance and many others.

  2. Resale of goods.

    The principle is simple: you buy things cheaper, and sell them more.

    You can start with online auctions. The most popular in Ukraine: Aukro, OLX, HauBau and others.

    When you understand what you are getting, you can even create your own online store.

  3. Surfing sites, clicking through links, "licking" posts, etc.

    In order to do this, no qualities, except assiduity, and do not need.

    You can find such work on the websites: SEOSPRINT, SEO-FAST, WMmail, PROFITCENTER, etc.

  4. Maintaining your own blog or website.

    This is the way I chose to make money.

    Now not only can I write useful articles for you, but also get money from advertising, affiliate programs, etc.

  5. Maintain public relations, administer groups, search for materials for fan pages and other work in social networks.

    In those social networks where you are registered, you can give your own announcement about job search, or you can help you to already have an existing job.

Predalagyu to view a review of popular sites

for earning on the Internet:

Of course, this is far from all the options, how to make money , you can find yours.

The main thing is not to look too long, but to move from words to actions.

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