What to do on the Internet: useful recommendations

I do not know about you, but I consider the Internet one of the best inventions of mankind.

I was so used to this "little god"( my personal name for him), so fell in love with him that I just do not understand how you could live without him before.

Personally, I was never bothered by the question " What to do on the Internet ?".

I generally do not understand how you can ask about this, when the World Wide Web contains so much knowledge, interesting facts, useful literature, video training, when it allows you to use yourself not only for entertainment or self-development, but also for earning.

However, as it turned out, many believe that the virtual world is social networks, entertainment sites and a video library.

And if all this is fed up, then more to occupy themselves on the Internet and nothing.

These fools I want to prove today that they are fundamentally wrong.

Doing online training

Today, in order to master some specialty, it is not necessary to waste your time, attending courses, adjusting to the ready schedule, which the whole group is engaged in.

instagram viewer

Today you can learn everything by means of the Internet.

For example, one of my friends, instead of degrading during the decree surrounded by diapers and diapers, found what to do on the Internet: she graduated from the City Business School.

I think this is a great opportunity for young mothers.

World Wide Web will help you to complete the courses:

  • foreign language;
  • photoshop and other programs necessary for work and life;
  • of computer programming is an extremely promising and highly paid profession today;
  • drawing, writing skills and other things.

What can I do on the Internet? Earn!

Even the younger generation has not yet gotten rid of the stereotype "in order to receive a salary, it is necessary to go to work, sit out there for 8-10 hours, and any other options - stupidity and fraud."

And the older generation is completely categorical in judgments: only businessmen or bandits can earn big money.

And, nevertheless, you can make good money in the virtual world.

If you still have not decided, than you can do on the Internet , then maybe you'll like the idea of ​​earning here.

You can deal with:

  • surfing sites;
  • "licking", reposting and commenting on social networks;
  • copywriting and writing works of varying complexity for negligent students;
  • running their own site;
  • photo processing;
  • by playing on the stock or currency exchange;
  • sports betting and much more.

You can do something useful on the Internet

Remember the joke: "Girls, no matter who you marry, it will still want to eat."

I'll tell you from the experience of his girlfriend, whose marriage nearly collapsed due to the fact that she could not cook anything except "Mivina", it's not a joke.

Whatever modern views on life you do not adhere to, all the same a woman should be able to cook, to at least occasionally please their loved ones with something delicious, and a man should not shy away from a hammer and pliers with a surprised question: "What is this?".

Housewife? Congratulations, your life is just beginning

In addition, the Internet contains many useful recommendations, having studied which, you can surprise your soul mate with extensive knowledge of how to make repairs, how to care for the garden and vegetable garden, how to grow cucumbers and tomatoes on the windowsill, how to remove a fat stain and others.

And I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules of first aid.

Who knows, maybe someday this knowledge will save a person's life.

How to occupy yourself on the Internet? Have a hobby!

I believe that people who are not addicted to anything, limiting their lives to the concept of "work-home-rest," are boring.

But I terribly respect people creative, purposeful, creative, who embroider a cross, do orienteering, go in kayaks, create ikebans and so on, and so on.

If you already have a hobby, then it will be easy to occupy yourself on the Internet: in the network you can study the news about the sphere of interest to you indefinitely, hang on thematic forums, boast about your achievements, etc.

"Everything you can not find on the Internet can be found on the Internet."
Anna Rumanoff

If you do not know yet what you would like to do in your spare time, the World Wide Web will surely give you a lot of interesting ideas.

Learn what your peers are interested in to find their hobby.

Doing online can self-development

Do not limit your life to social networks and gossip about the stars.

There are so many useful books and videos in the network that it's a sin not to use them to learn something new.

On the Internet you can find absolutely free tips, how to achieve success, how to improve your life, how to improve your relationship with your soul mate, how to plan your time, to manage everything.

If you are subscribed to the "Success Diary", then you want to develop, you are against your brains being degraded.

For example, in addition to psychological literature, I adore reading the advice of people who have achieved success, as well as studying richly illustrated reports of experienced travelers about different countries.

Try to do the same - you will like it!

Off of classes on the Internet! Have fun!

I will lie if I say that I do not use the Internet, as a source for a variety of entertainment.

Social networks, through which I can not only learn about the latest achievements of their friends, but also boast of their own, of course, are present in my life.

I can occupy myself on the Internet with with a lot of interesting things: watch cinematographic novelties without paying for a ticket to the cinema, download your favorite music, listen to it for inspiration, sometimes read some easy "ladies" article to unload your brain,e.

In the entertainment on the Internet there is nothing to worry about if they do not take up all your time.

It is impossible to learn and work for days, it is detrimental to the organism, and it is hard to call such a life happy.

To leave in your life time for a droplet of "laziness", "for a loved one", "for innocent silly things" - right, most importantly, do not get involved in doing nothing.

And now I present to you an entertaining video about what would have happened,

if our grandparents were permanent

users of the Internet.

Two minutes for rest and good mood 😉

I hope that after reading this article, you will never have a question, than you can do on the internet !

  • Mar 04, 2018
  • 96
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