How to learn to read quickly?

Today, we'll talk about how learn how to quickly read the to comprehend the book wisdom, even without having too much free time.

And for what it is necessary to learn to read quickly?

Books are friends of every successful and developed person.

With this truth, only fools or primitive individuals argue.

A tightly stuffed wallet does not make a man out of a monkey, but the head on his shoulders, full of knowledge, does.

You can buy this knowledge only by reading books and useful articles.

But the main obstacle to this is the lack of sufficient free time.

The big employment is one of the main problems of the modern person.

There is so little time, so much time is needed - where can I read it?

I remember how my friend Marina suffered. She is a philologist by education, so she always was "on you" with books.

After graduation, she got a job in a travel agency.

Unregulated schedule, frequent travel, wild fatigue stealing from her time, which previously belonged entirely to books.

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Then she got married, gave birth to a child and there was no time left at all.

Marina suffered and was looking for the answer to the question " How to learn how to quickly read ?".

She tried some techniques, even did some exercises and really after a while she read much faster.

I asked my friend to share the tips that helped her.

And that's what I heard.

How to learn to read quickly: tips that helped Marina

I will say right away that the comprehension of speed reading takes time.

In a day you will not swallow page after page, you really have to try.

However, having put a little perseverance and having spent a bit of precious time, marvel at the results.

Marina says that in order for to learn how to quickly read , it first had to comprehend the art of focusing.

If you are constantly distracted by extraneous noise, to conversations of others, to a TV working in another room, and even - to your own thoughts, then protract on one page for a very long time.

Learn to focus only on the contents of the book and you will not notice how you swallow page by page.

Also Marinka helped:

  1. Performing exercises that contribute to expanding your vision field.

    One of the most effective is the Schulte table.

    These tablets( they are simple and complicated) are squares in which the numbers are arranged in random order.

    On the Internet these tables can be found a great variety, if only you had a desire to find them.

  2. Prohibit yourself to return several times to already read fragments.

    It's hard to do until you learn to focus on a book or an article.

    But, even if you, having delved into your thoughts, missed some piece of text, do not go back to it.

    Let this serve as a kind of punishment for you.

    Gradually learn to focus.

  3. Preliminary acquaintance with the book.

    My friend always read the review and the preface, if it was, and also tried at least to learn a little about the author.

    Thus, even before reading the first page, you get the impression of a book, and the process of reading will be much faster and easier.

Specialists believe that learning how to read quickly, you can and you need

Naturally, all people are unique.

And those techniques that helped Marina, may be useless in your case.

And yet, experts say that it is quite possible to comprehend the art of speed reading.

Of course, it will be much easier for those who generally like books and often use them for their intended purpose, and not as a stand for a cup of coffee.

Reading a lot and different, you yourself will not notice how the speed of your reading will increase.

How to increase your vocabulary: 4 boards

If, however, while friendship with the books you did not work, then start to act carefully, guided by the principle "Do not Harm!".Or else, God forbid, you will develop a bookophobia in yourself.🙂

So, those who only comprehend the art of speed reading, you need to remember a few rules:

  1. Use at the beginning of training some light reading, for example, newspaper or magazine articles.

    The principles are the same: focus on what you read, and do not let yourself go back to the same paragraphs.

  2. Choose a pleasant quiet place to read.

    To comprehend the art of speed reading is much easier at home alone than in public transport amidst noise and crowds.

  3. Going from articles to books, choose those that interest you.

    Do not go down, please, to romance novels or gangster detectives.

    Read autobiographies of famous people, literature on self-development, tips on how to achieve success.

    Believe me, many authors write really interesting and creative, but do not bother.

I propose to learn more about one of the methods of speed reading,

which will help you to spread out all the information you read on the shelves.

We turn on and watch:

What else should be remembered for those who want to learn how to quickly read

Sometimes people who failed to comprehend some technique get angry and begin to repeat at every step: "It does not work!".

And, perhaps, this is not a technique that does not work, but you just knock on the closed door?

Comprehending the art of fast reading:

  1. Resign yourself to the fact that you can not learn how to swallow scientific literature in a few hours if you are not a super genius.

    This is in principle, quite a heavy reading, which you need to approach thoughtfully and slowly.

  2. Remember that you need not just read quickly, but perceive what you read.

    Flipping page by page, but without understanding a word from the written, you are simply deceiving yourself.

    In order to intelligently approach the process of reading, train not only the ability to focus, but also memory.

  3. Sincerely love books.

    If you each time with disgust take a book in hand and hate what you are doing, nothing good will come of this venture.

I think you saw for yourself that learn how to quickly read , it's not so difficult.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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