How to get out of the binge at home: 5 tips from a doctor

Drunkard - a great grief in the family, a drunken drunkard - it's just a disaster, which is difficult to compare with something.

Perhaps people have some good reasons to ruin their life and the lives of their loved ones, systematically drunk, but I somehow strongly doubt it. It's all about weakness and cowardice, and even unwillingness to take responsibility for one's own actions.

Let's agree: I'll tell you, how to get out of the binge at home , and you promise( no, not me, but yourself and your family, what's worrying about you), leave at last such a strong friendship with alcohol.

This friendship will not lead to anything good!

How to get out of the binge at home and how does drinking differ from the usual hangover?

Alcoholics find it difficult to assess themselves adequately. They rarely admit that they suffer from drinking-bout, writing off everything for a hangover and deceiving everyone in a row: "Yes, I can tie it when I want."

You can not!

If you, waking up in the morning, can not think of anything, except for a glass with a saving alcohol-containing liquid, then this is no longer a banal hangover, but a binge. Quit this state at home oh how difficult.

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1) Binge and hangover - what makes it easier to go out at home?

I think, among my readers there are a lot of those who have ever suffered from a hangover. We are all living people, so it is not surprising that, consuming alcohol, albeit usually on a moderate scale, once gave a swing and drank more than usual.

Here from the evening I felt great, had fun, enjoyed life, I felt that you were knee-deep in the sea. And in the morning on the contrary: you feel disgusted and swear that you will never drink again.

Hangover( if it is, of course, a rare guest in your body) - not so terrible and terrible condition as drinking. This infection is similar to insanity, and the consequences of withdrawal are with drug addiction.

Drunk therefore got its name, that a person starts to consume alcohol daily, that is, in fact, he does not have time to sober up, because his body, poisoned with acetaldehyde, requires a new and new dose of alcohol.

Acetaldehyde is a toxin with which a healthy liver copes quite easily. But, if you have ruined your liver with booze, then get ready for all the delights of alcohol poisoning.

2) Drunk is a cunning enemy and to get out of it at home, you need to study it in detail

If you are reading this article and are looking for advice for yourself, not for a loved one, you have serious problems. Drunken alcoholism is a terrible disease that needs to be treated, not at home, but in specialized centers.

Here are some features of the binge to understand whether you can get out of it at home or not:

  1. Drinking from different people can last a different amount of time: as a couple of days - and a month.

    You have to remember: the longer you drink alcohol, the harder it will be for you to cope with the poisoning of the organism at home.

    If continued drunkenness continues for several weeks, it is better to trust doctors, otherwise the consequences can be most unpredictable.

  2. Much depends on how much alcohol you consume per day.

    Even during binge drinking, you need to try to control the amount of alcohol that you absorb. The more the daily rate, the more difficult it will be to get out of the drinking-bout yourself.

  3. Having diseases and injuries will only aggravate your situation.

    If you have a number of health problems without drunkenness, if you have to recover from head injuries and other serious problems, do not drink.

    You do not have the odds that people with strong health have, binge simply kills you, and if not, you can not get out of it at home.

5 tips on how to get out of a long drinking-bout at home

If you continuously booze for a long time( more than two weeks), then get ready for the fact that getting out of the binge at home will be very difficult. Are you frightened to be tortured?and it is better that someone from loved ones is always nearby.

Useful tips that will help to get out of a long drinking binge:

  1. Do not quit drastically.

    Yes, no matter how scary it may sound, but drunken drunks can not abruptly abandon the consumption of ethanol, which their body requires.

    Just for three days, reduce the dose you consume until you go to zero.

  2. Drink plenty of liquids( not containing alcohol, naturally).

    Your body is dehydrated and needs detoxification. This requires liquid, and - in large quantities.

    In the house there should be large reserves of mineral water, juices, fruit drinks, kefir, tea( tea should be drunk not strong with the addition of sugar and lemon).

  3. Food is your friend, do not reject it.

    When normal people drink, they also eat and eat. The alcoholic does not need a snack( the picture of sniffing a drunk ryomashki crust of bread, and even the head of a neighbor - not fictions of writers and directors, this is a harsh reality of alcoholic everyday life).

    If you are trying to get out of the binge, start eating. It should be a lean, healthy food: soups, broths, eggs, vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, etc.

  4. Drugs are not a luxury, but a necessity.

    It is not necessary to experiment with medicines in large quantities, but here activated charcoal for detoxification, aspirin, analgin, nose-pa to relieve pain and spasms, will not hurt.

    And still it is possible to drink herbal decoctions: thyme, wormwood, centaury, peony, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, etc. Ask the pharmacist - you will be given what is needed.

  5. If possible, save the dropper.

    In hospitals from drinking-bout is taken out with the help of droppers with saline solution.

    You can not put it on yourself at home, but if you have a familiar doctor, invite him to your home and take this chance to cleanse your body.

How not to try to get out of the binge at home?

Often people, trying to get out of the binge sooner, make the mistake after the mistake and further exacerbate their situation and worsen their well-being.

What can not be done at home, trying to get out of their drinking-bout:

  1. Get involved in physical activities.

    One of the popular anti-alcoholic recipes is exercise to improve blood flow and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

    But do not confuse the usual hangover and getting out of the binge. Your body is already weakened, but your heart already has to cope with heavy loads.

    Do not kill it completely.

  2. Take a contrast shower.

    Your vascular tone is impaired due to excessive drinking.

    Stress in the form of hot and cold water can lead to the most terrible consequences - with a heart attack inclusive.

  3. Take too much medication.

    It is clear that you are ill, all processes are broken, you can not sleep, you can not eat, everything hurts.

    To improve their condition, some begin to take a handful of painkillers, antipopodsmelnye means, polishing it all with sleeping pills.

    Liver and so difficult to cope with alcohol poisoning - do not finish it off completely.

But the greatest danger lies in the fear of trusting doctors.

If you feel very bad, if vomiting and cramps do not stop, if the pain in the abdomen, chest, head does not want to let go, if it seems to you that you are dying, immediately call an ambulance.

Delay in this matter threatens you with loss of reputation and life.

How to go out with a binge at home and continue to live a full life?

I did not accidentally start the article with a phrase about how terrible a tragedy comprehends the family if a drunk appears in it.

I had the misfortune to personally observe the picture that unfolded in the family of my close friend. Her native uncle from an exemplary family man and a good merry man turned into an angry alcoholic all over the world.

Then the whole family struggled for almost a year - asked, supported, persuaded for treatment. And the person seemed to have heard nothing, plunging over and over again into drinking bouts. He ruined his health so much that it seemed - one more time, and he could no longer get out of the state of alcohol poisoning.

At one point the wife and children could not stand it and abandoned it, having spun Uncle Mitya to his mother. There, booze, despite all her requests and tears continued. The last and most terrible lasted 12 days. To leave it at home the man could not and he had to be hospitalized.

From a hospital in which Uncle Mitya's body was cleared for a long time from acetaldehyde, he went for treatment. Almost on the verge of life and death, he finally realized that he must quit drinking forever and never touch alcohol again.

He has not been drinking for 2 years. During this time, Uncle Mitya reconciled with his family, found a good job, in general - completely returned to life.

Alcoholism, even if it's drunk, is not a verdict.

Quitting a binge is a serious decision that will only improve your life!

How to deal with this condition, see in this video:

If you understand that you can not cope with your problem on your own, then you need not look for advice, how to get out of the binge at home , and ask for qualified help.

If you do not, then sooner or later addiction will kill you.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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