How to quit smoking yourself: the instructions of American therapists

The song "Smoke cigarettes with menthol" is already not inspiring you?

And then the relatives itch in two ears, like a flock of enraged wasps: "Find out how quit smoking itself, and stop baiting yourself and everyone around!"

If even the bosses at work rushed into the ranks of adherents of a healthy lifestyle, then there is nowhere to go - with cigarettes will have to say goodbye.

We will be happy to assist you in this commendable matter.

Houston, do we have a problem or a thousand and one reasons to learn how to quit smoking yourself?

To motivate you to stop smoking on your own and then make you shy away from cigarettes, like devils from incense, we suggest first looking at the infographics on the dangers of smoking:

"You know, I never thought that" Until the thunder breaks - the man does not cross himself "- thisabout me.
For 30 years I smoked, sometimes "announcing" to my family that I was throwing cigarettes, but then I found a lot of "excuses": they say that I have a responsible job( 300 cadets in submission), and all my friends smoke.

instagram viewer

It was so smooth until the moment the ambulance took it with a heart attack. And all - how my several decades of "tobacco" experience cut off. To live it would be desirable, instead of to smoke!
So do not repeat my mistakes "- advises Colonel Vladimir Lenyuk from the Ukrainian city of Kamyanets-Podolsky.

The road will be mastered by the going: 12 tips on how to quit smoking yourself

So, the last time you bitterly sigh over the started pack of cigarette, urge a mean male tear and read about how to quit smoking yourself.

1) At the start, attention, march: 2 first steps of those who decided to quit smoking

  • rush to quit smoking abruptly, as in cold water - without any "from tomorrow", "from the New Year", "immediatelyafter the birthday of Sharik. "

    And tell us about the epoch-making decision not to smoke your loved ones, so they will not let you get lost;

  • discard all accessories that remind you of smoking, forget about all the rituals that accompany this process.

    Lighter donated by a friend Serega, an ashtray with a naked mermaid, a cigarette "stash" in the kitchen and even a sweater with deer in which you go out on the balcony to smoke - to a dump!

2) I see the goal - I do not see obstacles: 10 tips not to break if you need to quit yourself

  1. At least for a while, give up coffee and alcohol - eternal companions of smoking.

    Of course, coffee and cigarettes in the morning - it's languid and "vanilla," but what about morning in the department of oncology, where they put you with lung cancer? Will it be just as beautiful?

  2. Get a journal of the "thrower" if you can not quit smoking once and for all.

    In it, fix every day, as the amount of smoked tobacco decreases( and your self-esteem grows in parallel!).

  3. If you need to stop smoking on your own, drink plenty of water( 1.5-2 liters per day).

    Do you want to surprise your long-suffering organism? Instead of tobacco smoke, offer him a non-carbonated "mineral water".

  4. Find the cigarette "replacement", if you do not want to smoke.

    When it seems that from the desire to smoke your eyes on the forehead climb, try to take in your mouth instead of a cigarette cud, apple, mint candy, candy for quitting smoking.

    5 folk healers to those who want to quit himself, recommend:

    • 1 tbsp.usual soda to dissolve in 1 glass of warm boiled water. As soon as the hand reaches for a pack of tobacco, rinse your mouth with liquid and then the cigarette will seem even more muck;
    • make yourself a roll of rosemary leaves, when there is no strength, how you want to smoke;
    • 250 grams of oatmeal crushed in a blender should be thrown in 0.5 l of boiling water. Infuse this mixture for 1 hour, then strain. Take 100 ml with 1 tsp.honey, when you will "cover" the desire to smoke;
    • for 1 tbsp.dandelion, valerian and cats pour 1 cup of boiling water and insist under the lid until it cools down completely. After a few sips of this "rattling" mixture you need to drink when your feet are carried to a cigarette kiosk;
    • 1 tbsp. Hypericum pour 1 cup of boiling water, then drink instead of the usual coffee and tea throughout the day. And your nerves will be alright, and you will want to smoke less!
  5. Boot yourself to the maximum when you try to quit smoking yourself.

    Yeah, and now it's time to work hard at the office( and not smoke, stopping the proms in the "smoking room" every half hour), go in for sports( get last year's sneakers and that sports suit that has already out of fashion until you are "ripe"before classes), to put things in order in the house( and "oh, how many wonderful discoveries are prepared for us" by the native house in the form of broken videos, grandfather chess and old student photos).

  6. If you need to quit smoking on your own, and become completely unbearable, then take respiratory gymnastics.

    There are excellent complexes on the Internet. You look - and while coordinating hands-feet with breaths and exhalations, then the desire to drag on snuff is gone!

  7. Find those who will quit smoking with you.

    Together with a friend of Lehy's childhood, it's good not only to drag the piano to the eighth floor, but also to quit smoking. Take each other "weakly"( who will last longer without nicotine) - and let the strongest win!

  8. Two weeks!

    Remember that only these two "passions of Christ" will last for two weeks.

    If you survive these 14 days to quit smoking yourself, you can uncork a bottle of wine from 1915 that your grandfather dug in the garden and celebrate the victory over tobacco, as most likely you will never return to this bad habit.

  9. Do not be afraid to recover when you quit smoking yourself.

    There is no connection between a withdrawal from nicotine and a set of weight. But between the presence in the refrigerator of pies, chocolate sweets, waffle cake and an irresistible desire to shove something into your mouth instead of a cigarette - straight.

    Therefore - the control, and once again control over your "hikes" in the kitchen. Think three times before you use nicotine patches, nicotine gums, special inhalers, hypnosis, plots, acupuncture, and other "shamanism" in order not to smoke.

    All that is needed in order to quit smoking independently is a great desire and willpower, everything else is from the crafty and sales managers.

Step-by-step instruction from American therapists on how to quit smoking for 5 days

Are you a real "Mr. Organization", next to which even Mary Poppins seems like a slob?

Then catch the action plan for the next 5 days, how to self-quit smoking:

  • during these heavy 5 days you have to get up half an hour earlier than usual.

    No, we are not monsters, we advise for your own good, so that it would be easier for you not to smoke!

  • on an empty stomach it is necessary to drink on half-liter pure, still water.

    This is not a cappuccino in a fashionable cafe to whip!

  • for all 5 days, eat only plant food ( vegetable soups, salads, fruits, stewed vegetables, stew and other vegetarian "joys").

    So, yesterday's cutlets will finish the cat. We think he will not object that you are thus throwing cigarettes;

  • increase these days the physical load to quit smoking once and for all.

    Hmm, going for 2-3 stops with a peshochk to work is not heroism, my friend, it's called "Saving Private Ryan" from hypodynamia!

  • on the fourth day will come "enlightenment", and on the fifth you will finally fix the result.

    Everything, here it is - a new wonderful life without cigarettes!

When the battle is lost, but not war: 7 main mistakes of those who thought how to quit smoking

When preparing for the "epochal" battle for one's health, one should know about the mistakes most often prevented from quitting:

  • firmly believe that it is impossible to throw cigarettes by yourself.

    Come on! Are you seriously?

    People are able to conquer Everest, create artificial intelligence and land on the moon, and refuse any harmful garbage - in any way?

    You obviously underestimate the strength of the spirit of man! Reconsider old Soviet films about the Great Patriotic War and ashamed of your cowardice!

  • start celebrating the victory of nicotine addiction too soon.

    Oh, no, if you, reluctantly, refused the "legal" morning cigarette, this is not yet an excuse with the kind of Athos elder to condemn colleagues in the smoking room for a weak willpower.

    Merciless statistics claims that they themselves usually throw a cigarette with 5-7 attempts;

  • "hanging out" in the smoking companies, until you finally threw the "tobacco demon".

    Friend, it's as if a Catholic priest, who had voted celibacy, regularly visited the brothel to "just look."

    Time with companies where they smoke, until you can look calmly at a person with a cigarette in their hands;

  • self-quit smoking, but without a specific purpose.

    This is a guaranteed failure! Calculate better how much you can then save on the journey of your dreams.

    By the way, quitting smoking somewhere in sunny Spain is much easier than in your own home office "crib".

    And someone can be inspired by the idea of ​​how he will share secrets of longevity with the readers of the republican newspaper in 102 years.

  • does not tell anyone about one's desire to quit smoking.

    No, it's not going to work!

    Tell us that you are going to stop smoking yourself and to everyone who meets on your way, and even with specific deadlines. Hang up motivating notes all over the apartment.

    Block yourself all the moves "to retreat"!

  • switch to "light" tobacco products in order to smoke less.

    Yes, you finally remove these "rose-colored glasses"!

    The fact is that these cigarettes make you smoke more often and tighten deeper to get your dose of nicotine "buzz".

    And as a result, your laudable intention to tie yourself up with smoking is lost in cigarette smoke.

  • switch to electronic cigarettes, in order to independently stop smoking.

    These newfangled gadgets, as a rule, also contain nicotine, causing addiction, so quit smoking with them - it's a thankless task.

We are confident that you will cope with this addiction!

Help you with a video with the 10 most popular ways:

TOP-5 books on how to quit smoking independently: twist the self-locking hand will not rise!

No. Item No. Item Author
1 Author
1 "Easy Way to Quit Smoking" A. Carr
2 "How to 100% Quit Smoking, or Love Yourself and Change Your Life" D.Kipnis
3 "The Psychology of Positive Change. How to get rid of bad habits forever » D. Prohazk, D.Norkross and K. Clemente
4 " Change your life with NLP " A.Iton
5 How to overcome bad habits. Spiritual way to solve
Ch. Diprak

We are 100% sure that among all the methods, , how to quit smoking , you are sure to find one that will help you. Let this little victory over yourself become only the "first swallow" in the sequence of your grandiose accomplishments.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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