Are "harmful" products harmful?

What does healthy food include? Eating food on the regime, there is little and most importantly - to avoid harmful foods.

And, in fact, what products are considered harmful? This is the most difficult moment. According to some dieticians, it is not worth eating butter, because it is the main source of cholesterol. And others believe that the number one enemy for a healthy diet is yeast baked goods and white bread. Still others are absolutely sure that all this fades in comparison with the potato - the source of starch.

And a similar list of harmful products that are guilty of our poor health and excess weight can be continued for a long time. But is it so "devil is terrible, as he is painted"?


According to the author of a number of popular books on dietetics, Moscow artist Lissi Mussi, cheese, like other dairy products, contributes to the accumulation of excess weight is much more than other products. And based on this, it proposes to completely abandon its consumption.

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Most are afraid of cheese because they consider it to be an excessively greasy product. And the figures on the package are guilty of this( for example, the fat content is 60%).Seeing them, you can not help imagining how this fat settles on your waist. But very few people know that this figure refers to the proportion of dry matter, and not the cheese itself. And if you count again, it turns out that with the indicated fat content of 60%, the cheese itself contains only 24% of fat.

Of course, cheese is a high-calorie product, especially if it is goat or sheep. But in terms of caloric content, he still loses meat. Yes, and the cheese protein our body absorbs much easier than meat.

And finally - the cheese is rich in a cocktail of calcium, vitamins A and D, phosphorus and zinc, without which strong bones, clean skin and healthy teeth are unthinkable.


Caloric value of 100 grams of butter equals 600 kcal. But. .. Do you often eat 100 grams of butter in one sitting? And if you think about how many and how often we eat it, it immediately ceases to be such a terrible product.

Science has long proven that when frying from butter, a large number of such compounds harmful to our health, such as carboxymethyllysine and hydroxymethylfurfural, are not released. Of course, they are present in it, but their content is so small that health can not be reflected in any way.

But those who want to get rid of excess weight, butter is necessary. After all, like other animal fats, it helps maintain the natural elasticity of the skin. And constantly using butter, you happily avoid the fate after losing weight to stay with the skin - "shar pea skin".

Despite the fact that it is impossible to name oil as a dietary product, it is still not an eerie monster.

Ice cream

A delicious product that combines so much harmful: fat damages the figure, sweet - health, cold - the way to colds and sore throat. ..

But the popular Argentine dietician Bernardo Lafuente advises her patients to eat ice cream daily. According to the nutritionist, thanks to the high content of calcium in ice cream, it helps to burn calories. In addition, it is rich in proteins, lipids, fibers, minerals and amino acids.


More recently, eggs were a classic breakfast dish, and today they are branded with a source of cholesterol and salmonella.

In fact, the egg will contain about 5 grams of fat, which can not cause an overabundance of cholesterol in the body. In addition, the eggs contain such essential components for health as phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, folic acid, zinc, iron, selenium, vitamins A, D, E, group B and high-quality protein.

Eggs are also a good antioxidant. According to scientific research, women who ate eggs in adolescence are much less likely to develop breast cancer than women who have not eaten eggs.

But with salmonella it is more difficult. This problem really exists and it is real. Although in order to cope with it, simply do not eat raw eggs.

Yeast and yeast bread

How many scarecrows goes about the harm of white bread, which kills our figures and about yeast baking, because of which the fungus develops in the body, which can not be cured and it will live in our blood!

Yes, stumble on the web on the history of the mysterious fungus - the production of yeast bread, you can. Scientifically, no one confirmed this information, and, moreover, its distributors do not know that at temperatures above 100 °( bread is baked at a much higher temperature) live yeast does not survive - their spores and cells die already at 75 °.

In addition, yeast is contained not only in bread, they are in grapes, kvass, beer and other products. Fungus can cause disease in people with weakened immunity and those with individual intolerance, but such cases are rare.

Yeast is a high-protein product, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is especially rich in vitamins of group B, responsible for energy production, as well as supporting our mental and emotional state. Since these vitamins are not able to accumulate in the body, their supplies have to be replenished regularly.


The one who loves pasta, be sure to suffer from them. If they do not destroy it, as it was sung in a once popular song, but at least they will sink in excess weight, increase the level of glucose and even increase the risk of oncological diseases due to the high content of starch.

But let's start in order. In a flour of firm grades which goes on manufacturing of qualitative macaroni products, the carbohydrates which the organism will very long assimilate contain. So, it's not from them to get better, they can even lose weight. An example of this can be Sophia Loren, who loves pasta and eats them almost every day. The star itself explains this by the fact that pasta is a healthy meal, especially if served with vegetable sauce or tomatoes. But it has been weighing no more than 60 kg for several decades with an increase of 173 cm.

We get a high level of glucose by eating macaroni from purified flour, and only if they are well-brewed. The same can be said about the high content of starch. As for the relationship of cancer development with macaroni consumption, this myth has not been scientifically confirmed in any way.


Potatoes contain a terrible poison of solanine, which is dangerous for our health. In addition, the potato contains a huge amount of starch - carbohydrate, which is the main reason for weight gain.

Scared Solanine does indeed exist in potatoes, but he accumulates gradually in it. According to experts, with proper storage and protection from exposure to sunlight, the potato is absolutely harmless to our health somewhere until February.

Now about starch. He, as it turns out, is also not so dangerous for our figure. This carbohydrate is so quickly processed by our body into energy, that there is practically no time to participate in the creation of fat deposits.

But potato is a good diuretic, it helps to remove swelling, and due to the high calcium content it has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. Although if you are a fan of French fries, then you should not hope for all the healing properties of potatoes.


One of the culprits of the general obesity of the American nation is popcorn. Sitting in front of the TV and consuming this fatty product, you will not even notice how you will become fat.

But stop, what kind of fat is it, if popcorn is ordinary corn? Means the harm from it as much as from any other grain. And even more likely not harm, but good, because popcorn contains a lot of fiber, it is nourishing, but it does not harm the figure, because it is very quickly digested.

Here it is worth remembering additives to popcorn and the way it is cooked. Oil, flavors and food additives make it more tasty and sold. But this delicacy can be easily prepared at home. And here is to replace fat, salt, sugar and other supplements with a variety of spices.

And one more thing - popcorn is better to be considered a full meal, and not a snack.

So, it's not worth it to head off the long list of "harmful products".It is better to think about how you prepare them yourself. Perhaps, frequent guests on your table are pasta with a fat sauce or sauce, fried in oil, potatoes and a sandwich of white bread with butter and a thick piece of sausage top? Then do not be in their problems with the figure and health blame the products. Their guilt is certainly not there.

Nutrition and Health
  • Mar 08, 2018
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