Boomerang law: all yours will come back to you

It would seem, what attitude does the Aboriginal menacing weapon have to psychology?

As it turned out, the most direct!

Today this phrase exists in two meanings: experts in the field of propaganda and educational psychology treat it differently than the common people understand.

What is the " boomerang law " in the understanding of different specialists, does it really exist and what should be done to ensure that only good things return to you - the topic of today's article!

The effect of the boomerang: the terminology of psychologists, political scientists, teachers

In the specialized literature this phrase is treated as an effect that produces on a person or a group of people any information. And this effect is generally the opposite of what is expected.

Very often, this happens because the information distributed:

  • is outdated and does not keep pace with the times;
  • is not true;
  • comes from a source that is not trusted and which causes hostility from the audience.
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Very often, this is the case during elections.

For example, such a number of black PR starts to pour out, that voters, instead of hating him, begin to sympathize and sympathize with him.

The boomerang effect of is often used by the public relations managers of the stars to attract attention to their client and return the love of the public.

What is the deja vu effect?

Here, for example, the latest Russian scandal with intimate photos and videos of Natasha Koroleva.

The notorious deputy of the State Duma Milonov, a well-known fighter with gays and debauchery, proposed to deprive the star of the title.

The public in the main bulk of her instead of being outraged, sided with the artist.

And if you consider that knowledgeable people believe that this video and photos of the Queen put on the net herself to warm up the dying public attention, it becomes clear that she achieved the desired.

The law of boomerang: how do ordinary people understand it?

The fact that our ancestors knew about this phenomenon well before the psychologists took up its study is evidenced by proverbs: "What you sow, you'll reap", "How will it turn up, and will respond", "How to harness, andyou will go ", etc.

Much attention was paid to the way of life, words and even - thoughts.

The principle of boomerang was also cultivated by priests, because then the church played an important role in people's lives. They urged people to lead a righteous way of life, not to sin, and then they will be rewarded, if not in this, then in the next life.

. .. however, the priests themselves were often far from the righteous way of life, but this is a completely different story.😉

"Everything done by a person, to it also comes back!"
The law of a boomerang.

Until now, you can find an explanation: "This kind of misfortune has led the family for the fact that their grandmother cursed the whole village, or there she did some nasty things to her neighbors, or her husband left the family, etc."

Of course, often misfortunes happen either because of our fault, or because life without problems is simply impossible, but you can not discount the principle of a boomerang in any case!

How did my former boss believe in the boomerang principle?

After university, I worked for a couple of years in one organization.

My boss was, in general, a woman not too bad, and a good specialist, but she was terribly fond of getting everything for free.

Plus, she was not shy of someone to cheat or break, if she could benefit from such an act.

Sometimes it seemed that she did not understand why there are some repair shops, construction teams and other organizations, if you can always ask someone from your friends to help a weak and defenseless woman.

Tips how to correctly guess the desires of

She lived with such a way of life is very good, because she convinced herself that there are no higher forces, that you do not need to answer even your conscience, but with such nonsense as effectboomerang - this is not for her, because she does nothing terrible and criminal does not.

So, for the little things, because everyone lives like this.

But someone at the top probably thought that the little things accumulated too much.

Having borrowed a loan from the bank, she was sure that she could, as always, somehow with him, but did not calculate the balance of her forces and rival.

Everything ended badly: it lost its collateral - an apartment left by the parents.

After this incident, I no longer heard her reflect on the subject: "I do what I want, and nothing will be for me".

I hope that she changed the way she lived.

How not to become a victim of the boomerang law?

One of my most beloved life mottos is: "Do unto people as you would have them do unto you."And I am sure that this wisdom concerns not only actions, but also our words, thoughts, habits.

I have formed for you a few life tips that will help you get from life only good, and will not let you learn the sad experience from the boomerang effect:

  1. Do not gossip.

    Even if you do not come up with anything, but retell to other people the bad deed of someone from your mutual friends, this negative will necessarily leave its mark on you.

    If you are scratching someone's bones today, be prepared for the fact that tomorrow you will become the object of gossip.

  2. Never wish evil to another person, even mentally.

    Even if he is guilty before you, seek justice by legal means and believe that he will be punished by higher forces, but do not curse or send all the Egyptian executions to his head.

    Part of the curses will come back to you.

  3. Do not make people evil.

    Even if you get a huge benefit, even if everyone around does this, even if you think that in another way you will not be able to learn the formula for success.

    Spilled by someone through your fault, tears will fly back.

  4. Do not envy.

    Someone has achieved success today, but if you apply due diligence, then you will achieve what you want tomorrow.

    Envious and angry, you will not achieve anything, just blacken your soul.

    And the black soul attracts the negative and troubles from the whole Universe.

  5. Do as many good deeds as you can every day.

    Even the smallest, at first glance, good will come back to you.

    And imagine how much happiness you will see on the horizon if you give many people good.

I recommend watching a life movie about the boomerang effect.

It's funny, but there is some truth in it!🙂

And the last tip - always be in a good mood and think positively.

Each given smile, kind word, courtesy markers( thank you, please) will definitely return to you by boomerang law.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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