Products for the brain: TOP-10 products for the brain

  1. Walnuts.

    Well, it's not for nothing that the fruit of this tree is suspiciously reminiscent of the shape of the human brain. Nature literally screams to us: "Eat me!"

    In walnuts are full of vitamins, folic and fatty acids.

    The only minus of this product is calorie content, so do not get too involved.

  2. Greenery and leafy vegetables.

    If you watch foreign films, you probably saw how salads look that are served to the table: lots of different grass!

    This is a delicious salad - it must be: the more mayonnaise - the better!

    And if you also take into account, so useful mayonnaise is sold in stores, you can be sure: your body gets all the "best", well, there, preservatives and dyes all sorts. .. well, just yum-yumka. .:)

    Cabbage, spinachand lettuce leaves should be eaten by everyone, since in addition to the vitamin complex and useful acids there is iron.

  3. Cocoa.

    Mom used to make this drink for you?

    Tell her "Thank you!" And be sure to take the recipe.

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    Scientists have found out that the antioxidant flavanol contained in cocoa beans normalizes the blood circulation of the brain and prevents the appearance of sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

    So, a cup of cocoa a day or a couple of pieces of extra-chocolate will help you avoid these troubles.

    How to prolong life: advice of scientists

  4. Fish.

    The fact that the Japanese - a nation of long-livers and geniuses-inventors at the same time, directly depends on their nutrition. The main product in the Japanese diet is fish. The Soviet practice of arranging a fishing day on Thursday was very correct.

    The most useful varieties of fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, capelin.

  5. Whole grain.

    Wheat, bran, barley, brown rice, oatmeal - folic acid and vitamin B6.

    They help improve blood circulation in the brain, and hence - improve mental activity.

    These products are especially useful for children and older people.

  6. Eggs.

    Did you know that with age, the brain is drying up?

    It is possible to delay this most unpleasant process if you eat foods high in lecithin and vitamin B12, which are high in eggs.

    But do not abuse this product.1-2 eggs a day, preferably for breakfast, is quite enough!

  7. Olive oil

    Yes, it's not a cheap product.

    Especially in shops the price of olive oil of the first pressing is biting.

    But the cost of drugs in pharmacies is also far from normal, so do not economize on health.

    Use this oil at least as a dressing for salads, and you not only can avoid age-related intellectual disorders, but also will not suffer from elevated cholesterol.

  8. Blueberries.

    The main source of antioxidants anthocyanins.

    The chemical composition of blueberries makes the walls of the vessels elastic, normalizes blood pressure, improves brain function, vision, coordination.

    Consuming a lot of this berry, you can avoid age-related brain diseases.

    In summer, eat fresh blueberries, and for the winter make the workpiece: grind the berries with sugar and store in the refrigerator the mixture obtained, and the cold can wave with a pen!

  9. Apples.

    This is perhaps one of the most affordable products for us from all of the above.

    These fruits are cheap, but the benefits of them for the walls of blood vessels are huge.

    Regularly consuming apples, you can reduce the likelihood of cerebral hemorrhages by half.

    And so the recipes with apples there is simply an incredible amount.

  10. 10. Products with glucose.

    This useful sugar is found in berries( raspberry, cherry, watermelon, strawberry), fruits( bananas, plums), vegetables( pumpkin, carrots, potatoes).

    If you consume enough glucose, you will not complain about delayed thought processes and bad memory.

It would seem that we all know the basics of proper nutrition.

At school we were told what products are useful, which ones - not very.

It is clear that in the life cycle it is not always right to eat, but we try to diversify our menu with vegetables and fruits, useful bread with bran, fatty fish and other things.

And still, when complaining about your health to a specialist, we hear a boring question: "What do you eat?"

It would seem that it is appropriate if you complain about digestive problems, but what is the relationship between power supply and memory deterioration, fastfatigue, drowsiness, lethargy?

It turns out that there are special products for the brain that improve mental processes.

So, my today's mission is to tell you, what products are useful for the brain of !

Let's go!

Products for the brain: stupidity or a proven fact?

The issue of nutrition today raises controversy.

There are two irreconcilable camps: champions of a healthy lifestyle and omnivores, who argue most of the arguments with the phrase: "Yes, how much of that life, you need to eat what you want!"

Sometimes these groups resemble specific sects, recruiting new members extremely aggressively. ..

WhenOn the Internet, I accidentally came across a discussion of vegetarians and meat eaters.

I was enough for 2 pages, after reading which I was sure that I could never eat anything more.

This can not even be called a dispute.

It was a bloody massacre with the use of mats, attacks like "You are murderers!" And funny jokes. It is clear that both are wrong.

You can eat as you like, but the fact that there are special products for the brain is a verdict that can not be appealed.

Today's society is so intransigent in any issues that sometimes it becomes scary!

18 tips on how to improve the memory of

Vkontakte I read a column of one famous blogger. He writes with tremendous humor about everything: about politics, about his travels, about his parents.

And one time he wrote posts about vegetarianism. Here is his phrase: "I am a convinced meat-eater( yes my readers will forgive me), but I believe that any adult has the right to poke inside what he wants!"

And I was simply amazed at the readers' comments, most of which were:u-u-! "," Be-ee! "and pictures depicting meat and fat.

Well, that's why?

You do not like the recipe for Smoothie from broccoli? Do not read!

I still hope that my readers are reasonable people who will not argue with science!

Which products are useful for the brain?

Even if you are skeptical of the doctors' recommendations for proper nutrition, make an effort and put brain products into the diet.

Moreover, no special diet is needed.

Just go to the store, do not forget to buy:

Everyone should see this:

a small video about how alcohol affects brain work!


The brain products of the should always be on your desk, especially if your profession is related to mental activity, or you want to live in a healthy mind to a very old age.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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