Where it is better to invest money?

If you work a lot, it's pretty decent on the background of compatriots earning, but at the same time you do not invest anything in your future, you act very unwise and short-sighted.

Money should work for you.

Of course, you need to figure out how the is better to invest money in order to choose the most profitable object for investment.

But this will not be a problem, because everything has already been stolen invented before us and it remains only to implement one of the proposed options.

Why should you always look for options, where it is better to invest money?

I'll start, following the old Brazilian tradition, from history.

Two brothers lived: Sasha and Slava.

Glory with his wife Lena earned almost twice as much as Sasha with his wife Oksana.

The oddity was different: Sasha and Oksana made good repairs in their private home for 10 years of family life, moved around the city on a new car, traveled every year.

But Slava and Lena did not even bother to go abroad for 20 years even abroad, not to mention the awful state of their apartment, which had already cried all eyes while waiting for the repair team.

instagram viewer

Where all the money went, neither Slava nor Lena could understand, just as they could not understand how a brother and his wife manage to live better than them with more modest earnings.

And it's all about the proper allocation of funds and the fact that Sasha and Oksana are constantly looking for where to invest money.

Many people think that profitable investments are just some kind of bank accounts, well, or at best, buying real estate.

Yes, this can be invested, but they do not limit investment programs.

There are other, more interesting and original versions.

The main thing is that you want to look for them, and not let down everything that you earn, on clothes, shingle with friends or other nonsense.

Where is the best way to invest: the traditional options

To begin with, I want to offer you a list of very traditional options, where it is best to invest money.

They do not require any special knowledge or connections.

All you need is to collect the amount necessary for investment.

  1. Bank deposit.

    Choose a reliable bank( better - foreign) and open an account.

    Profit - the percentage that you have a bank.

    Competent investors do not consider this way to invest the best, because in our troubled times, the interest on the deposit does not even cover the level of inflation.

    The only plus of this investment is the safety of your money.

    It's better to open a foreign currency deposit.

  2. Precious metals.

    You can buy both bank gold( ingots) and products made of precious metals.

    The higher the quality and artistic value of the product, the better you managed to invest.

    Such deposits usually bring income not immediately, but in several decades.

  3. Real Estate.

    An investment object that never loses its relevance.

    Now is the time to acquire real estate, especially if your income is not in the national currency, but in - foreign.

    Property prices have fallen, and good options for buying - darkness, so if you have extra money, it's time to invest it in real estate.

    How to attract money?

  4. Your business.

    Yes, now is not the best time for business, but only for traditional projects( restaurants, shops, etc.), and if you find an original and promising startup for launch, not yet occupied by competitors, you can profitably invest money and secure yourfuture.

The Internet can be invested by adherents of the whole new

Investments in the Internet can not be called today some incredibly innovative or original, but many still perceive the Internet as a source for entertainment, not earnings.

The best way to invest money on the Internet is in:

  1. Forex.

    Trade yourself or hire an experienced trader to conquer the currency exchange, but do not discard this option of investing immediately, because it can bring you a good profit.

  2. Your site.

    This business is for creative people who have enough free time for their


    You do not need much money to start the site, it's not hard to learn seo-promotion.

    You can independently fill the site with content and earn on contextual advertising and affiliate programs.

    7 options, where to invest in Ukraine

  3. Public on social networks.

    Experienced investors do not like such a tool very much, considering that it is better to invest money in something else.

    But you can make money on this if you find a topic for the public, which will be of interest to users of social networks, and good performers who will constantly support the interest of subscribers and make the public popular.

Original objects for those who are looking for a better place to invest

Well, maybe I got excited when I called this subtopic "original objects", but people somehow believe that investing in their health, education, broadening their horizons and so onnot necessarily, but even those who invest money in it do not always know how to use the fruits of investment.

So, original and incredibly pleasant options, where it is best to invest money, I consider:

  1. Education.

    This includes higher education in local and foreign universities, and the termination of specialized courses, and the development of skills through visits to various seminars, trainings and other.

    It's better to invest money in the education that you need in the future, rather than engage in stupid "oh, always dreamed of learning to make flowers from paper, I'll put some money in it."

    Learn origami will be in old age, which will make financially secure.

  2. Travel.

    You do not need to spare money for educational and developmental trips.

    But here too there is a moment: it's one thing - buying a ticket to Turkey "ol inclusive" and stupid lying on the beach and eating free grub, and quite another - a tour of museums in Italy or castles of the Czech Republic.

    Make the right choice!

  3. Health.

    Here are two options:

    • insurance for your life and health in a special fund;
    • proper nutrition, exercise, vitamin intake, regular examinations, etc.

Forget the adage that you can not buy health for money.

If, God forbid, you have to lie in the hospital, then you will understand that it is the very health that you buy for the bills, because nobody will treat you for free and will not give medicines to the ball.

Interesting reasoning about investing money

from a successful entrepreneur, business coach and videoblogger

see in the video:

Where it is better to invest money - they decide for you. ..

Of course, I did not name all the options.

Moreover, there are always new opportunities for investment.

But most of them require the availability of special knowledge, experience and large sums for investment, so a beginner with them to cope.

If you have enough money for investing, but can not decide for yourself where to invest better, look for qualified help in the form of:

  1. Manager.

    Of course, only a very rich people can afford a personal asset manager, and even a sensible one.

    If you have a modest amount to invest( no more than $ 10,000), then it's best to look for a company.

  2. Hedge Fund.

    These funds collect the funds of investors, and then invest them in Forex.

    An experienced trader makes you rich. Venture or investment fund

  3. .

    The principle is the same: you invest in a fund, and then the manager chooses the profitable objects for investment in order to increase the deposits of his clients.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question, is much better to invest .

Choose one of the options I offer or look for yours.

The main thing, do not waste mindlessly all that you earn.

Think about your future, because nobody will do it for you.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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