How to become attractive: advice from a psychologist

Dear readers, today I can hardly please you, because the article was written for the representatives of the stronger sex.

For men, I tried to find the most useful advice, how to become attractive , which, I hope, will help them to gain confidence and improve their personal lives.

Should men be bothered about how to become attractive?

Women( if, of course, they are normal women) are always concerned about their attractiveness.

We spend a lot of money on salon procedures, home care products and decorative cosmetics, we sweat in the gym to not give the slightest chance to overweight kilograms to occupy our figure, we look for clothes in which we will look especially tempting, in general - we do everything toto become attractive.

Moreover, we are working not only on our appearance.

We are boozing to read psychological literature about the relationship of the sexes, trying to understand his favorite fishing or other stupid hobby to be able to support the conversation, and master 55 ways of cooking meat.

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And all this for the sake of men!

What do men do in their turn, especially married ones?

They grow stomachs, push a hole on the couch with their rolls, stop washing and shaving, stop paying attention to their loved ones, turn into useless vegetables.

Of course, I'm not talking about all men now!

Many care for themselves, they try to pay more attention to their beloved, they strive to provide the family with everything necessary.

But they have a very hard time, because a bunch of zhirnenkih, ugly nikkemyshey ridicules their desire to become attractive.

10 qualities of the ideal man

Dear men who constantly work on themselves, do not listen to these dunces.

We women are very grateful to you and are happy that the male breed has not degraded completely, that there are those who want to become attractive for us!

What does it take to become attractive?

When we pronounce the word "attractive", first of all we think about appearance, but in fact a beautiful appearance is not enough to be able to win women's hearts.

Of course, two-meter handsome men immediately attract girlish looks, but if there is a void inside this beautiful statue, women instantly lose interest.

Once, while still in school, I met with a very, very handsome boy and, thanks to him, I did not want to fall in love with handsome men until I realized that their "stuffing" was as beautiful as the "wrapper".

Serezha( the boy-handsome man I met) did not need to learn how to become attractive outwardly, because his appearance was impeccable, but his character, inner world and attitude to women he should have worked very well.

Empty, narcissistic, selfish, boring narcissus in communication!

As for me, a man, in order to become attractive you need:

  1. To put your appearance in order.
  2. Learn how to beautifully look after ladies.
  3. Become an interesting companion.
  4. To earn enough to support a family.
  5. Do not have addictions( drunkenness, drugs, and ordinary cigarettes - this, in my opinion, fi, how disgusting!).
  6. Get rid of the bad character traits and qualities.
  7. Discover attractive features of character and quality that women appreciate in men.
  8. Becoming a good lover.
  9. Learn to listen and understand a woman.
  10. Become indispensable for her.

How to become attractive: appearance

To lie under the surgeon's knife to become attractive, like Apollo, it is not necessary, but elementary to put in order your appearance - yes-yes-yes!

By external appeal I mean:

  1. Cut your hair and wash your hair regularly, so that the hair on your head does not look like a greasy patch.
  2. Wash twice a day( morning and evening).
  3. Use antiperspirant deodorants, and good toilet water also adds attraction to the eyes of women.
  4. Shave every day or at least - every other day( there is nothing worse than a nasty stitching bristle).

    If you wear a mustache or beard, make sure that they look neat and tidy.

  5. To treat your teeth.

    There's nothing worse than a bad smell from the mouth, with it you just can not become attractive in the eyes of women.

  6. Monitor the condition of your hands and nails.

    Going to a manicurist does not turn you into a gay man.

    He will transform your overgrown dirty claws into well-groomed hands.

  7. Watch your figure.

    It is not necessary to rock the frame up to immense size, but you do not need to cherish your beer belly.

    Fatty flabby body will never allow you to become attractive!

And pay attention to your clothes. It should be:

  • clean, free from stains and holes;
  • with all buttons in place;
  • fashionable and beautiful.

How to become attractive: the character of

If you really want to become attractive in the eyes of women, you should know what character traits we like and which ones we do not.

So, ladies believe that a man can become attractive if he has:

  • reliability;
  • fidelity;
  • ability of a man to protect her;
  • honesty;
  • good sense of humor;
  • communicability and the ability to find a common language with her friends and family;
  • decency;
  • kindness;
  • cold-bloodedness in difficult situations;
  • sexuality and indefatigability in bed;
  • moderate ambitiousness;
  • chivalry.

We do not consider a man attractive if he:

  • is cruel;
  • is prone to treason;
  • is stupid;
  • softener;
  • is greedy;
  • is a narcissistic egotist;
  • has no career ambitions;
  • is weak( both morally and physically);
  • is boring;
  • tyrant.

This man: who is he?

How to become attractive: a lifestyle

Men like to blame women for commercialism.

Here, they say, everyone wants beautiful and rich, but nobody likes the poor, everyone demands to become attractive at first.

Yes, we love successful, wealthy men, with perspectives in life, able to provide for ourselves and our children, with whom we will live and enjoy life, not survive.

If you want to become attractive in the eyes of women, you will:

  1. Get rid of bad habits.
  2. Find a normal job and learn how to earn good money.
  3. To become successful in your field.
  4. Have normal interests, in addition to pivasika with friends( ideally, you should have common interests).
  5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, play sports.

We recommend you to watch a small but very informative video of

about male attractiveness:

How to become attractive: the attitude towards a woman

The modern world is bad because it blurs the boundaries between the sexes.

I'm not talking about sexual orientation now, this is, as for me, the personal choice of everyone, but about the fact that women and men change roles.

Guardians of domestic hearths have become sexless miners with steel characters and are to blame for this. .. men.

Want to become the most charming and attractive for your woman? Then:

  1. Beautifully take care of it: help put on outer clothing, give a hand when leaving the car, give flowers, arrange surprises, etc.

    Even if you are married not for the first year, bring romance into your life.

  2. Learn how to listen to it, so you can better know your chosen one and you will know exactly what to give to different holidays, because we constantly hint to men, they just do not want to hear it.
  3. Let her be weak beside you, take off her worries and, of course, do not let her be the main breadwinner in the family, sooner or later she will tire of your worthlessness.
  4. Do not treat your woman cruelly, do not insult her and, of course, do not try to raise a hand on the lady.

    Otherwise, what are you, to hell with, an attractive man? !

  5. Love her more than friends, stronger than work, stronger than your hobbies.

    A woman will understand if she does not occupy a major place in your life.

I do not think that the task, how to become attractive , is so insoluble.

Just some men are too lazy to change for the better.

They prefer to whine, complain and blame women for all sins, although one should only blame their worthlessness!

  • Mar 04, 2018
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