Popular ways to get rich from scratch

Today we will talk with you about how is to get rich from scratch .

Why are people concerned about how to get rich from scratch?

Losers like to repeat the phrase "Not in money happiness," to which successful people respond to them "Yeah, not in money, but in their quantity."

Of course, I think it's abnormal for the existence of Gobszak, Plyushkin, or another fictional character, who need money only to save them, and not use them.

But you can not deny the fact that those who managed to get rich from scratch, it's much easier to live than poor. They can really buy everything.

Do not believe me?

Well, tell me something that is beyond the power of the rich.


Yes, a rich man has much more chances to win a beloved woman than an ever-aching loser.

And the lucratives of ladies here absolutely nothing to do with!

Why can you love a lop-eared student, and a handsome rich man in an expensive suit - no?


Yes, so only those who have not been in the domestic hospitals and pharmacies can count.

instagram viewer

Prices there are now such that the only treatment that poor people can afford is plantain, everything else is for people with money.

How to earn your first million: tips of the rich


So this is a very abstract concept, in which everyone invests something of his own.

But I think that the opportunity to buy what you want, travel, dress well and eat any person will make you happier, so why not try to get rich?

Is it real to get rich from scratch?

My answer is "YES"!

I generally believe that a reasonable insistent person is subject to everything, if he really wants it.

You can make a fortune from scratch.

Naturally, this is not easy: you need to work hard, find a way that will lead you to big money, sincerely believe that ahead of you is a success, but do not you dare to say that this is unrealistic and unavailable to ordinary people.

Favorite hits of whiners-losers - "I have an unhappy fate", "The rich are already born with a golden spoon in their mouths", "The rich and the parents are rich," "Millionaires are always lucky, but I do not," and the like.

But look at the success stories of modern millionaires, on what path went to wealth:

  • Peter Daniels was born in a dysfunctional family.

    It's not that he did not finish school, but he did not even learn to read properly.

    Dismantled several times, while finally managed to build a profitable business in real estate.

  • Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Eugene Kaspersky were born in average families and managed to make incredible in the field of IT technology.
  • Steve Jobs was adopted by an auto mechanic and Armenian emigrant, no one helped him to go to the top.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger went a long way from an Austrian immigrant immigrant to the Hollywood star and governor of California.
  • Oleg Tinkov, a Russian businessman-original, was born in a clutched miners' village in a family of hard workers.
  • Gennady Balashov, Igor Kolomoisky, domestic oligarchs, were born in ordinary Soviet families and took their first steps in business in the era of socialism.

And so on whom do not look.

Most successful people really got rich from scratch only because of their diligence, working brains and perseverance.

So why do you think that you will not succeed?

How to get rich from scratch: the lazy ways of

Here's an interesting thing, most of those who do not know how to get rich from scratch , for standard recommendations( get into a big company, start your own business, invest wisely, etc.).) are twisted.

They do not really want to work, they want to like in a fairy tale: fell asleep on the stove, and woke up prince.

For them I can offer three ways to get rich from scratch.

They, however, are not very likely, but sometimes work:

  1. Win the lottery.

    You can be the lucky person who will be able to buy a lottery ticket for a million( or two).

    The main difficulty is to wait for the win, so prepare to buy a lot of lottery tickets.

  2. Get an inheritance.

    Even more problematic way, because not everyone has rich relatives, whose will can be hoped for.

    I, for example, do not.

    Some are looking for ways to profit from others, for example, caring for an elderly person in exchange for his apartment.

    Do not you hate this way to get rich from scratch?

    Then - go for it.

  3. Successful marriage.

    For girls, this way to get rich from scratch is more likely, but it's harder for men to find a rich lady who agrees to keep an Alphonse.

How to get rich from scratch: proven methods of

And now we will move on to more realistic and, as for me, more human ways to get rich from scratch:

  1. Open your own business.

    I have already written articles on how to start a startup, what business is the most profitable today, where to look for investors, etc.

    Want - you will find articles that will help you get rich from scratch

  2. Get a job in a large prospective company.

    If you are already a super-duper specialist with extensive experience, you can immediately claim a leadership position.

    Otherwise, you have to go a long way along the career ladder.

  3. Collaboration with a thriving company.

    In order to get rich in this way, it is necessary to interest the owner of this company with some innovative innovative idea, so that he agrees to invest in it.

  4. Playing the Forex.

    It's not worth it to meddle here without preparation, so the path to your wealth will slow the study of theory and work with simulators.

  5. Competent investment.

    You can not do this yourself, but invest in a PIF or in a PAMM-account.

    The main difficulty is to collect the amount for the initial investment.

What else should invest money to get rich?

You will find the answer in the video:

Some useful tips how to get rich from scratch

To finish the conversation on how to get rich from scratch, I would like a couple of useful tips for those who are aimed at success:

  1. Spend less than you earn.
  2. Constantly look for new sources of income and ways to get rich from scratch.
  3. Do not be content with working for a minimum wage, change it if the money is not enough even for the most necessary.
  4. Be sure to postpone at least 10-30% per cent of each cash receipt in order to invest them in your future.

    In order to get rich from scratch you need the start-up capital

  5. Start a savings bank account, so it will be more difficult for you to succumb to your own weakness and spend your money on some garbage.
  6. Do not take loans for fashionable boots or refrigerators, you only need to borrow money for the really necessary, for example, opening your own business.
  7. Do not listen to those who tell you that you can never get rich from scratch, or even better - run away from such advisers.
  8. Believe in yourself and in what will necessarily become rich!

If you are not satisfied with my recommendations, how to get rich from scratch , then you can look for other ways on the way to wealth: crime, gambling, magic, the invention of something vital to people, selling your talent is an unlimited choice.

The main thing - do not sit idly by.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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