8 recipes, how to improve vision

Remember the good old joke:

"I have terrible eyesight and that's why I always go with glasses. Sometimes friends try on them and ask: "Is it for me?".Well, what can I say to this, mysterious speaking spots? "

Ridiculous? Yeah, but only if it's not about you. So if you already with your eyes closed can find a way to the store "Optics", it's time to find out how to quickly improve eyesight.

"I'm sitting high, looking far": 3 general recommendations, how to improve the vision

  1. Since your eyes are not a perpetuum mobile, you need regular rest.

    After each hour of operation on the computer, close them for 2-3 minutes. At the same time, and the nervous system coast, rested from the spectacular view of the head's bald head.

  2. If you have already "come down" to wearing glasses or lenses, do not let your vision completely "relax the rolls": remove all your eye gadgets at least for half an hour a day.
  3. Fresh air and natural light are needed not only to have a healthy complexion, but also eagle vision,
    instagram viewer
    so challenge your laziness, whispering to you "Let's lie down on the sofa!" And go for a walk.

5 essential food items to quickly improve vision: and are fed and healthy

Those who seriously think about how to improve vision, ophthalmologists are advised not to start with some magic spells on the growing moon, but include in their diet the following products:

  • carrot.

    If you want to provide your long-suffering organism with a shock dose of vitamin A, as well as iron, copper, potassium and other utilities for your eyes, run to the market for this vegetable. Especially carrots help with myopia and "chicken" blindness( poor vision at dusk);

    And in order not to be alone with carrots, you can alternate it with leek, pumpkin, beetroot, tomatoes and other foods high in vitamin A( retinol);

  • spicy herbs( parsley, cilantro, dill, basil and their fellow in the garden) throw in armfuls at any dish, if you want to quickly restore your eyesight. Vitamins of all groups and suits will be glad to help your eyes to see vigilantly.

    And you also remembered about Georgian shish kebabs in the "thickets" of coriander on a platter. That's the same. .. Have you seen a lot of Caucasian long-livers wearing glasses?

  • blueberry is the ideal solution to the question "How to improve vision?".

    Berries are not only devilishly tasty, but also help relieve tension from the eyes at high loads, improve blood circulation in the retina. In general, everything for those who are midnight with a smartphone in their hands, giving away "likes" to the left and right;

  • oranges, lemons, grapefruits and other citrus fruits, as well as freshly squeezed juices not only look beautiful in the morning in Instagram, but also help to quickly strengthen the vision;
  • sea fish strengthens the muscles of the eyes no worse than squats - the muscles of priests, so gourmet on health.

    Your wallet is not yet ready for such care of vision? We offer more budgetary options - milk, butter, eggs, cottage cheese, ham. The market calls us, and we go to it with a big bow!

Folk medicine hurries to the rescue: 8 recipes, how to improve vision "bypassing" doctors

Grandparents know how to fulfill the dream of any niggard - quickly improve vision:

  • infusion of flowers or raspberry leaves.

    1 p.a.dry raw materials( leaves or flowers) pour 200 ml of boiling water, give half an hour to infuse and filter. You need to drink 3 times a day for a full glass to improve your eyesight. You look, and soon start to read the store signs for half a kilometer!

  • for 1-2 mm wheat sprouts your eyes will tell you a huge "thank you".

    Eat at least 100 grams per day. Pleasure, of course, dubious, but what can not you do for the sake of good vision?

  • can improve vision with the help of honey and tea.

    No, you do not need to drink gulls with honey, as it is not in yourself. You're not in England for five o'clock. Half a teaspoon of honey is stirred in 150 ml of strongly brewed black tea.5 drops of this mixture are instilled in the eye twice a day for falcon eyesight and good mood: the

  • wheatgrass can not only occupy the bed with cucumbers, but also quickly bring the vision back to normal.

    For this 1 st.lozhku dry herbs pour a glass of hot water, boil for 3-4 minutes, and then cool and filter. You need to take three times a day for 1/3 cup;

  • "magic" cocktail of mixed celery, carrot, chicory and parsley juice will be a real gift for your eyes;
  • Products for the brain: TOP-10 products for the brain

  • than to improve eyesight is still possible, so it is to weave for both cheeks young leaves of nettle in salads and first courses.

    So, where do we have a recipe for a signature grandmother's borscht with fresh herbs?

  • horsetail field will also not be left out, if it concerns your vision.

    1 spoonful of grass should be filled with a glass of boiling water. After 35-40 minutes, the infusion is filtered. Take it 3 times a day for a glass.

  • to quickly restore vision, pour half a liter of red dry wine and half a liter of honey 50 grams of cornflower petals, as much - a dry herb focus and 0.2 kg of scarlet( leaves need to grind well).

    All this witch's potion needs 3 days to be kept in a cool dark place, and then an hour to be soaked on a steam bath. Drink half an hour before meals three times a day for 1 tablespoon.

"The blue ball is spinning, spinning. ..": how can you improve your eyesight with the help of special pictures?

Instead of reading the fake news at the lunch break about how any Glasha from Kukuyevo gave birth to either a puppy or a humanoid, look at the Internet for pictures specially created in order to improve eyesight, for examplethese:

Doctors, in order to improve vision quickly, it is advised to look at such pictures( and there are a dime in the net), at least 4-5 minutes a day. This removes the spasm from the eyes and pumps the muscles holding the lens. If you do everything right, it should appear that the image is spinning or pulsating.

The main thing is not to overdo it, because if you look too closely at the monitor, colleagues may think that you are not reporting a sales report, but watching adult videos.

There is also a special computer program that combines special exercises with viewing pictures - "Corrector of vision."The beauty of it is that it is freely available on the network and has nothing against most Windows operating systems( Vista, XP, NT, 2000, etc.).

Have not you started downloading this program yet? And yet ask, what can improve vision? Do not do it this way!

How to quickly improve vision with exercises: 3 effective methods of

The authors of the three most effective methods on how to improve eyesight, say that most people remain naughty just because they are too lazy to do it, they say, glasses or lenses are easierto put on exercises than to do exercises for several months, but we are sure that our readers are real "hard workers" and will not give up without a fight, but carefully study books:

  • "Improved vision without glasses using the Breits method"( W. Breits).

    And no surgical interventions for you!

  • "How to get good vision without glasses"( MD Corbett);

  • "The experience of a fool, or the way to insight"( M.Norbekov).

    Oh, by the name it is clear - it will be fascinating!

And if the first two books have to fork out, then the latter can be downloaded for free on the Internet.

Come up with some fresh excuse not to engage in your eyesight or, sighing about your fate as a four-eyed girl, quickly get down to business?

If you are not yet ready to plunge into one of the proposed "Talmud" to improve your vision, then at least regularly do the simplest exercise:

How to improve vision at home?

See the review of 5 ways that really work:

Now you know in almost the same way, how to improve the vision, how much the eastern beauty of Scheherazade is fairy tales. It is necessary to show only a little zeal, and the world will again find for you clear outlines and bright colors.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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