How to develop memory: 5 boring methods

Today I will tell you, how to develop the memory.

Most of the techniques for memory training that I found were incredibly boring.

I also wanted to find something more interesting for you, which everyone would do without compulsion.

And I found it.

I will not lie that the methods I proposed do not require effort or time, but at least you will not die of boredom.

I can develop and need memory

I do not know about you, but I still have a persistent association with the word "memory": a separate room in my head where all the information is stored.

The walls of this room are elastic and they expand as the amount of my knowledge increases.

There is a mess in my memory room: some information that I use extremely rarely or do not use at all, is gathering dust in dark corners, and the knowledge and skills that I need are always at hand.

Another 100-200 years ago, for the question " How to develop the memory of ?" You would be laughed at because the society believed that a person is given a good or bad memory by nature, and new knowledge can be acquired only at a young age.

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Modern scientists unanimously affirm that it is not only possible to develop memory, but it is also necessary, because the brain has a bad habit of being lazy, if it is not regularly loaded.

The younger brother of my friend confirmed this theory.

Both he and Ani, my school friend, had a good memory from childhood.

I remember how everyone admired Anyuta at school, because she had time to learn the poem given home for the change.

How to improve the memory of a child?

Artem had the same natural data, but he, unlike his clever sister, neglected them, preferring to be lazy at school and refusing to enter the institute, or at least - to the school after graduation.

Now his memory is almost atrophied, but Anya easily learns new information.

Without which it is difficult to develop memory?

Before proceeding to the exercises, I would like to reveal to you some secrets, knowledge of which will help the development of your memory.

Here's how for a normal growth of a plant you need a certain temperature of water and air, sunny color, abundant watering, and in order for memory exercises to be most successful, you should follow some rules:

  1. Provide your brain with enough oxygen.

    Long walks in the air are the best in this business.

    If you do not have enough time to walk for at least an hour a day, take an air bath right at home: open the windows and let in a fresh breeze.

  2. Get enough sleep.

    Perhaps it was enough for Napoleon to sleep a few hours a day, but you are not a French emperor.

    Listen to the opinion of doctors who claim that a normal person should sleep at least 8 hours a day.

    Sleep less and want to have a good memory?

    Do not rely!

    So you will remain a zombie sclerotome with bruises under your eyes.

  3. Say goodbye to bad habits.

    Alcohol and tobacco smoke kill brain cells, including those responsible for memory.

    Each drink, each cigarette smoked, brings you closer to unconsciousness.

  4. Eat so that your brain does not lack the nutrients.

    Less fast food, smoked products, semi-finished products.

    More nuts, hard cheese, eggs, fatty fish, vegetables, fruits and greens.

  5. Read.

    You've probably noticed that I consider reading a universal medicine for all diseases.

    Read, read and read again, books are an excellent simulator for memory.

How to develop memory: 5 ways of

There are a lot of methods of memory training, whole methods are developed, tables are made, people write scientific works on this topic.

But the problem is that some of these methods require too much time, which a busy person can not allocate, the second one can not be done at home, the recommendations to the third are so complex that you can not understand them yourself without a degree.

How to develop visual memory to the ideal?

I tried to find ways for you to develop memory, which are not only as simple and effective as possible, but also do not drive you into boredom mortal:

  1. Game in the association.

    Remembering five random numbers in a row is difficult enough, but if you apply associative thinking, then it will be much easier for you.

    For example, we are talking about the code "16837".

    The number "1" is similar to a stick, "6" - to a twisted snake, "8" to a snowman, "3" to a flying bird, and "7" to a poker.

    You can stop at this, and you can make sentences from these words: "A snowman struck a twisted snake with a stick, and a flying bird sat on a poker".

  2. Learn the rhymes by heart.

    You can start with the simplest children's games, and then - master and classics.

    Gradually, you should expand the possibilities of your brain and move from learning poems to poems.

    This method is useful to men.

    Just imagine how your lady will be charmed when you on a date read her love verse.

  3. Grow rosemary.

    Yes, this is such an original and has nothing to do with cramming.

    Scientists at the University of Northumbria have proven by their studies that people who inhaled the aroma of rosemary were much quicker to memorize information than those who were not near the bush of this plant.

  4. Learn to speak the opposite words.

    When I was still a schoolgirl, my two classmates came up with their own language( they pronounced all the words backwards) so that no one could understand what they were talking about.

    However, the girls did not know then that their mysterious way of communication contributes to the development of memory.

    But you already know, so start training.

  5. Play matches.

    You only need a box of matches or toothpicks, a clean desk and a phone with a camera or a digital camera.

    Throw a handful of matches on the table, carefully look at them for one minute, then take a picture of the composition, mix the matches on the table.

    And now start to recreate the composition.

    It should look like the most that you photographed.

    Until you finish, you can not check the picture on the camera.

Some other interesting ways to train

memory are presented in this video.

We look, practice, remember 😉

These methods not only help you develop the memory of , but also brighten up leisure, allowing it to be used with advantage.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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