You fuss around the house in a quilted robe, like the lazy landlord of Chekhov's time? Then pat your pet, then the cat? Already do not know what to do? Or completely sucked the Bermuda triangle "refrigerator-computer-sofa"?
Not bad, my friend, it's so worthless to waste time! We will tell, what to do when boring , to brighten up leisure even in own apartment.
The body is in action: 5 options to deal with when bored with health benefits
We will open you a big-about-oh such secret: neither in 35 years, nor in 40, nor even in 75 years old age does not come!
It will come when you spit on yourself and your health, and therefore we advise what you can do at home with the benefit of a loved one when bored:
Do stretching.
No, no one requires you to curl up like a cat Bublik, but crunch all the joints, bending to tie laces on shoes - not comme il faut.
Choose exercises for morning exercises.
Yes, yes, about Mondays and "we need to do this from next year" we've already heard! Just take it and do it if you are bored at home!
Do yoga when bored.
Try to master at least a few asanas.
Jennifer Aniston and Madonna, Sting and David Duchovny, as well as dozens of other Hollywood stars regularly spread the rugs and sit down in the lotus pose to preserve the beauty of the body and the cheerfulness of the spirit, rather than being tempted by what to do in their spare time.
Is this not just a reason to "change" with yoga aggressive training in the gym or exhausting step aerobics? Especially if they have already become boring and have become simply boring.
Do meditation if you are bored.
It seems that Oleg Gazmanov's song "My Thoughts Are My Skans. .." is written about you?
Try to finally pacify your fussy mind and completely relax.
You can imagine yourself at least on the Cote d'Azur of France, though in the middle of a wheat field - if only your internal "TV" showed a serene picture.
Enroll, finally, in the gym or pool, if you do not know what to do.
Yeah, that's right so take in the hands of the phone and sign up! Better yet, go and immediately pay for an annual subscription.
Having spent money on it, you are unlikely to "score" on training, as 25 times before and will not "crack" that the sport - it's boring.
"I picked up 7 morning( on the number of days in a week) morning exercises for any mood and well-being: from a super-light for 5 minutes to a full exercise( 40 minutes).
A week later, at 7 am, I look out the window of a neighboring house - my neighbors looking at me decided to go in for sports: they wave their arms and legs, make attacks and inclinations.
Still, not only a bad example is contagious, "- share impressions of the Odessa Katya.
Make a face or hair mask if there is nothing to do and it's boring.
Beauty unearthly, of course, we do not guarantee for you at one time, but it can become a good habit.
So go ahead - and soon you will be able to ask bravely a mirror about "who in the world is nicer, all rouge and whiter".
To study the basics of self-massage, if you are bored.
Your second half easier to persuade to eat a cockroach, than to massage your back?
There is a way out!
Read on the Web or a good book on how to become yourself a massage therapist.
Spirit of enlightenment: 5 ideas, what to do when bored and want to load brains
The last book you read was cooked, and that's just because you had to find a recipe for a cabbage pie?
Then do not ask us what to do at home when boring, and save your "gray matter":
You can do it with TED lectures.
This non-profit American foundation annually holds a conference where the brightest minds of mankind share their views on creativity and science, social problems and politics.
But no tediousness! Everything is very easy, understandable and not boring at all!
All performances( each last 10-20 minutes) are laid out on the Internet. Do you want to be known as "very clever"?Watch and learn!
You can take a look at something from the classics of a movie or a documentary.
Ready to "feed" the brain with something more "nutritious" than the women's glossy magazines and the series "Friends"?Are not you afraid that it will be boring?
Then catch our advice and try to get a "high" from the real cinema:
№ Title of the film, director 1 "Dreamers"( B.Bertolucci) 2 "Strawberry Field"( I.Bergman) 3 "Sweet Life"( F.D.Felinni) 4 "Clockwork Orange"( S.Kubrik) 5 "Nikita"( L.Besson) 6 "Citizen Kane"( O. Wells, G.Malkevich) 7 "Memories of Stellar Dust"( V.Allen) 8 "Male-female"( J.-L. Godard) 9 "Black cat, white cat"( E.Kusturica) 10 "Man-elephant"( D.Linch) -
It is worthwhile to look at thosetral play when bored.
Even if in your city "the spiritual grub is very thin", do not despair! All the best productions are now available online.
You just have to understand what happened in the "Cherry Orchard" by Chekhov and how the lady from the "Pygmalion" became a real lady.
And here are the top 5 performances, not knowing the story of which is really embarrassing:
No. Title of the play, author of the play 1 "Hamlet"( V.Shkepir) 2 "Romeo and Juliet"( V.Shakespeare) 3 "Tartuffe"(J.-B. Molière) 4 "Cyrano de Bergerac"( E.Rostan) 5 "The Seagull"( A.Chekhov) -
You can also study words in a foreign language.
By the way, it does not have to be necessary, like air, but full of English! How do you like to learn how to say hello in Chinese or swear in Italian?
Read the book in an unusual genre, if boring and you want to do something new.
When the hand is habitually reaching for the detective in the paperback, pull yourself and try to overpower if not philosophical work( to which you will no doubt come later), then at least a collection of aphorisms or qualitative modern prose, for example:
No. Titlebooks, author 1 "Time of Night"( L.Petrushevskaya) 2 "Do not let go of me"( I.Kadzoo) 3 "Accomplice"( I.Banks) 4 "Girl on the train"( P.Hokkins) 5 "The Thirteenth Fairy Tale"( D.Sterterfield)
Ideal housewife: 5 options, what can you do when bored
Instead of the usual cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and a rag for true lovers of order, we offer something more interesting if you are bored:
Arrange the home library.
I remember how the author of the article spent an exciting weekend, "patching up" books and putting his signature on each copy. Those that are especially dear to the heart, received a new "clothes" - covers in the style of scrapbooking.
And vice versa - some volumes were sent "into exile" and put up for sale on the Internet.
Do cleaning in the computer.
Spend 20 minutes to find in his iron friend a shameful photo, on which you and your friend Katya are fiddling with a nightclub? Or is it even worse - the division of the thesis work is lost?
It's time to put things in order on the computer, and not to be worried by the question "What can I do at home when I'm bored?"
To be engaged in cooking something unusual, for example, colored pasta.
We sincerely believe that you are an unsurpassed master of scrambled eggs and fried potatoes, but is not it time to expand your culinary horizons?
Food colors and your wild fantasy can create miracles in the kitchen, so it will not be boring for sure!
To master the "Fly-Lady" cleaning system.
Oh, this is a great way to solve the problem, what to do when boring. The whole point is to divide space into zones and to harvest each not more than 15-20 minutes a day.
Result: the apartment is always an ideal order and you are ready to meet unexpected guests at least 2 am, without apologizing for bedlam.
"Shake" the wardrobe when bored.
While you are tormented, what to do at home, when boring, your cabinets hide in themselves "untold treasures" in the form of a dress from the prom and the first business suit( well, where did you look when you bought this horror?).
"The most interesting is that as soon as you get rid of unnecessary things, magically, instead of them there are new, fashionable clothes. Some kind of clothes in nature!
So when they ask me what to do when I'm bored at home, it's always advised to disassemble my wardrobe. "- convinces the Muscovite Elena.
A lady with a character: 3 super ideas what to do at home when bored to surprise others
To be known as a gentleman / lady is not ordinary, it is not at all necessary to dress a red wig and walk around like this in the central park of the city.
It is necessary only to come up with an invention to the question "What to do if it is boring?", For example:
To come up with gifts close to the nearest holidays.
A great way to not get exhausted from what is boring when the houses stand out free half an hour. And then, on the eve of March 8, you will again be shopping around with wind speed and everything is useless.
If you're bored, you can start writing someone a real letter by hand.
We guarantee - this one will be in wild ecstasy!
Prepare a surprise package if you have nothing to do.
Do your beloved friend, who lives at the other end of the country, have a birthday soon? And you know that she is crazy about persimmon?
And what prevents to send her a couple of kilograms of this fruit "joy" and a self-made postcard, if you are bored?+100 points to your karma provided!
"On the eve of the New Year, I sent each of my friends an ordinary paper letter from the hand with wishes and gratitude for the hours, minutes spent together.
How much joy they had! Now, I think this will become our tradition.
And you still ask what you can do when it's boring, "Oksana from Kharkov tells.
How do housewives struggle with boredom, how to find joy in everyday life?
Tips psychologist in the video help to deal with these issues:
For ears do not drag!5 additional ideas, what to do at home, when bored
Do you want to "stick" for a long time on something interesting? Then catch a couple more tips on what to do when bored at home:
To issue a mudboard or a dream card.
The main thing here - do not hold back your imagination!
See yourself as Microsoft president, driving on the Maserati and vacationing in the Dominican Republic? Do you want to go diving? Were you dreaming of climbing? Easily!
Paper will endure everything, and the subconscious mind will begin work on how to implement all your "Wishlist".
To work on the compilation of the ancestral tree and ask the older generation about the past.
And do not be surprised if it turns out that your great-grandmother was in a boarding school for noble maidens( that's where this stern look and ideal posture!), And grandfather was a ferryman on the Desna.
Busy viewing family photo albums, if boring.
Yes, yes, this screaming bundle is you when you were three days old, and a gallant tankman with a luxurious chub is your heroic grandfather.
You can do drawing in coloring-antistress for adults.
While you take out the patterns, you will definitely be "let down" and no longer want to pour the poison of your "beloved" mother-in-law, scratch your manicured nails with your husband and go to the bolt for the rest of your days.
Be engaged in preparing a home quest for someone close, when bored.
Have bought for your beloved wife a silver bracelet, which she had already eaten all her bald eagle? And if you hide a piece of jewelry, dropping notes all over the house with clues?
You will see for yourself, with what excitement the spouse will rush around the apartment or dance for you a striptease( what can we do if the assignment is this?).This should be done when boring!
Well, if you have children, then, as they say, God himself told you to "surprise" the children at home, and they should give out a map of your personal "Treasure Island" or a list of assignments.
So, the options, than you can do when boring - one thousand and one! We just need not encourage in ourselves "Oblomovism" with sleep until noon and sweet doing nothing, but work to spend free time with benefit for the soul and body.