How to lose weight by summer: what should I do?

Winter is a very dangerous time of the year for a female figure.

We eat a lot, because our body requires it, protecting ourselves from the cold, we prepare a lot, because there is absolutely nothing to do, and again because we want to eat, we do not move much.

And under several layers of thick loose clothes, we do not notice how fat builds up.

Smart women begin to engage themselves at the end of winter to be in shape by the summer, the smartest ones do not succumb to gluttony and laziness, keeping their figure ideal, regardless of the pores of the year, but there are those that begin to worry, how to lose weight by the summer , when the opening of the beach season is no more than a month.

Naturally, for such a short period of time it is difficult to acquire a beautiful figure, but you can make great steps in this direction.

You must always work on yourself not to think how to lose weight by the summer!

I really like Lyudmila Gurchenko's saying that a woman's body is not an accordion, and instead of constantly recovering, losing weight, it's best to keep yourself toned all the time.

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By the way, it's much easier to do than you think: enough regular sports loads( visit the sports club at least twice a week) and eat right:

  • is less floury, sweet, fried, smoked;
  • no nastiness, such as chips, crackers and other things;
  • more products containing protein, greens, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

And yet, in order not to care how to lose weight by the summer, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle and not to abuse very high-calorie alcohol.

A cigarette for a woman is generally evil, because they make the skin tired and dull, cause shortness of breath, are expensive, and there's no use to them.

What happens if you quit smoking?

If you lead a healthy sport lifestyle, small weaknesses( in the form of a piece of cake or mother's pie) will not affect your figure, and you will not have to lose weight by the summer.

But everything I said about is, of course, an ideal situation, and reality is often much sadder.

If the whole winter you did not worry about what you eat, and about the gym did not even remember, then you need to quickly lose weight by the summer, so as not to look like in a bathing suit, like a cellulite jelly with a layer of fat.

In this case it is necessary to collect all will power in a fist, because ahead of you is a difficult month ahead.

How to lose weight by summer and what should I do?

As time to lose weight by the summer, we have little, then you need to act quickly.

To begin with, you should determine how many pounds you have gained during the period of winter gluttony and doing nothing.

If the figures are catastrophic, for example, your weight is 10-20 kilograms above the norm, then getting rid of it for a month without harm to your health is unrealistic.

In this case, the weight loss process takes more time from you.

Draw a more buoyant picture: you need to lose no more than 7 kilograms to fly and for this you have a whole month.

What should I do to lose weight by the summer? And it only takes:

  1. Enroll in the gym and ask the trainer to develop an individual program in accordance with the problems of your figure.
  2. Forget about night parties with an exorbitant amount of alcohol.
  3. Throw away huge stocks of sweets, cookies, chips and other harmful products from home. Begin to sleep( 8 hours of sleep - the norm).
  4. Walk as much as possible on foot and use a staircase instead of a lift.
  5. Mobilize all your willpower so as not to fall off halfway.
  6. Do auto-training "I'll lose weight by the summer" or just sincerely believe that you will put yourself in shape.

What you need to eat to lose weight by the summer?

I generally agree with the opinion of nutritionists who argue that diet( and especially popular now mono diets is evil).

Several times I had the opportunity to observe, on the example of my friends, how the weight dropped during the diet, came back after a while again, taking with them a couple more extra pounds.

The best solution to the issue is healthy eating, then you do not have to worry about how to lose weight by the summer.

Eating correctly( I will not tell you what the phrase "proper nutrition" means, you know it perfectly and without me), you can easily lose weight by 4-6 kilograms by the summer, having spent no more than a month on it.

Make a menu, remember that the daily calorie rate for normal functioning of the body is 1,200, and in the diet there must also be proteins( up to 45%), fats( up to 20%), and carbohydrates( up to 35%).

With such power you can always have an ideal figure.

How to become well-groomed?

If you are too late to look in the mirror and you have to lose weight by the summer, there is not even a month, then you can sit on some kind of diet.

I am against the initiative in this matter, so I recommend you go to a dietician who will choose the optimal diet for you to lose weight by the summer, and will advise how to get out of it correctly so that the weight dropped does not return.

What should I drink to lose weight by the summer?

I will disappoint those who decided that the speech in this section will be about some miracle tablets for weight loss.

No, I'm generally against chemistry, and even more so in such a case as finding harmony, so I do not believe in all these pills, potions, teas and other advertised mucks.

Sitting on them, you can hardly lose weight by the summer, but it's easy to spoil your health.

But I believe in the life-giving power of water, which will help you lose weight by the summer.

To ensure that your cells receive sufficient moisture and the metabolism is normal, you should drink at least 2 liters per day.

And it is not difficult if drinking water make it a habit.

Remember that you can not tolerate feelings of thirst, so teach yourself to drink a glass of water, for example, every hour.

And yet, to lose weight by the summer, you can drink:

  • unsweetened green tea;
  • freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices;
  • skimmed milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yoghurt, etc.

But from a lot of coffee, especially if you are used to drinking it with sugar, it is better to refuse, a cup a day at breakfast will be enough.

To lose weight by the summer, you should also exclude from your drinking menu:

  • alcohol;
  • sweet soda;
  • high-calorie drinks, such as chocolate-milk cocktails, sweet yoghurt, sweet chocolate, and so on.

To lose weight by summer will help good physical activity

To quickly lose weight by the summer, you need to consume more calories than you consume with food.

I'm amazed at councils in the style of "this miraculous fifteen minute gymnastics will be enough to drop two pounds in 5 weeks."

That's all nonsense.

If you really want to get your figure back to normal by summer, then you need to do it in the gym under the guidance of a professional trainer.

It is desirable to visit a sports club every other day.

And I personally convinced myself that morning workouts are more effective than evening ones, so it's better to do sports before work / school, and not after it.

To consolidate the result and quickly lose weight by the summer, do not give up additional physical activities:

  • hiking and jogging in the fresh air;
  • climbing and descending stairs;
  • walk to work, instead of using public transport and spending money on gasoline for your own car

A few non-standard but effective tips,

to lose weight for the beach season,

you will find in the following video:

And it's still very important to keep the active imagelife, to lose weight by the summer.

Do not spend the weekend in front of a TV or laptop, lying on the couch with a plate of delicacies, and walking in the nature, visiting museums, theaters, cinemas, presentations, dancing to a drop, etc.

Get in the habit of attending a weekend bowling club, climbing wall, equestrian club, tennis court or something else that you like.

I very much hope that by next year my readers will not worry about how to lose weight by the summer , because they will start eating right, doing sports and leading a healthy lifestyle all year round.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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