How to get rid of snoring at home: 8 recipes of folk medicine

If at night your relatives are plagued not by the barking of neighbor Pekingese, not by the screams of a passionate couple or even by "patsanchiki from the district" who have chosen a courtyard for drinking beer, and your mighty snoring, it's time to take action.

And doctors advise not to delay with the solution of this problem. ..

So we read how to get rid of snoring at home and make your nights really calm.

7 reasons why you have to learn how to get rid of snoring at home: find and neutralize

  1. Sleep on your back.

    Even if you were brought up in a boarding school for noble maidens, where they teach you to sleep in this position, and even hide yourself with a chaste blanket right up to your chin, you should know that soft tissues of the throat overlap. The lungs get less air and snoring.

    Internet "Kulibiny" advise to sew to your pajamas a pocket( in the place where the shoulder blades meet), and put something solid in it, for example, a ball for ping-pong. When in a dream you turn on your back, you simply can not conveniently lie down and change your pose.

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  2. Smoking causes chronic inflammation in the trachea and larynx. Therefore, if you want to stop snoring, get rid of cigarettes as quickly as possible. And in general - a healthy lifestyle is now in vogue.
  3. "Shoals" with health: enlargement of tonsils, abnormal bite, curvature of nasal septum, allergies, etc. Here already get rid of brave snoring at home will not work, so run to the doctor!
  4. Alcohol not only brightens up your languid evenings, but also relaxes the muscles of the nasopharynx.

    That's why a drunk person is often a snoring person( okay, true ladies, even after touching brandy, do not snore, but melodically snore).

  5. Hormonal "storms" can also become a cause of brave snoring.

    So if you are in a tender teenage age or are pregnant, there is nothing strange in that you began to harass relatives with snoring. Excess weight.

    Yes, yes, to become a slender, you need not only to climb into a narrow dress of size XL, but also to get rid of snoring. What is not the argument to stretch yourself, finally, in the morning for a run?

  6. Dry air in the room.

    It is because of it that spasm of the nasopharyngeal muscles can arise, its constriction, and as a result - snoring, so that it is audible to all neighbors on the landing.

The grandmother of bad will not advise: 8 prescriptions of national medicine how to get rid of snoring at home

Baked carrots.

1-2 pieces of this vegetable should be eaten 1 hour before each meal. Treatment lasts several weeks. Not whiskey and cola, of course, but it's quite tolerable when you need to get rid of snoring.

  • 1 tablespoon of cabbage juice mixed with a spoon of honey to fight snoring.

    This tincture( 1 tablespoon) is taken daily before bedtime until complete recovery from snoring. Not tastier than your favorite sushi with tuna, but edible.

  • To get rid of hated snoring without the help of medicines, the following herbal remedy will also help: roots of burdock, field horsetail, sabelnik, blackberry berries are taken in the same quantity and grinded into a meat grinder.

    A tablespoon of this "magical potion" is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left to stand for one hour. Take the medicine 5 times a day for 1 tbsp.spoon until they forget about snoring.

  • Sea buckthorn oil.

    It must be digested a few hours before bedtime, one drop in each nostril. The effect will be noticeable after 2.5-3 weeks and then - hello, peaceful sleep of everyone in the house, including Boniface cat!

  • Traditional healers claim that you can get rid of snoring and drink before you go to bed, a glass of boiled water with a tablespoon of honey.

    We must try - it will not be worse for sure!

  • Olive oil is good not only in your favorite salads, but also as a remedy for snoring: should rinse mouth for 30 seconds. And do not cringe: a quality product does not have a pronounced taste or smell.
  • Dried marigold flowers and shredded oak bark will also help with snoring at home

    After a tablespoon of these ingredients, pour water, bring seven to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Insist 2 hours under the lid.

    This miracle tincture rinse your mouth before going to bed to get rid of expensive medications from snoring. And your dentist will be delighted, because these plants strengthen the teeth and gums.

  • Bones of three lemons and 2 peeled garlic heads will help with snoring.

    These ingredients should be ground in a meat grinder and sent to a refrigerator. For 1 tbsp.spoon medication should be taken 2 times a day - on an empty stomach in the morning and evening before going to bed.

  • 8 tested exercises to get rid of snoring at home: tips experienced

    1) "Charge" from snoring: fun and effective!

    1. 30 times to move the jaw forward and back from snoring.

      Perform once a day, most importantly - not in public transport, otherwise you will definitely become a YouTube star.

    2. With all my might to stretch the tongue 25-30 times to feel the tension of the muscles.

      It is enough to do this once a day to get rid of snoring on your own.

    3. 30 times( 2-3 times a day) clearly pronounce the sound "and".

      Yes, we agree: it looks like it's like you are questioning partisans.

    4. Daily for pairs of minutes to keep a small stick or spoon with your teeth to get rid of snoring.

      However, it is probably worth not touching the family silver.

    5. Once a day, open wide mouth and move the lower jaw in a circle( 10 times in each direction).

      But this looks like a munching camel.

    6. To get rid of hated snoring help and the usual whistle.

      Walk for fun, whistling your favorite melody. In this case, one should not stoop. The main thing is not to frighten passers-by with fervent execution of hits of "Aria" or Manson Manson! They may not appreciate your musical preferences.

    2) Yogis do not snore!2 best exercises from their practice to cure snoring at home

    1. We try to breathe in 4 stages( not paying attention to the malicious laughter of the household), to get rid of snoring at home:

      • first maximally expand the lower abdomen;

      • then expands the middle part;

      • we protrude the lower press again;

      • at the end lift the chest.

    2. Take turns breathing with different nostrils, the second with your finger. On five such movements it is necessary to make both half of a nose.

    To get rid of snoring, this simple complex needs to be done daily for a month. And you will be happy in the face for some time the fallen asleep second half!

    3 best medicines that can be bought without a prescription to get rid of snoring at home

    No. Name of medicine Action
    1 "Asonor" spray helps to strengthen the muscles of the skies and moisturize the mucous
    2 "Slipex" Eucalyptus, menthol,mint have an enveloping effect
    3 "Doctor Snoring" spray tones, reduces swelling and nasopharyngeal rush

    Katya's story about how important it is to know how to get rid of snoring at home or Snoring Angel is not needed by anyone!

    Fragile Katyusha, friend of the author of the article, with her porcelain skin, chiseled figure and long white hair, drove all the male population crazy within a kilometer radius of herself.

    What was the joy of one of these glorious "dzhigits", Paul, when the girl agreed to go with him on a week-long hike, leaving the Internet, a cosmetic bag and a favorite Yorkshire terrier.

    As the tents were quadruple, the compass for the night was divided into two groups. Pasha naturally laid Katya beside him to guard the dream of his blond angel. But it turned out that the young lady snores like a Japanese sumo player who fell asleep after a fight.

    As the guy admitted, after the first night together( yeah, yeah, we understand how it sounds), Katya's whole aura of sophistication and fragility disappeared somewhere, and so the story of their relationship ended, so plainly and without beginning.

    We think Katyusha should have thought early about how to get rid of snoring.

    Whichever method you suggest, you do not want the to get rid of snoring at home , you should not wait for immediate results. It will take at least a few weeks to work on solving this problem.

    How can I get rid of snoring?

    See practical tips:

    But it's worth it, you're not going to "drive" into the kitchen or the cot in the next room?

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