Can I change my passport at the place of residence: Russia and Ukraine

In any of the post-Soviet countries there are not so many people who like to deal with a variety of public services.

Maybe only people of the older generation adore to walk around ZHEKah, passport offices, mails and so on in the hope of talking, quarreling, taking something for a while.

The passport desk is a special place, living according to its own laws and rules. Fortunately, you do not have to go there often - only when you receive and replace your passport.

The question of whether can change the passport is not at the place of registration , is of interest to many people, because there are plenty of reasons for going after a new document, and very many people do not live where they are registered.

Let's try to understand this problem.

Russia and Ukraine: different views on the replacement of the passport at the place of registration

The fact that Russia and Ukraine are different countries are very clearly visible on the issue of obtaining and replacing the passport.

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In Ukraine, a passport is issued at the age of 16 and you can not change it until the end of your life. Of course, there are reasons in Ukraine forcing the holder of the passport to change it, for example, changing the surname, loss of the document, etc., but with one "booklet" with the inscription "Ukraine", "Passport" you can go through your whole life.

The only inconvenience is the need to paste a new photo in 25 and 45 years. But the procedure is fast and you can manage it in just one day.

However, soon the situation is likely to change, because since November 2016 in Ukraine those who have reached the age of 16 have started issuing ID-cards that look like this:

And while while the old-style documents operate on a par with the new ones, the government promises thatthey will operate for a long time, everyone understands that sooner or later the old passport will have to be changed to an ID-card.

The situation in the Russian Federation is different.

Here the passport is issued at the age of 14 and, in addition to the traditional reasons( change of surname, loss, etc.), it needs to be changed at 20 years and at 45 years.

With 45 years and until the end of life, you can no longer deal with the passport office.

A different picture is observed in the requirements of the governments of both states, which relate to the need to change the passport at the place of residence.

Can I change my passport not at the place of residence in Russia?

Russia is a huge country where citizens' migration processes are quite active.

Residents of small towns move to large cities in search of work, in order to get an education, because of marriage, etc.

As the citizens of the Russian Federation have to change their passport at least twice in their lives, the government went to meet them without requiring them to become attached to the place of residence.

1) Replacement of the passport is not possible at the place of residence.

In Russia, passport laws are regulated by three official laws:

1 Position of the Government of the Russian Federation on the passport
2 Administrative Regulations of the Migration Service of Russia for the provision of public services when issuing and replacing the passport
3 Order of the Federal Migration Service No. 319

The Federal Migration Service( FMS).

In clause 17 of Order No. 319 of this Service it is indicated that any citizen of the Russian Federation can change his passport not only at the place of residence, but also in the place:

  • of residence;
  • temporary stay;
  • specific treatment.

That is, to the postscript your desire to change your passport has nothing to do with it. You can go to the nearest FMS office and apply for a replacement document.

If you are refused, referring to the need to apply at the place of residence, ask to issue their refusal in writing. Most likely, a civil servant quickly retires and agrees to change his passport.

If in this case you are refused, and will do it in writing, then you can safely apply to the prosecutor's office.

The prosecutor's office, having received such a signal from a Russian citizen, is obliged to punish a negligent civil servant for violating your rights.

2) How is a passport replacement in Russia not at the place of residence?

We have already found out that it is possible to change the document not at the place of residence in Russia.

Now let's talk about the actual replacement procedure due to reaching the age of 20 and 45.

How to change your passport in Russia if you are 20/45 years old:

  1. Do not delay the treatment with the FMS for more than 1 month after reaching this age of , because so many are given to citizens for settling passport formalities. If you do not meet the deadline, you will have to pay a fine.

  2. Contact the nearest FMS office and write a statement on the replacement of the passport.

    The application form will be issued to you by a civil servant and you only need to fill it in.

  3. To pay the state fee.

    Since you have a planned change of document due to reaching a certain age, then you will have to pay only 300 rubles.

    But if you lost or damaged your passport, you will have to give the state a more impressive amount: 1 500 rubles.

    The easiest way to pay is to contact Sberbank's cashier( it does not take commission).Suitable for these purposes and any other commercial bank, if you are willing to be generous on commission.

  4. Collect the package of documents before going to the FMS.

  5. Wait:

    • 10 days if you applied at the place of registration( to the FMS department where the passport was issued);
    • 2 months, if the treatment occurred not at the place of residence.

You will easily manage 2 months without your passport, because in the FMS you will be issued a temporary identity card. You should ask about this service if you know exactly what document you will need.

Can I change my passport not at the place of residence in Ukraine?

In Ukraine, the situation with the replacement of the passport is not at the place of residence more difficult and the answer to the question that we raised at the beginning of the article - "You can not."

That is, in order to change your document for any reason, you will have to apply to the passport office only at the place of your registration.

Ukrainians hoped that the propiska will be liquidated completely, as happened in many civilized countries, but, alas, in April 2016 the situation was aggravated by the fact that Law No. 888-XVIII, which obliges citizens to register with local authorities,a number of documents:

That is, almost a propiska, albeit filed under a different sauce, returned.

This caused a lot of outrage at the forums, because there are not rare cases when a person is registered in a small town with parents, but works in the capital and lives in a rented apartment.

In addition, the love of red tape, bureaucracy and rudeness of local civil servants does not add to the desire of the Ukrainians to flee to register with local authorities.

And yet those who passed the procedure say that everything is not so difficult.

Anna was registered in the Darnytskyi district of Kiev. For everything about everything it took 40 minutes and 27 hryvnia.

So the problem is really not too big, although its solution requires time.

Citizens of Ukraine are dissatisfied mainly with the fact that the new registration rules made it absolutely impossible to change the passport not at the place of residence. And in this many were interested.

4 reasons why you have to change your passport not in the place of residence in Russia and in Ukraine

You already know the reasons why Russian citizens are forced to change their passport at the age of 20 and at 45 years.

Ukrainians were more fortunate in this respect: from them, when they reach a certain age, they only need to paste a photo and then, with a planned transition to an ID card, this need will gradually disappear.

There are a number of other reasons that force citizens of Ukraine and Russia to change their passport at the place of registration or without binding to it:

  1. With its loss.

    Yes, it happens that we lose our passport. There are often cases when people forget their belongings in public transport.

    Once my mother lost her passport. .. at home. I knew that he must be at home somewhere, but could not find him.

    Thorough search did not give anything. The document was only found six months later in one of the books.

  2. When it is stolen.

    If you know that you have stolen a passport, for example, dragged into the subway along with the purse, immediately go to the police and write a statement of embezzlement.

    It happens that "honest" thieves throw out documents, leaving only money for themselves, and honest citizens, when they find securities in the trash, return them to the owners.

    Such cases are not unique. Therefore, before running to the passport office, you can wait a bit - but suddenly there will be lost.

    But the statement to the police still need to write.

  3. If it is damaged.

    Damage, which is the basis for replacement, is considered to be torn / torn pages, binding or picture in awful condition.

    If you wash your pants, forgetting at the same time "little book" in your pocket, then for sure you can not avoid meetings with passportists.

  4. When changing the last name.

    The most common reason for the treatment is marriage and the transfer to the husband's surname.

    Sometimes life's circumstances or something else encourages people to change their unsympathetic or unloved family name and / or name to others. The law does not prohibit this.

    The procedure is not much different from the planned need to change the passport, for example, in 20 years.

    The main difficulty is that you will have to change other documents, identification code or, for example, bank cards.

Rules for changing passports in Russia are the same for everyone!

How to do it, when and where - look in the video:

I think you got the answer to the question " Can I change my passport not at the place of residence? "and now you know that Russian citizens have the right to do this, but the Ukrainians do not.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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