8 tips on how to make a right guess

Remember the nursery rhyme "If you really want to, you can fly to space"?

If you know, then your moms and dads correctly programmed you into adulthood.

On whether our desire is so strong and whether we form it correctly, the quality and speed of execution depends.

If you belong to skeptics who are convinced that this is a useless occupation - I highly recommend reading the article to the end to find out how to correctly guess 's wishes, perhaps you did something wrong before.

This really works!

I'll tell you about one of my friends, who's called Marina.

She, as they say, is lucky in life.

Everything that it does not conceive, comes true without much effort, and it does not matter at all small desire, such as a new blouse, or something global.

Marina is older than me for 7 years.

Immediately after university she became a teacher of a local university and began to write her Ph. D. thesis.

It seems that everything worked out: the students loved her, her colleagues respected, and the scientific work was almost ready, but the friend confessed to me that she was incredibly bored and she was shivering at the thought that she would have to do this for the rest of her life.

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A year ago, Marina began to seriously think about changing her career, she was terribly attracted by journalism.

Her friends advised not to spoil the fever and wait at least a year or two, until the situation in the labor market stabilizes.

Moreover, Marina has a daughter who is brought up alone, because her ex-husband, having successfully gone abroad, does not help.

But the friend was adamant and went to the interview.

It's not surprising, but even without minimal experience, they took lyrics on one of the news sites, with preference given to more qualified applicants.

I will tell you that the difference between writing scientific articles and news is colossal.

Marina coped, moreover, after seven months of work she became the issuing editor of the site.

Visualize and all your desires fulfilled instantly!

I asked what is its secret, in addition to personal qualities.

The answer surprised me: "I know how correctly it is necessary to make a wish for !"

8 tips on how to correctly guess the desire of

Some recommendations were suggested to me by Marina, guided by personal experience, and I formed a part for you personally.

We will learn?😉

  1. Forget about the particle NOT!

    When forming a desire, build a sentence so that it does not contain a negative particle.

    Correctly: "I will go on vacation in France".Wrong: "I do not want to spend my vacation at home."

  2. Keep your assurance that your desire will necessarily be fulfilled !

    You can not rely on luck.

    If you make a wish, then you should not for a moment doubt its implementation.

  3. Talk about your desire in the present time or define a strict time frame!

    Correctly: "In a month I will have a new fur coat", "I see myself married to a diplomat".

    Wrong: "Someday I will become rich."

  4. Avoid vague formulations, specify your desires!

    Correctly: "I want to get a job in the newspaper" Mirror of the Week ".

    Wrong: "I want to be successful."

  5. Visualizes your desires!

    Write a plan for the year, month, design them in the form of drawings, collages, etc.

  6. Desire the unattainable!

    Agree, the phrase "I want ice cream" can hardly be called a desire, rather - it's a minute need that can be easily met.

    Set a high bar in order to achieve success.

  7. Do not wish many at once!

    Focus on one or, at most, two secret desires, and do not spray energy by several dozen.

  8. Desires need to be supported by actions!

    It's not enough just to repeat myself as a mantra, I want to become a famous model.

    You need to get a special education, go through a dozen castings, invest a lot of energy and money in your appearance.

    Fate gives us a lot of opportunities for implementation.

    The main thing is to use them.

Away with skepticism!

You need to know not only how to correctly guess the desire of , but also when it is better to do it.

Remember, in our childhood we sincerely believed in Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, the Tooth Fairy and other wizards who could fulfill our most secret desires.

And let us dream of some fantastic things, but we were sincere in our convictions.

With each passing year we became more and more skeptical, we began to understand that gifts for a Christmas tree or money under the pillow are put by our parents, and not by fabulous creatures.

We stopped believing in miracles, but miracles did not stop believing in us, remember this! !!

Despite the age, academic degrees, life experience, the number of books read, leave a little magic in your life.

I recommend not to be lazy, but to look

some more useful advice of the well-known psychologist

about how correctly it is necessary to make wishes!

Let's go. ..

I still advise making wishes for the New Year, Christmas, looking at the shooting star to get help from the higher forces.

The starting point of any achievement is the desire! Weak desires - bring in weak results, just as a small amount of fire - gives a small amount of heat.

Yes, let modern life look a bit like a fairy tale, but we harden our hearts and turn from an enthusiastic child into Foma of the Unbeliever.

Did a wish for a grumbling biscuit, who lost faith in miracles, fulfill desires?

And let me now say as the priests say, but I am convinced that only a sincere faith multiplied by hard work can help in the fulfillment of the most secret desires. May your desires be fulfilled, my children.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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