World statistics show that more than half of businessmen have mediocre marks in the certificate of education.
Psychologists and teachers try to explain this fact by the syndrome of the honors pupil.
The young man is taught from childhood that in order to become a successful person, you need excellent academic performance, which will open all the doors to him, will help you become successful in life!
Undoubtedly, to become a successful lawyer, doctor, teacher or accountant knowledge will help, but doing business is quite another matter.
Here you need not only the amount of knowledge, but also other qualities of character!
What? We will consider this article.
I myself am an excellent student - therefore I know what I'm writing!. .. 🙂
5 reasons why the top three in business are more successful than the excellent students!
Троечники know how to stand on their own and not to be influenced by the authorities
As a rule, excellent students at school have exemplary behavior and do not conflict with teachers and parents.
They do everything they require of them, try to show maximum loyalty and flexibility in their relations with the pedagogical collective, get used to being praised and set as an example.
But the three-way students on the contrary. .. scolded, they are less focused on getting ratings and often the opinion of parents and teachers about them is not decisive for them. They are engaged in what they are interested in: sports, computer games, collecting.
They are resistant to criticism of adults and parents and the words "from you except the janitor will not work" are taken calmly!
We are talking about those troes who have no interest in studying, but there are other hobbies.
Naturally from young people prone to bad habits: to alcoholism and drug addiction, - nothing will work until they overcome this disease.
Resilience to criticism, perseverance in obtaining results - that's why tops become more successful than !These all features help them with entrepreneurship!
Троечники in comparison with excellent pupils - are able to defend the interests among contemporaries
In youth collectives there is a rigid selection of the / another's.Appreciate physical strength, courage, ability to give change to the offender.
"Bataniki", enthusiastic about their studies, as a rule, do not have physical data and courage.
They expect to make their way through life with their knowledge and for the rest they simply do not have time.
Sociability, ability to talk with peers in one language and solve problems distinguishes the success of troechnics from the excellent .
Troychnik, who just started to do business, feels the pressure of his team, who needs to pay salaries, and external forces( tax inspection, law enforcement agencies, bandits).
The ability to talk and stand up for themselves will have, as it is impossible, by the way, fighting qualities are always in price!
Троечники always ready for justified risk
Excellent people do not like to take risks, they do not have the spirit of adventurism( the word from the film "The Irony of Fate. .."), which in a normal dose is necessary for every entrepreneur.
The well-known aphorism "who does not risk, does not drink champagne" is justified in business!
Calculate everything is impossible, there is always a danger of making a mistake in a person, assessing the situation.
Nothing's perfect! !!
Excellent people are afraid to do something wrong, make mistakes, become the subject of gossip and gossip, distress your loved ones, and urgently need to borrow money to open your business. ..
That's why there are some failures in their life. ..
For the three-formers, the real education is self-education.
.on 65% of percent will not be useful in a life and will soon be forgotten for uselessness( let in me will throw the tomato of the teacher, but I consider what is it the truth).They spent so much time and energy, sometimes worthy of better use.Great writers LN Tolstoy and AM Gorky left the university without getting higher education, B.Gates and R.Abramovich were not excellent students at school, but they got knowledge through self-education in areas of interest.
Troychnikov has a harmony of theory and practice
Knowledge without practice is dead, practice without knowledge is blind - this is a truism!
One young man in the Soviet era, when his peers "gnawed" the granite of science, banally skipped classes, selling seeds on the street, and then ice cream.
What do you think he became?
A businessman who graduated from the university without problems 🙂
After receiving business and triple skills in the school leaving certificate, he supplemented the practice with theory, knowing what specific knowledge he needed, and to what extent.
And a few more reflections on the success of the
triplets look in the video:
The modern education system prepares young people not for a specific workplace, but gives a general concept about everything.
Therefore, after graduating from the University, a person begins to look for himself, his place in life and discovers that he has not studied it at all.
The state would save a lot of money if it were preparing young people for specific jobs, giving them the knowledge necessary for a particular job.
For this you need to know who you want to be.
You need to have a certain life experience, and then only choose a profession and learn.