30 cherished wishes for the New Year 2017. Signs and ceremonies for the fulfillment of desires

If you want to know how to make coveted wishes in the New Year 2017, so that they will be fulfilled - read the article.

Contents of

  • How to correctly make wishes for the New Year 2017?
  • What time does it take to make a wish for the New Year?
  • List of 30 wishes for the New Year
  • Rites of fulfillment of desires for the New Year
  • Making wishes for the New Year 2017 with champagne and paper
  • Desires in balls for the New Year
  • Desires in the vareniki for the New Year
  • Bag of desires for the New Year
  • Coming desires for the New Yearyear 2017
  • Wishes of wishes for the New Year
  • A sign with grapes for fulfillment of desires for the New Year 2017
  • How to make a wishbone for the New Year 2017?
  • Baby wishes for the New Year
  • How to make a wish for a child for the New Year 2017
  • How to meet the Old New Year and make a wish?
  • Ritual of making wishes for the Old New Year
  • Guessing for a wish for the Old New Year
  • Magic wish card for the Old New Year
  • instagram viewer
  • Prayer for fulfilling desires in the Old New Year
  • What can not be desired in the Old New Year
  • Ways of fulfilling desires for the New and Old New Yearyear: tips and reviews
  • Video: 9 Ways to Make a Desire for the New Year

In the sales times it was believed that under the New Year you can make coveted wishes and they will be fulfilled. But to make your dreams come true, you must strongly want this, believe in miracles, perform some, symbolic rites and rituals. The year 2017 will be the year of the red, fiery Cock. Let's find out how to make a wish so that it will be fulfilled in 2017.

How to correctly make wishes for the New Year 2017?

In order for the Universe to correctly receive information from you, you must correctly teach it. You can be sure, all the desires that you make for the New Year will come true.

Important, follow the tips below.

  • Never talk about dreams in the past, the future time. For example, "I want, that I had a good salary".The word "was" is a block. Higher forces respond: "Yes, you had a good salary."Accordingly, no implementation of this dream will not. It is necessary to say: "Thank you for my prosperity, which grows every day"
  • Do not use phrase-parasites when forming a request. These include: "at any cost," "blood from the nose," "I will not spare my health for the sake of. ..", etc. All these words will be understood literally. Your wish will come true, but not the way you wanted it.
  • Thinking about the hidden things - be positive. Drive all negative thoughts away from yourself
  • Also get rid of words that impede your intentions: I should, maybe, at least. Do not use negative particles: not, nor. Just imagine, you yourself doom to failure, such desires: "I have at least a small angle to have, but my own."As a result, you get a small room in the family hostel
  • . Do not paint blurry pictures in your head, formulate very clearly what you want, then all your plans will come true

IMPORTANT: Make your wishes yourself. Only you can truly convey the idea. Otherwise, if others are dreaming for you, everything will turn out differently than you wanted.

How long does it take to make a wish for the New Year?

  • To celebrate New Year we are accustomed to a circle of close friends. And according to tradition, they want to fight for hours before twelve at night. It is at this magical time that we move from one time to another. These seconds are especially filled with magic. But this is not the only version of
  • . It is possible to promote the fulfillment of dreams even before the New Year holidays. It's not for nothing that children write about their desires to the fabulous grandfather Frost in advance. Note - often such desires come true
  • Do not despair if you overslept the New Year, because we will still have the Old New Year. Already here you just have time to prepare and correct at the Higher Forces to make your dream come true

The list of 30 wishes for the New Year

Now very often there are people who do not know what to wish, they say that they have enough. But no - this does not happen. A person, while striving for something, lives. This state is temporary: now there are no plans, in an hour there is already. For sure in the wish list, you will find yours, which have been postponed for a while, and now it's time to implement.

  1. Find out the world, go on a trip to the country that you have long dreamed of seeing
  2. Every day wake up surrounded by their loved ones, tell them - I love.
  3. Meet your( your) beloved
  4. Create a strong full family
  5. Have a great rest on vacation to this life span filled for a long time
  6. Make a lot of good deeds
  7. Start a pet
  8. Change the interior of the room, make repairs
  9. Open your case to the projectfailed
  10. Buy a subscription to the fitness center. Start watching your body.
  11. . To vacation, become a slender. Bring your body in perfect condition
  12. Collect all longtime friends in the summer for a picnic
  13. Get rid of bad habits. Finally, stop postponing this business for then
  14. Fight your complexes, fears. To love yourself, to do something unusual, for example, to jump from a parachute
  15. Learn how to cook delicious healthy dishes
  16. Change bored work for a favorite thing
  17. Buy a new car
  18. Go to a costumed noisy party
  19. Raise your level of knowledge. Go to a higher institution
  20. Realize a child's dream
  21. Take a romantic trip
  22. Become a movie star, a singer
  23. See your own eyes, the sunset on the ocean, the sea
  24. Arrange a hike, conquer the top of the mountain
  25. Heal old disease
  26. Visit Thailand - see the purity, beauty of the ocean
  27. Learn to swim
  28. Learn English perfectly
  29. Build your dream house
  30. Make your loved ones happy

Rites of fulfillment of desires for the New Year

Year Rooster- restless, this bird likes active. And all who will do something for their dream, will definitely achieve what they want. And to support the execution of the plan, use rituals.

To attract prosperity

  • Even before the New Year, buy a beautiful postcard and envelope. Put this postcard with wishes and any paper bill inside the envelope. Send it to her by mail. When the delivery is delivered, put in a purse, never spend
  • Get out, light up three green candles, forget about the hassle. Imagine that money falls into your hands. The more real the picture will be, the better you will go things in the material plan
  • Prepare in advance for the battle of the chimes. Take in the left hand a paper bill, and in the right glass of champagne. According to the magicians, you will have money for a year. Do not celebrate the New Year empty-handed

To attract good luck, happiness

  • If the outgoing year is not successful, then clean the house. On the 31st of the month before the New Year, open the doors, the windows. How will the air in the rooms change - all the negative will go away. After the New Year 2017, repeat the process. Let luck in your house
  • Begin from the first day to the 12th day of the New Year, with special severity, watch your actions, thoughts. Every day is responsible for the month. For example, what will be the third of January, such is the month of March. Try to radiate more positive at this crucial moment.
  • Know, all your desires will come true if you are grateful for today. Find bright moments now, namely, for them and thank the Higher Forces
  • In order to start your life with a new sheet, light a fire on the eve of the New Year holidays. Let all things that resemble failures and misfortunes burn in him. Have fun at the fire, the main thing: during the ritual not to eat, do not drink

IMPORTANT: Celebrate the New Year 2017 in new outfits. Then you will have enough in your house, it is desirable that the clothes are present elements of red parts.

Guessing desires for the New Year 2017 with champagne and paper

This method is used by many, according to the magicians it is considered very effective. To fulfill the cherished desire to take a small sheet. Then, detail your dream. For example, you need money - write how much you need, what you want it for. Only do not demand a prosperity, in the text of the appeal do not use words: it is necessary, it is required, it is necessary, etc.

Make a letter in advance, before the battle of the clock, at the last minute, burn the piece of paper, pour the ashes into the glass with a drink( champagne, juice, wine) and drink at 12 o'clock in the morning. Sit in silence for a while, so that the desire will be fixed. And then you can loudly talk, have fun, sing, dance.

Wishes in balls for the New Year

To meet the New Year in the company of the Rooster will not hurt to organize interesting games, comic competitions. Especially it will please children - after all they so believe in magic and knowingly, because such time is really a magic period. For fun entertainment it is necessary to prepare in advance. Take a lot of the usual balloons, inside them put scraps with wishes. Then give them to all the guests. Let everyone burst his ball and find out what awaits him in the year of the cock.

Desires in vareniki for the New Year

Very good, if such vareniki you will cook not alone, but with relatives and friends. To make everything predicted come true, you will need a positive mood, warm talks about something good.

For different wishes, you need a certain filling, just write a note and wrap it in a dough - it's not for this case.

  • Small crust bread , caught in a dumpling at the festive table, is a symbol of the fulfillment of material desires
  • The coin is a good sign( to profit, unexpected wealth)
  • Thread comes to lovers of travel
  • Ring - to the marriage
  • Dill will fulfill all desires for health
  • Slice of apple comes across to people who will spend all year quietly, calmly
  • Cabbage - to permanent relationship
  • Cucumber - compliantcherished dream
  • Sour berry - for unhappy love
  • Garlic - not a very good precursor, shows that you will face many obstacles on the way
  • Caramel - love adventures

Bag of desires for the New Year

  • Bag of desires can be sewn and decorated with your ownhands. Moreover, there are a lot of options for implementing this product on the Internet. If you sew a thing by yourself, then fill it with positive energy
  • Then on the eve of the New Year every guest should write his wish on the sheet of paper, and at 12:00 in the morning pass the bag to Santa Claus, he will fulfill all desires of
  • . Another option is to hang a bagat the entrance. Let everyone who enters the house put a present there. When the New Year comes, give out gifts in a random order

Funny desires for the New Year 2017

To not get bored on a festive night, play the game "Funny Desires".Be confident - this lesson will not let you fall asleep and not wait for twenty-four hours( the coming of the holiday).For this it is necessary that people in order of order fulfill each other's wishes.

You can guess any interesting desire to make it funny. For example:

  • to blindfold a person and let him identify any four objects of
  • show which symbol of this year
  • say to the given word rhyme
  • make a sitting head massage
  • draw a girlfriend a mustache
  • to sing the song "Brilliant" - for a man
  • to dance the dance "Little ducklings"

Wishes of wishes for the New Year

Phantas are the same comic desires, only here one person( leader) is thinking of what to do to the owner of a fantasy. To do this, each participant in the bag puts his thing. The presenter gets it out and makes up a wish for this person. Again, the wish list can be varied.

  • Become a chair and read a poem
  • Get out of a plate with sour cream teeth
  • ring Sing a children's song
  • Every five minutes say a cock for half an hour
  • Dance a gypsy girl

A primitive with grapes to fulfill wishes for the New Year 2017

Grapes in Italy represent a symbol of success, happiness. On the festive New Year's table must necessarily be the clusters of these sweet berries. It is believed that the clock should be eaten exactly twelve grapes without pits, then the whole year you will have a "sweet life".

How to make a wishbone tree for the New Year 2017?

  • To fulfill your cherished wishes, your New Year tree should be decorated not only with toys, but with sweets, tangerines, homemade cookies in the form of various figures.
  • It is considered that if the tree is decorated in this way, then in your family there will be a grace, grace and you will not be affected by material difficulties. Such delicious jewelry should be removed from the Christmas tree for the New Year and there is an
  • There is another effective rite. If in your family there is discord, then for the New Year 2017 buy two Christmas trees. Strongly wind them among themselves, put in one container, as if a Christmas tree alone, dress her up. And in the New Year, the relationship between you and your second half will be adjusted

Baby desires for the New Year

Already smal accustom the baby to make wishes right. You can dream about everything, the main thing is not to focus only on material interests. When the child begins to write a letter to Grandfather Frost, tell him that it is possible to make several wishes.

For example, let the new machine make a wish that my grandparents are healthy and many new good friends. All dreams should radiate only positive.

IMPORTANT: If you teach your child to make the right wishes, which can be realized( not every kind of transformation, for example: "I want to become a fairy"), in the future the child will be able to correctly formulate his goals and implement them.

How to make a wish for a child for the New Year 2017

In order for a child to have a dream, you will definitely need the help of adults. It is parents who must help the baby make a wish. For crumbs this action means a lot, because children believe in miracles more than adults. See further, what method can you draw a child's wish.

  • In advance, buy a small casket, attach a thread to it, then to hang it on a beautiful tree. Give the child a sheet, a pen, with your help write about your dream. Wrap the sheet, put it in the casket. Together, ask the casket to help your wish come true. Hang it on the Christmas tree, after the New Year, discard the sheet
  • Take an album sheet, paint, brush, water. Ask the kid to draw what he wants. Put the picture on the table. During the battle of the chimes, tell the child to think again about his dream and look at the drawing
  • And do not forget about the most proven method - a letter to Santa Claus. Give the child an envelope, a pen, a piece of paper. When he writes his wish, seal it in an envelope, sign it. Take away, promise to send a message to the addressee

How to meet the Old New Year and make a wish?

  • The old New Year is celebrated in many countries. It is celebrated from the 13th to the 14th of January. This is a magical time of divination, fulfillment of cherished desires. If you did not make your wish for the New Year, do not despair and make it up on this magical night.
  • . In the olden time, under the Old New Year, young girls and boys gathered together and went to visit friends, wished for happiness, good, prosperity. They were treated to this with festive dishes, sweets, money
  • Now these traditions began to be forgotten and celebrate a holiday at home with the family. True - not everyone celebrates it, because it often falls on weekdays. Those who still decided to celebrate the Old New Year, you need to prepare twelve festive dishes
  • The food is prepared a variety of different types of meat, it is necessary that there is kutya, pork. Do not be unnecessary on the festive table will be pancakes, vareniki, pies. The more satisfying, the more varied the food, the more prosperity is expected next year.

. The ritual of making wishes for the Old New Year.

  • . In order to achieve your goal, in the Old New Year, first get rid of the load that you are currently burdensome. To do this, burn the piece of paper on a plate. But before that, on that sheet, describe the essence of the problem that torments you.
  • If you are a fashionista and it's very important for you to dress well, then this year will meet in a new red dress. Then the whole year of the Rooster you will look great and often buy new clothes
  • Before midnight, fill the glass with any drink( not necessarily champagne), lightly blow on the liquid, make a wish. Exactly at twelve at night drink a drink

Guessing on the desire for the Old New Year

  • Write on one sheet your desire, on the other do not write anything. Put the paper under the pillow. In the morning put your hand under the pillow and pull out one piece of paper. But before that do not look out the window. If the leaf with desire, it means it will be exactly executed by
  • Prepare two cups. Fill one half, one empty. At midnight, think about your dream. Then start pouring water from one cup to the other. So do it seven times. Then look, if the water is not spilled, then the dream will come true, and if it is spilled, then there is no
  • Again, write your secret desire on the leaflet. A minute before midnight, light a piece of paper in a container. If up to twelve burns completely, then the desire will come true

Magic wish card for the Old New Year

If you want to realize your plans for a future life, then on the eve of the Old New Year, make a wish card yourself. For it, you need to take a Whatman paper, divide it into nine equal parts. Each square is responsible for a certain aspect of your future life. See the figure below.

In each square you need to paste pictures that symbolize your idea of ​​these aspects. Be sure to sign the photo. In the center, glue your best photo, where you like yourself. In the Old New Year, make a wish that your dreams come true.

Prayer for the fulfillment of desires in the Old New Year.

. In order for your prayers to be effective, one must observe the fast before Christmas. That is, before the birth of Christ, not only will they refrain from eating meat, etc., but also cleanse themselves spiritually - be positively tuned. Moreover, the second is even more important than the first.

On the eve of the Old New Year to go outside( to be closer to the stars).Think about your dream, read the prayer "Father, our" three times, cross.

If the girl, the woman has long dreamed of marriage, then let him pray. Then he will ask the Blessed Virgin for a fast marriage.

What can not be desired in the Old New Year

Thoughts are material. This statement has been confirmed many times. Especially quickly meet the wishes of friends, enemies, which you pulled out of themselves. So be careful with such thoughts. On this holiday forget all quarrels, try to forgive irritants. Especially if they ask you about it.

The old New Year is a holiday in which people forget about conflicts, have fun, enjoy life.

Ways of fulfilling desires for the New and Old New Year: advice and feedback

After reading this article, you will translate into real life your own cherished desires without help from outside. After all, there are many ways to do this, which you like to choose yourself.

Video: 9 ways to make a wish for the New Year

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