Déjà vu: what is deja vu?

Well, how do you confess: did you experience a feeling of repetition of some situation, finding out a place in which you'd never seem to have been, similar to something in the story of a read book, a song heard or a picture being examined?

If yes, then you are one of 97% of the world population who experienced the effect of deja vu .

What hides behind a beautiful French word, what is the history of research of this phenomenon, why does this effect arise and whether it is necessary to fight it - the topic of today's article.

What is deja vu?

Literally from French, deja vu( déjà vu) translates as "already seen".

This term was first used by Emil Boerac in his book.

Psychiatrists, when answering the question " What is deja vu ?" Say the following: "A mental state that occurs unexpectedly and in which it seems that a person has already been in a similar situation or experienced similar sensations."

The intensity of this feeling can be different.

Sometimes the feeling of "already seen" rolls literally for a minute, and then also unexpectedly releases. But it happens that it resembles a powerful wave that covers your head and the feeling of anxiety accompanies you for a long time.

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One day my girlfriend was vacationing in Italy.

On this trip she dreamed for a long time, so I was looking forward to a detailed story and a photo show.

But on arrival it turned out that most of all the girlfriend was impressed by the most powerful sensation of deja vu while traveling on the Grand Canal in Venice.

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Says: "It seemed to me that I had already seen these ancient buildings and even remember the people who lived here. I stopped listening to the guide and began to guess which houses I was in, and in which - not. It was so scary that this horror sensation blocked all the pleasant impressions of the trip. "

Who researched deja vu?

I will say at once that it is difficult to investigate this effect, because it can not be induced artificially - and people that experienced it can not describe in detail the full range of their feelings and the situation when this phenomenon arose.

In addition, a healthy person does not often face such a mental disorder, but patients with epilepsy that can experience this effect several times a day - not very reliable subjects.

The first to explain, , why there is a deja vu effect, German scientists began at the end of the XIX century.

They wrote off everything for fatigue, which does not allow our brain to work well.

From the standpoint of fatigue, the American scholar Bernham also explained everything.

Only he turned the theory of the Germans upside down, because he believed that it was in the most rested state that our brain can experience deja vu while staying in a new place or studying an unfamiliar complex subject.

Naturally, I could not stay away from studying such an interesting phenomenon, Grandfather Freud.

He wrote everything off to subconscious fantasies, they say, it seems to us that something similar has already been seen, because once they dreamed about it, and forgot.

The theory of Arthur Allin was not like Freud's: he was not talking about fantasies, but about forgotten dreams.

Modern scholars agree that the appearance of the deja vu effect is due to the hypoxes - the mysterious zone of the brain, which is responsible for the recognition of objects.

And now when it seems to you that you have already seen something similar, then the brain gives you a similar picture and thus triggers the so-called false memory.

Why does the deja vu effect occur?

There were many people who wanted to interpret this phenomenon.

Moreover, not only psychologists, but also priests, psychics, physicians, and simply amateurs are studying the reasons for such an interesting effect.

One of the main reasons why the deja vu effect occurs is memories from our past life.

Those who believe in rebirth, tell each other the stories that they recognized the palace in Italy, because they once danced here at the ball.

Especially often such things are said by stars.

For example, Tina Turner gave many interviews after visiting Egypt, trying to convince her fans that she is the reborn Queen Hatshepsut.

Early Christians also explained the effect of the occurrence of this phenomenon by reincarnation.

However, in 553 the main churchmen recognized this theory as heretical and forbade the priests to spread it.

To date, the most popular explanations for the deja vu effect are:

  1. Acute emotional outbursts characteristic of puberty( the desire to present their ideal future) and the crisis of 35-40 years( desire to regain youth).
  2. Anomaly of the brain.

    For those who often experience this phenomenon, American scientists have discovered a lack of gray matter in the subcortex.

  3. Fatigue.

    If we see something in a state of extreme fatigue or, being too sleepy, it is unlikely that we will remember everything.

    And, being the second time in a similar situation, memory is helpful to us slipped weary memories.

  4. Problems with the psyche, which must be eliminated by a specialist.
  5. Forgotten dreams or fantasies that make themselves felt when we get into a situation or a place that we saw in our dreams or dreams.

Additional facts about the deja vu effect,

you can learn from this video.

We look and take note.

What is the deja vu effect and how to deal with it?

Despite the fact that this phenomenon is rather scary and brings not too positive emotions, doctors insist that there is no need to panic.

Statistics speak for itself: 97% of the adult population of our planet can not suffer from mental disorders.

If you experience the "already seen" effect extremely rarely, then you do not need to do anything.

However, if deja vu visits you too often and is accompanied by panic attacks, you should go through the examination to find out the cause and get treatment.

If you are covered with a powerful wave of deja vu, then you do not need to dissolve in the arisen feelings of fear and anxiety, do not try to panic "What? !When?!Can not be or can? ! "

Take a few deep breaths, try to relax and calm down.

If the greatest minds of mankind have not yet found the exact answer to the question " What is deja vu and where it comes from," then you should not worry about it.

Better enjoy life and new experiences, and do not dig in the past.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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