The power of thought: nonsense or truth?

You probably noticed that some dreams are implemented in a fairly short time, and some - and still remain dreams?

That's like nothing you did and did not do anything special, did not cut the stone wall with your forehead, but so sincerely wanted to visit Europe, constantly presenting yourself there, that absolutely unexpectedly the authorities suggested to go on a business trip, for example, to the Czech Republic.

Psychologists believe that in this case played the role of the thought power: you were so sincerely wanting something, maximally projecting all the energy for the realization of the dream, that the higher powers heard your messages! The power of thought: is there such a thing?

Psychologists often use the phrase "Thoughts are material". .. I also often say this phrase!😛

Indeed, constantly expecting from the fate of the blow, sooner or later you will wait for it!

Remember the anecdote about the peasant, who repeated every day: "The chief is an idiot! Wife ugly! Children are idiot! ".

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And at that time an angel sat on his shoulder and said in amazement: "What strange desires, but such intimate - every day repeats the same thing - will have to be carried out."

Understand what I mean?

Do not beg for trouble, they will find you!

It is better to thank the higher forces, parents, friends more often for the fact that your life is wonderful.

It also happens with the guessing of the hidden desires.

Thanks to the power of thought, you can achieve their fulfillment, naturally, with some effort.

The fact that it works, I was convinced thanks to my virtual girlfriend.

When I was in LiveJournal, I was signed to a blog by a lady named Stella.

She emigrated from the USSR and settled firmly in the US.

She wrote insanely interesting and almost every day, without hiding the details of her life.

I once heard a phrase from her: "I always knew that I would leave the USSR.Even when there was almost no hope for emigration, I knew that in this country I have no right to take root - I have a completely different life. "

And they really could leave the whole family.

There, a young woman was able to get higher education and make a good career in one of the banks.

Despite the highly paid profession, she dreamed of journalism.

She saw herself at the radio and knew that she would one day realize her dream.

Well, that many of you could turn your life by 180 degrees, having a stable income?

And Stella was able to!

Now she has a home studio, where she writes author's programs and advertisements.

And the power of thought played in this story not the least role.

You can achieve what you want if you put all the energy into implementation. The power of thought: why does not it always work?

Do you know why some people have the gift of healing, predicting the future, seeing the past, looking into the other world?

Yes, I believe that such people exist.

And even the presence of a huge number of charlatans who make money on human misfortunes, I will not be persuaded by the contrary!

So, their gift primarily depends on the strong energy and the immutability of what they say.

Simply put, they do not work with matter, but with energy.

Accessories in the form of maps, mirrors and other - secondary.

Make 8 Steps to Change Your Life

Psychics( let's call them so for simplicity) are not only able to convince, in something, but almost reshape someone else's life.

That's why not advised to abuse trips to fortunetellers, because you do not already choose the path by which to go, it was chosen for you!

Another example of the power of thought is the recovery of the hopelessly sick.

That's why with the same diagnoses, for example, cancer of the fourth degree, and identical treatment, one patient out of several hundred copes with the disease?

Not because his doctor is better, but because his desire to live conquers death.

First recovery occurs in the head, and only then - with the body!

The power of thought does not work if:

  • you have a weak power;
  • you just make the appearance that you want something;
  • you do not take absolutely no steps to realize the dream;
  • you do not believe in yourself and in your strength;
  • you constantly doubt and panic.

The power of thought: how to achieve it with its help?

Some people are already born with the ability to control their minds, but most can learn this through special exercises.

Everything will turn out, of course, not immediately, but hard training will help you become the master of thoughts.

  1. Visualize what you want.

    For example, you want to visit some exotic islands, really want to.

    Daily create in your head a color film, where you are the main character.

    In details, imagine your feelings, action, the number in which you stopped, the objects that surround you, hear the sound of the ocean, feel the silky sand under your feet, etc.

  2. We switch from bad thoughts to good ones.

    People who have poor control over their minds sometimes give in to panic attacks when they start thinking about illness, death, dismissal, breakdown of equipment, etc.

    Instead of quickly getting rid of bad thoughts, they start to visualize them!

    Learn how to quickly drive such thoughts away and switch to something positive.

  3. Make a wish card and train the concentration of thoughts on it.

    In one of the articles I told you how to make a collage of desires.

    I hope you obeyed my advice and hung it in a prominent place.

    Every day, focus on a picture and imagine it already implemented!

    Do not allow yourself to think about anything else at the same time.

  4. Do not create a vacuum in your head.

    Remember, doing some fascinating business, you were not distracted by various thoughts at all.

    And as soon as you finished it or were not concentrated enough in the process, your head was immediately filled with a variety of thoughts.

    Conclusion - to improve the performance of your brain - it should always be busy with something useful.

    Do not allow the flow of unnecessary thoughts to the head, otherwise they will soon start to guide you.

  5. We move from thought to word.

    This is scientifically called affirmation.

    That is, you verbally express your desire.

    Do the exercise daily.

    So that you do not feel embarrassed or embarrassed, do it better alone.

I propose to watch an insanely useful video about how

influences our life as a force of thought.

It's worth pondering and rethinking your thinking.

The power of thought is a powerful weapon that can help you achieve what you want.

But its effectiveness depends on the abilities of the owner.

Train your mind and be able to master this weapon masterfully.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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