How many years can I drink coffee?

In fact, all people in the world can be divided into two large groups: those who prefer tea in the morning and those who are coffee.

There is, of course, another small faction that starts the day with kefir, juice, smuzzy or something else, but it is so small that it does not pay much attention.

The struggle between coffee and tea is a long time and if weak tea can be given to babies from a young age, then it's up to to decide how long it takes to drink coffee, is much more difficult.

There are different positions about the age at which children can be introduced to this fragrant drink, but most doctors agree: acquaintance should not be too fast.

People did not always take care of the problem of how many years it is possible to drink coffee.

The history of conquering the world with coffee beans does not last many centuries, even if compared with the same tea.

Until the 14th century, coffee trees were wild crops, to which few people paid attention.

They grew mainly in Ethiopia.

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The first journey that the coffee tree seedlings made was on the Arabian Peninsula.

And the inhabitants of the Ottoman Empire became the first who sincerely fell in love with the taste and aroma of coffee and, in fact, contributed to the further promotion of this drink. It happened in the 16th century.

Europe began to drink coffee not earlier than in the XVIII century.

Although the use of this nectar was not yet massive, the first plantations of coffee trees were laid in Brazil, Guatemala, Cuba, Martinique, etc.

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Today it is difficult to imagine the morning of many people from different parts of the world, without a cup of fragrant coffee.

If no one prevents adults from enjoying the taste and aroma of this caffeinated nectar( exception - health), then the question of how many years you can drink coffee for children remains open.

But who knows, how many years you can drink coffee

Public transport is a source of useful information for the owner of the site.

That's why I continue to use it.

My readers know that there I often find stories to illustrate this or that material.

So it happened this time.

The two grandmothers sitting in front of me were discussing their grandchildren.

One complained to another that a five-year-old granddaughter now requires coffee in the morning, they say, her girlfriend from the kindergarten parents are allowed to drink this in the morning.

Grandmother and parents strongly disagree, because, searching for information, for how many years you can drink coffee , they made sure that 5 years - too little to get acquainted with this drink.

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Her girlfriend turned out to be a literate woman and shared her own experience of introducing her grandson( now a schoolboy) to a coffee.

He, too, imitating his parents, asked him to pour him coffee, starting from the age of 6.

They came out of the situation as follows:

  • gave him hot chocolate;
  • bought a barley or chicory drink;
  • cooked cocoa.

So the child could be fooled.

Now the grandson, who is already 10 years old, drinks coffee in the morning, but soluble( half a spoonful per cup) with plenty of milk.

This is how the peace in the family was restored.

How many years can you drink coffee for babies?

I do not think it's worth explaining simple truths to you: the life of a child begins in the womb.

That's why pregnant women need to closely monitor what they drink and eat.

Drinking coffee pregnant doctors do not recommend.

Sometimes with low pressure and not too strong - please.

But, if you are used to eating at least 5 cups a day, then you should give up this habit for the period of pregnancy.

If you continue, then kill the child's health, cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Features of child development in the womb

Up to 10-12 years the child should not know the taste of coffee, even - soluble, even - with milk.

There are alternative options that I told you about.

The use of caffeine in early school age can lead to excessive excitability and nervousness of the baby, he will quickly get tired, sleep badly, become sluggish and unassembled.

In adolescence, you can teach a child to drink coffee, if he wants to.

Coffee beans should be not strong( a half-spoonful of 150 ml of water), with the addition of milk or cream. Norm - 1 cup a day, better - in the morning.

Even 15-16-year-olds should be told that, although they are already adults, they should not drink more than two cups a day if they do not want to have health problems.

Better yet - show it on a personal example, observing the moderation in the use of caffeinated drinks.

Drinking coffee is bad! How many people need to convince?

Chaemanns often accuse caffeines that they use poison, which negatively affects their nervous system, on the work of the heart.

One of the popular arguments - coffee is addictive and people who use it for a long time can no longer do without their own dose of caffeine.

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This argument between two girl friends I overheard in the cafe: one drank green tea, the second - coffee.

A cappuccino lover ran into a 15-minute lecture by her tea-girlfriend( a student at a medical college) about how terrible this drink is.

It all ended with a rhetorical question: "Why do stupid people not understand that coffee can not be drunk at all, how old would you be?"

Her passionate lecture did not affect her friend - she continued to sip cappuccino.

In fairness, it should be said that excessive infatuation with this drink( more than two cups per day) can really hurt human health:

  1. A liter of coffee contains 1,500 mg of purine alkonides.

    If you use this dose every day for at least a year, then really there will be a relationship that will resemble something alcoholic.

  2. Has a strong diuretic effect, which leads to dehydration of the body, especially in people who drink little water.
  3. Increased blood pressure, which is bad for the health of hypertensive patients.
  4. The level of cholesterol in the blood rises - this action has only unfiltered coffee.
  5. The density of bones worsens, which is fraught with fractures, especially for older people.

And yet such horror stories are relevant only when you absorb coffee in large quantities, for example, drink it more than 7 cups a day.

And how many cups of coffee a day can you drink?

You will recognize from the video:

If you approach the matter wisely, then no harm will come.

And I'll prove it to you now.

Drinking coffee - useful for adults!

Coffee is not such a harmful drink as the haters like to tell.

Naturally, if you do not abuse it.

Moreover, recent studies have proved that drinking it is useful, because it:

  1. Helps to concentrate attention, improves labor productivity, helps to keep the spirit alive throughout the day.
  2. Relieves headache - one cup is quite capable of replacing the action of a tablet of citramone or aspirin.
  3. Reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, diabetes mellitus, breast cancer, prostate cancer.
  4. Has a preventive effect on the liver - the risk of getting cirrhosis is reduced.

And the taste, and most importantly - the divine aroma of nectar raises the mood.

This drink is sure to benefit you, if you know, how many years you can drink coffee and do not absorb too many cups a day.

  • Mar 04, 2018
  • 38
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