The richest country in the world according to various estimates

Each person in his own way understands the criteria of wealth. ..

For someone - this is the amount of money, for someone - career, popularity, the general standard of living, the presence of happiness, etc.

Similar problems were experienced by experts, determining which is the richest country in the world .

In addition, the rating has to be changed every year, because the economic crisis, political events and even - natural disasters lead to the fact that some powers lose their positions, and some on the contrary - climb the rating ladder higher and higher.

The richest country in the world: 3 measures for the evaluation of

The main criterion for evaluation, which experts use to make up a list of the richest countries in the world, is GDP.

This macroeconomic sensor could be used irrespective of the population, but this approach is a mistake.

For example, the country that takes the second line in the list for the total GDP - China.

But in this huge state, too many people live below the poverty line, so that you can consider it rich.

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That is why it is customary to relate the level of GDP to the population and to consider what is the share of this macroeconomic indicator for each person.

But not the GDP is determined by the richest country, other criteria are also used:

  1. The size of the subsistence minimum.

    As you understand, this is a very important indicator, because it is one thing when the authorities set a living wage at $ 60, and quite another - when at $ 1,000.

    Of course, in this case, the ratio of the subsistence level and the prices of the main products is still very important.

  2. Natural Wealth.

    Here we also include mineral deposits, due to which it is possible to increase state revenues, and such valuable natural gifts as ponds, forests, fertile chernozem, mild climate and so on.

    As you understand, living in a country that nature has generously rewarded is much more pleasant than in a country where there is practically nothing, and climatic conditions make the existence of a person practically unacceptable.

  3. Level of existence.

    This is perhaps the most objective indicator, because it includes not only monetary criteria( the subsistence minimum, the level of the population's income, the poverty rate, etc.), but other important characteristics, such as:

    • , the average life expectancy of both sexes;
    • availability for residents of medical, educational and other services;
    • security;
    • degree of tolerance and infringement of rights
    • literacy of the inhabitants of the state and much more.

To determine the richest country in the world, we will be guided by different criteria.

This will help to give the most objective assessment of various powers and take into account both material and non-material benefits.

Rich countries of the world in terms of GDP

As I said GDP per capita is the most frequent criterion for choosing the richest country in the world.

Experts rank similarly each year for many years.

The first ten players are changing, but for the second year the members of the club "The richest country" remain unchanged, although they occasionally shuffle.

At the end of 2016, 10 of the richest countries in the world looks like this:

No. Country name Number of people living Number of GDP per capita
( in dollars)

Core industries of earnings
1 Qatar 2 169 000 146 000 Banking services, offshore zones, iron ore mining
2 Luxembourg 500 000 94 167
Banking services, offshore zones,
3 Singapore 5 399 000 84 821 Finance, shipbuilding, chemical and electronic industries
4 Brunei 400 000 80 335 Petroleum production, production and export of gasoline
5 Kuwait 3 700 000 71 600 Oil production
6 Norway 5 063 709
67 619 Extraction, export of oil and gas, fish oil
7 8 260 000 67 201 Export of oil, offshore zones, cement production, tourism
8 Hong Kong 7 000 000 56 676 Trade
9 USA 318 900 000 57 045 High technologies, automotive industry, oil production, industry
10 Switzerland
7 860 000 56 815 Services of banks and financial organizations, agricultural activities

As we see, with the exception of the United States in the top tenCountries with a relatively small population( not more than 8 million) and decent oil and gas reserves came into being.

It is export of oil products and gas that allows decently to fill the state budget, cover up the shortcomings of industry, import the goods that are needed, and provide the population with everything necessary.

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The low oil prices that we have been observing over the last two years have not prevented the main oil producers such as Qatar, UAE, Kuwait and Norway from remaining in the top ten, primarily due to the emergence of additional sources of income, for example, offshore zones, financial services, industry, high technologies and other things.

What makes Qatar the richest country in the world?

The Middle East can rightfully be considered a focus of world wealth, because here are the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Arab states that are in the top 10 of the richest countries in the world.

But at the top of the rating is precisely Qatar.

Despite the small area( 11,437 km2), for a small amount of population( slightly more than 2 million), for a heavy climate( the temperature often rises to +50 ° C), almost no fresh water and desert territory, Qatar is not the first year has become the leader among the countries in terms of GDP per capita.

The main wealth of Qatar is oil, it is its production and exports that fill the country's budget and help raise GDP annually.

Less natural, but still important for the economy of the state - natural gas and industry( chemical, metallurgical and oil refining).

How to move to another city?

The richest country in the world in terms of standard of living

When creating a rating of the powers with a significant standard of living, not only the sum of GDP per person is taken into account, but other important factors: the income of each citizen, the degree of poverty, social security, freedom of speech, cases of discrimination, accessibilityfor all medical and educational services and much more.

That's why in the top ten you will not find African or Eastern countries.

Despite the fact that many of them are really rich, there are many unresolved problems, for example, human rights, discrimination or freedom of speech.

The first 5 lines of the rating "The richest countries in terms of living standards" are occupied by the states of Europe and Australia.

And here at the bottom of the list are the powers of Africa, starting with the Niger. The rating is compiled by the UN, taking into account many factors that have developed into the overall picture.

TOP-5 of rich countries in terms of living standards

As you can see, Norway and Switzerland occupy high positions in different ratings: on comfort of life and on GDP per capita.

This makes them incredibly tempting to stay and attracts a large number of immigrants.

Often it is emigration, especially - illegal, and leads to problems, remember at least the terrorist attacks that occurred in Norway this year.

It is possible, if the situation does not improve, then Norway will cease to be considered the richest country in the world in terms of living standards, and also the safest European island.

But so far Norway has been at the top of this rating for the fourth consecutive year.

I want to recall those states that were much less fortunate in all respects.

The worst state for life is recognized by Niger.

This power of West Africa is 80% composed of a desert, which causes the 23-million population to hover on the remaining 20%.

Heavy climate, poor soils, lack of water, undeveloped economy, bad medicine and many other indicators make Niger for many years the poorest country in the world.

If it were not for the reserves of uranium ore, coal and some other minerals, the people of Niger would have been worse off, although it is difficult to imagine the more difficult life of this African state.

The company is made up of the same countries-losers.

Poor countries in terms of living standards

Another 2 main criteria for choosing a rich country

Wealth is not just money.

The country and other factors, for example, minerals, the number of monuments of cultural heritage, architectural masterpieces, people, etc., can make the richest.

I think it makes sense to talk about this, not just about GDP and per capita income level.

1. Natural wealth

Some states made nature the most magnificent gift: a pleasant climate for life, an abundance of forests and reservoirs, rich flora and fauna, an abundance of minerals in the bowels of the earth, etc.

Experts of the site 24/7 Walt Street made the rating of the richest countries in terms of the amount of natural resources, including those that cost huge money in the market: oil, gas, gold and others.

The first place in the number of minerals is occupied by Russia, due to the abundance of natural gas and wood, exporting which one can earn good money in the market.

Following it, the United States of America, and closes the top three leaders Saudi Arabia.

In general, the top ten looks like this:

No. Country name Total cost of resources
( in trillion dollars)
1 Russia 75.7
2 USA 45
3 Saudi Arabia 34.4
4 Canada 33,2
5 Iran 27,3
6 China 23
7 Brazil 21, 8
8 Australia 19,9
9 Iraq 15,9
10 Venezuela 14,3

But, as we see from the example of the same Russia, natural wealth does not always positively influence the standard of living of the population, especially if we observe such an abundance of people living interritory, as in the Russian Federation.

Most of these powers, except the United States and Australia, are not among the top ten in the richest countries in terms of living standards.

2. Cultural heritage

UNESCO annually adds to the list of monuments that are under its protection.

According to the latest data, the largest number of cultural monuments was concentrated in Switzerland( over 1% of the total world cultural heritage).

In Switzerland, there really is something to see even the former tourist: monasteries, fortresses, towering railway, prehistoric pile settlement, ancient quarters of cities, as well as nature monuments that are also under the protection of UNESCO: mountains, vineyards, tectonic group,e.

Despite such a rich cultural heritage, Switzerland is not included in the top 10 most visited powers.

Most tourists like France, the US and China.

The 10th place ranking is Mexico.

For more information about the rich countries of the world, their history and economy, see in the video:

As you can see, it is definitely hard to say which is the richest country in the world , because you have to take into account the numerous criteria to make an objective rating.

But the fact that some states are found in almost all lists makes us draw certain conclusions: in some powers it is much better to live than in others.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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