How to train the brain: a set of tips

Some people are just crazy about caring for themselves: they calculate calories, disappear all day and night in gyms, see a cosmetologist and a hairdresser more often than their parents, but do not want to take care of one of the most important human organs: the brain.

Say, "You'll think, many do not live without brains at all and nothing - they are completely happy!"

"Do you want to give me advice, how to train the brain ?- Ask victims of modern propaganda, - Oh, so leave it to yourself!

The main thing is to be beautiful, because it is beauty that will save the world. "

P.S.if someone thinks so, then 100% has the brains of a schoolgirl / schoolboy. ..

As a result, thousands of silicone dolls and stupid jerks, which( which is the worst thing in my opinion) become an example for the future generation.

No, I do not argue: both taking care of yourself and playing sports are extremely important for us, and I do not get tired of repeating it in almost every article. But letting your brain die of anguish and despair, because he feels daily unnecessary and unnecessary in your head - a crime!

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How to train the brain: what prevents people?

Scientists say that we use our hemispheres only 5-15%.

Me, frankly, these figures confused and upset.

Just imagine how many good and important things humanity could do if it maximized its brain.

Researchers disagree about what exactly affects the improvement of the brain( heredity, nutrition, lifestyle, the presence of bad habits or all at once), but converge in one: the brain is an organ that can be worked on the same way asyou are working on a sculpture of your body.

And if the relief of muscles appears due to physical stress, then the brain must be pumped up on the other side: intellectual loads.

Techniques, how to train the brain , appeared relatively recently: only in the twentieth century.

Before that, it was believed that with the attainment of adulthood, it is impossible to influence the improvement of a person's mental abilities in any way.

Today, scientists are unanimous in opinion: the brain can be trained, while a person wants to develop!

It would seem that such remarkable discoveries should lead people to rush to search for techniques that help them improve their intellectual abilities, but many individuals do not want to strain, preferring to lead a semi-plant / semi-animal state.

They do it because of:

  • laziness;
  • congenital stupidity;
  • of a bad environment( "Yes, all the boys will laugh at me if I pick up a book", - I heard a crustacean not so long ago);
  • weak character;
  • fear to change for the better their lives.

Why did my neighbor begin to train his brain?

My neighbor Vitya is a very nice guy, kind, sympathetic, handsome.

I did not contact bad companies, I did sports, bringing my body to perfection.

It can not be said that he was stupid, but books and development programs were not exactly his best friends.

On the question of how to train your brain, Victor thought about it when he fell in love.

He works as a trainer in a fitness center and a girl came to him for an individual lesson.

The girl is not easy, she is studying in graduate school, she is finishing her Ph. D. thesis.

And Vitya, with all his merits, even the word "graduate school" can not pronounce without hesitation.

But love is an inspiring thing, therefore, having begun to doubt, my neighbor decided to actively take up his self-development to become a worthy man near his clever and beautiful woman.

I will say at once: for half a year he showed excellent results, became an interesting interlocutor, loved the theater, even the museums ceased to seem to him useless and boring organizations.

The heart of the graduate student trembled and they began to meet, so successfully that in 6 months they had a wedding.

And you continue to whine: "I can not, it will not work"?

A set of tips from Viti how to train the brain

Preparing this material, I asked my neighbor what helped him to change?

Vitya answered - reading.

At first, he literally forced himself to read at least 10-15 pages before going to bed, and then somehow quietly fell in love with reading and even - enrolled in the library.

He started with something easy: detectives, then switched to classics.

Now says that most of all he likes to read diaries and memoirs of famous people.

Yes, scientific literature, as his chosen one, he will not study, yes, he does not need it.

But now I'm discussing with my neighbor: "The secrets of Steve Jobs's success," and not: "Well, why do not you, Yulia," Fizruka "want to see - such a rusty TV series about real life!".

Another advice from Viti, how to train your brain: develop without violating yourself.

Here, for example, you heard on the radio a good song, open the Internet, read about the history of its creation, about the performer, about how he went to success.

Do you read a book, even something from tabloid muck, and there is mentioned a historical character or an event about which you do not know anything?

Do not be lazy to fill in the gaps in your education!

On the importance of brain training -

says one of the most sought-after business consultants in the world, multimillionaire -

Peter Daniels.

Watch and absorb every word:

Training your brain also helps. ..

  1. Walking in the fresh air - brain cells need oxygen.
  2. Proper nutrition.

    Eat more products for the brain: vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, fatty fish, smaller( soda, chips, alcohol, smoked products, etc.).

  3. Intelligent games: puzzles, chess, rebuses, solving crossword puzzles, "Scrabble" and even a game familiar to everyone from childhood to cities.
  4. Development of ambidexture.

    Do the work, write, eat with both hands.

  5. Refuse to view the series, loving the developing video in return.

    Write the most intelligent thoughts in a diary and reread from time to time.

  6. Alternate mental stress with rest.

    This does not mean that you need to collapse on the sofa and turn on the soap opera.

    Better take a walk, read something easy, but useful.

  7. Do not create bookmarks in the computer with sites like: "Gossip about the stars", "Jokes", etc.

    Better subscribe to interesting sites that can teach you something new and useful.😉

Remember, is training your brain - a task that is quite possible for a normal person.

Only you decide what will be your life: full of successful achievements or stupid and useless. ..

  • Mar 04, 2018
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