15 forbidden phrases on the way to success

  1. "I did not have a choice."

    Even in the most desperate situation, you can find several options for its resolution.

    And, if you did this, and not otherwise, then only because you yourself decided to go this route or did not want to look for a spare exit.

    You only have to blame yourself, not someone else.

  2. "I should have done this."

    Forget about the particles "b" and "would".

    There are no conditional ways in the life of successful people.

    The action takes place here and now.

    And if you decide to do so, but not in another way, then you should not sprinkle ash on your head, regretting the decision.

    Take the lesson out of your slip and move on.

  3. "I can not do this".

    Let's define at once: you can not or do not want? I think the second one.

    If you do not want to do something, then this is one thing.

    But, if you are sure that you will not be able to perform any necessary action, then honestly answer yourself to the question "Why?".

    instagram viewer

    You do not have enough knowledge, skills? Then it is worth buying them.

    The task seems too complicated for you? The proverb "The eyes are afraid, and the hands are doing" does not lose its relevance to this day.

    Fight fear and start acting!

  4. "This is impossible."

    I agree, there are things that can not be done.

    For example, fly on a broom to space or chat for tea with Cleopatra. But usually this phrase people hide fear and laziness.

    Get rid of both, and then the need for this phrase will disappear by itself.

    It's possible to change low-paying jobs to more promising ones.

    To part with an unloved wife is possible. Starting your own business is possible.

  5. "I do not have to do this work, they do not pay me for it."

    This phrase, told to the authorities, can put on your career a big and fat cross.

    Smart manager will assess your desire to compromise, work overtime, put a shoulder to someone from colleagues.

    Your willingness to be a useful member of the team will definitely be rewarded.

    But, if you see that the bosses are trivial to you, then you should think about finding a more grateful boss.

  6. "This does not concern me".

    The phrase itself is nasty and is used by its usually complete selfish.

    Today you do not care that someone is looking for a blood donor, that there are people who lost everything because of the war, that somewhere children, old people, homeless animals are suffering - let them.

    But, where is the guarantee that tomorrow you will not need help?

    And everyone will turn around and say: "It does not concern me".

    Provide free assistance today, and tomorrow it will be provided to you.

  7. "Oh, do not offer nonsense."

    Only the chiefs-idiots ruin the initiative of their employees.

    Say this stupid phrase once and more suggestions( neither practical, nor stupid) will not hear.

    It's better to use the phrases: "Not bad, but I would like to consider all the options" or "Well done, Anya, who else has any suggestions?".

    Among the 10 nonsense suggestions, a valuable idea may well be found.

  8. "Oh, let's get better in the old-fashioned way."

    All successful people use innovation.

    Combating the latest technologies that can significantly speed up and ease the workflow, you personally destroy your chances of success.

  9. "Life is so unfair."

    Your friend is already the head of the department, and you are still an ordinary manager? It's not because fate intervened, it's fate. Not because life is fair to a friend, but to you - no.

    The whole point is that you did not make the proper effort, did not show all your abilities.

    here is your friend used his chance.

  10. "I do not like my place of work."

    Seriously? And what prevents you from changing it?

    The wicked boss tightly clipped you to the work chair with scotch tape?

    Any age is not a hindrance in order to abruptly change their lives, get a second education and find a job for the soul.

  11. "I'm so lazy."

    Do you imagine Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, who instead of working, they say: "I'm too lazy" and fit into stretched sports on the sofa in front of the TV?

    How sad it would not sound for the lazy, but only work( let the intellectual, albeit with a reasonable approach) is able to lead to success.

  12. "And so come down."

    Will not do! If you remember one of the advice of multimillionaire Peter Daniels, you will understand how important it is to strive for excellence and to do any work as best as possible.

  13. "Oh, what I heard", "but I recognized it in secret", etc.

    Successful people do not gossip.

    They spend their time and energy on much more useful activities. Follow their example!

  14. "He's bad," she's nasty, "" the weather's terrible, "and so on.

    Exile from your life negative in any way.

    Think positively, use phrases that carry positive.

    And then your life will necessarily change.

The power of the human word has long been disputed.

Lao-tzu, Plouhart and other ancient philosophers some thousands of years ago knew and warned people about the need to carefully select words, because they are your future actions, and whether they are successful or not depends on you.

Word-words, save our lives

The opinions of the wise men of antiquity that words are a powerful weapon that can improve our life or vice versa-lead to the collapse of all hopes, modern research also confirms.

At least psychologists do not tire of repeating: "Watch the words that fly out of your mouth", "Think positively," etc.

When I was at the university, we had an excellent teacher who demonstrated by personal example that all these "psychological things"( a phrase from the lexicon of losers who do not want to change) - really work.

One of the sessions was devoted to words that affect our life. My teacher assured me that it was really so, and claimed that her life improved significantly when she got rid of:

  • "not" prefixes, where it is not appropriate. That is, instead of "I'm not sick", I need to say "I'll be healthy".
  • Foul words( albeit in a light form).
  • Stop words like "I can not," "will not work," "not worth it," etc.

In addition to the advice of my teacher, I want to share with you the recommendations of other psychologists who have collected 15 phrases that successful people never say.

Remember, our words form our way of life!

For the power of the word and the correct formulation of our goals for

, see the following video:

Change the beginning of your life with the words that you say.

Everything will turn out, you'll see.

  • Mar 04, 2018
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