How to remove a hangover syndrome: 8 verified recipes

Every Saturday you are "resurrected" after a Friday break in your favorite bar? And the state of health "as a book writes": as if not only the seals in their mouths had shaken, but also the elephants trampled on the head, and the herd of hippopotamuses ran over the arms and legs?

Yes, you are a great party-goer, mister!

But then you need to urgently find out how to remove the hangover syndrome .

7 general recommendations how to remove the hangover syndrome: I will not give up without a fight!

No, in this article we will not give you the text of an ancient magic spell that removes the hangover syndrome with your hand, but we know exactly what to do in order to quickly stop this "walking through the agony":

  • sleep power.

    And let the whole world, together with the boss, who loves to "cut" even tasks on the weekends, will wait, because they have not yet come up with a more pleasant and effective way to get rid of a hangover illness than a sweet dream.

    We hope that you will dream of Irina Sheik in a frank swimsuit!

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  • to avoid dehydration, with this syndrome lean on natural juices, compotes, fruit drinks, mineral water.

    And imagine how you, attaching a cabbage leaf to a sick, hungover head, whispering parched lips: "A cucumber pickle?".Well, dear, the pickle from cucumbers or cabbage is a "classic of the genre", it's a sacred one.

    Fearing your righteous anger, we will not even question its effectiveness. You should not have cooked the whole summer.

  • take a shower to wash away all the muck that is released through the skin with a hangover.

    After this, the body will quickly be saturated with oxygen and cope with the consequences of the five "shots", and you will feel like a person, not a "trembling creature" from all these nasty symptoms. The temperature of the water must be at room temperature;

  • to quickly get rid of hangover syndrome, drink activated charcoal( at the rate of 1 table for 10 kg of weight).

    And if you are going to continue to put doubtful alcorecords, your friendship with these black tablets should be strong and selfless;

  • if the head splits, as if Ilya Muromets with a sledgehammer was hammering it with all the heroic silk, drink an aspirin tablet.

    But if you have stomach problems, this medicine will have to be abandoned;

  • eat borscht or soup, and then fried eggs in a hangover syndrome.

    The first dish will sate your long-suffering, hangover organism with vitamins, and eggs will provide amino acids and proteins. So you at least a little redeem your guilt before the liver for yesterday's zagul;

  • hangover will not be so horrifying if instead of locking yourself in your room and moaning softly "Finish me, somebody," you'll walk in the fresh air.

    Walking with a hangover sore will help to strengthen metabolic processes in order to quickly remove toxins from the body.

3 best medicines to remove the hangover syndrome: dear You are my pharmacist, let me kiss you right now!

Once you have felt enough strength to crawl to the pharmacy and buy a medicine to remove the hangover syndrome, we advise you to invest in one of the proven drugs:

  • Alka-Seltzer.

    Greatly removes the headache caused by a shock dose of alcohol;

  • "Zorex".

    In order for your morning after the stormy libations to be kind, it is enough to take one capsule before going to bed. And, voila, - hangover torment you are not afraid!

  • «Alkostop».

    Effectively removes the symptoms of hangover. And what else does a person need for happiness?

How to cleanse the body of alcohol: 15 simple tips

8 recipes for traditional medicine, how to remove hangover syndrome: tested by experience

  1. In 1 tbsp. Hot milk is bred 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Then wait for the mixture to cool slightly and drink slowly, cursing yourself for not being able to "slow down" with alcohol yesterday and have a hangover syndrome.
  2. Prepare a decoction of potatoes as follows: 7-8 flowers pour 1 l of boiling water and boil for 3-4 minutes. Then pour a glass of water, and the remaining broth boil for another 5-6 minutes. The liquid is filtered, cooled.

    You need to drink medicine for a hangover three times a day in a glass. Not whiskey and cola, of course, but what can you do to re-feel yourself "alive" and forget about the syndrome?

  3. Only 20 drops of peppermint tincture, diluted in 250 ml of water will turn you from a "dying swan" into a perfectly adequate person with a hangover.
  4. Ordinary ginger tea also works wonders for healing in a hangover syndrome, as it removes nausea and relieves headaches.
  5. A remedy to remove hangover syndrome from real English gentlemen: throw 2 peeled, cut into pieces of banana into a blender, add 1 tbsp.milk and 1 tbsp.honey.

    Then mix everything and slowly drink the resulting cocktail from hangover suffering. Half an hour-hour - and you can not just work, but make a speech in the English House of Lords.

  6. Those who yesterday chorused and conscientiously "earned" the syndrome, recommend trying out such a remedy for hangover troubles: add a little bit( literally 50 ml, not more) of white wine and juice of half an average lemon into a glass of sparkling mineral water.

    Thoroughly mix the ingredients and, slowly, drink this cocktail called "Pig Sink".

  7. Who would have thought that the compote of dried fruits, this is a traditional kindergarten drink, brings to life and hangover. It will help to remove all the main symptoms.
  8. The most, perhaps, delicious way to remove the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover - eat a watermelon to the blade. This is for you and the fight against dehydration, and additional vitamins, and a diuretic, to quickly remove any "bjaku" from the body.

How to remove hangover syndrome with the help of respiratory gymnastics: 3 breaths - and you will be happy!

These yogis, of course, do not indulge in alcoholic cocktails in the evenings, but they are ready to help the sufferers who want to remove the hangover syndrome:

  1. For the beginning, sit comfortably in a secluded place so as not to frighten others with your strange exercises from a hangover.
  2. Inhale the middle depth of the belly.
  3. Without letting out the already collected air, inhale by expanding the thorax in the middle part.
  4. Continue by typing the air with the upper chest and lifting your shoulders.
  5. Make a slow exhalation in the reverse order: the shoulders fall, the chest gradually contracts, the belly retracts.

This 15-second breathing cycle needs to be repeated 7-10 times and you will have Buddhist enlightenment and no syndrome.

Want to remove the hangover syndrome? And we're giving you a cocktail party now! "

There are also secrets of how to remove the hangover syndrome from professional bartenders, yes, the ones who traditionally watch a teetotal wife, grymzu-chef, and a cat who has been hunted for the 4th time in a year:

Howremove the hangover syndrome, and at the same time "flip the flippers": 3 grossest mistakes

The hangover syndrome is a tricky thing, like Mata Hari, so you can do yourself a lot of harm if you take it off incorrectly:

  • in this case, the rule "wedge wedge out" does not work, so do not try to bring yourself into a divine appearance, again "taking to the chest."

    A new portion of alcohol can and will make the morning a little kinder, and you - talkative, but the head, blood vessels and liver will take revenge for contempt of themselves and, moreover, cruelly. In extreme cases, drink a little bit of non-alcoholic beer with this syndrome.

  • immediately go to the bath, sauna or take a hot bath to remove hangover symptoms - well, a very bad idea.

    Your heart is pounding with a hangover, as if you saw a hundred ghosts, and you add work to it. No matter how bad things turn out.

  • drink strong, hot coffee or tea, so that when you feel like a hangover again feel like a "white man" - a common mistake.

    Coffee will make the heart pound even more strongly and will not drive out those very notorious seals that have cured your mouth, and tea will provide fermentation in the stomach and will increase the degree of intoxication in case of a hangover.

How to deal with the hangover correctly? What methods really work?

Answers to these questions are provided by the expert technologist:

But even in case you know exactly how to remove the hangover syndrome in your , we advise you to stay in your right mind and bright memory even at a meeting of graduates or the best friend's wedding! You do not want to become a YouTube star with the help of alcohol?

  • Mar 04, 2018
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