All about eye clinics in Nizhny Novgorod

It is believed. That at least half of people have vision problems. And in fact, no one is looking at these problems.

The entire gravity of the situation is realized by us only when, for example, it became difficult to see the inscriptions at a distance or you do not recognize people going to the meeting.

And after all bad ecology, hours of work at the computer, hobby for the TV simply, etc.they kill our sight. Even more frightening is that these same factors negatively affect our children.

    • 1. Ophthalmic clinics in Nizhny Novgorod
    • 2. OK Excimer
    • 3. OK "Visus-1"
    • 4. TsLKZ "Tone AMARIS"
    • 5. OK "New vision"
    • 6. OK "Dr. Lins NN »
    • 7. How to improve vision?

It is difficult to fight against these problems and each of us involuntarily, but consciously, is forced to turn to specialists-ophthalmologists.

Finding a good specialist is hard enough, but the fact that today there is private medicine, of which private ophthalmological clinics are bright representatives, makes this search simple.

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In each of these clinics there are entire teams of medical professionals. And the equipment of clinics with modern equipment and trained junior medical staff will help you choose a clinic where, undoubtedly, they will help improve your vision.

Ophthalmic clinics in Nizhny Novgorod

If you live in Nizhny Novgorod, you should be aware that there are several ophthalmological clinics in the city, the most interesting of which are:

  1. Excimer.
  2. "Visus-1".
  3. "New vision".
  4. "Tonus AMARIS".
  5. "Dr. Lins NN"

OK Excimer

The Excimer Eye Clinic appeared in Nizhny Novgorod in 2001 and is part of the eponymous network of clinics.

Over the period of its existence, the specialists of the clinic conducted more than 23 thousand operations, among which the major part is occupied by microsurgical operations( more than 16 thousand) and excimer laser correction( more than 7 thousand operations).

Today, the Excimer Eye Clinic offers services that include general diagnostics, exclusive therapeutic programs, seamless laser surgery, laser correction, treatment for myopia, hyperopia, etc.


The clinic is located in N.Novgorod on Engels, 1.

Please call +7( 831) 223-73-03 .

OK "Visus-1"

We say "Ophthalmological clinic" Visus-1 ", we mean the International Clinical Hospital. B.I.Filonenko.

The clinic has been operating for more than 10 years and among other services offers:

  1. modern eye diagnostics;
  2. virtually all types of surgical operations, regardless of the patient's age;
  3. treatment of retinal pathologies( dystrophy, rupture, detachment, as well as diabetic retinopathy);
  4. treatment of retinal pathologies( laser coagulation).

How to find?

The clinic is located in N.Novgorod on Rodionova, 198-B.

Please call +7( 831) 278-69-69 .


Center for Laser Correction of Vision "Tonus AMARIS" was established in 1999. It is one of the largest multidisciplinary clinics in Nizhny Novgorod and the region.

The Center uses modern exclusive equipment - this is no longer in Nizhny Novgorod. This is the laser device Schwind AMARIS, with which the correction of vision is performed, as well as the age-related changes in the eyes are treated.

It successfully copes with problems of refraction, astigmatism, as well as surgical removal of cataracts, glaucoma, etc.


The center is located in N.Novgorod on Belinsky, 31.

Please call +7( 831) 411-10-10 .

OK "New Vision"

Ophthalmology Clinic "New Vision" was established in 2012.

The clinic offers:

  • diagnostics and treatment of eye pathologies;
  • laser surgery;
  • microsurgical operations;
  • spectacular and contact vision correction.


The clinic is located in N.Novgorod at K.Marksa, 50.

Please call +7( 930) 700-81-17 .

OK Dr. Lins NN

Ophthalmic clinic Dr. Lins NN has been working since 2009.

The main type of services provided is lens correction.

Here you will find modern and quality lenses( gas permeable or night).Correction of vision using night lenses provides each patient with new opportunities compared to spectacle or contact correction - there is no need to wear them all day, and need to wear only for the night.


The clinic is located in N.Novgorod, st. New, 28.

Please call +7( 831) 410-34-41 .

How to improve vision?

To improve or preserve vision without specialist intervention, doctors recommend:

  • Frequent blinking is a natural way of preserving the eyesight, by means of which the eyes are cleaned and lubricated. To improve vision, we need to force ourselves to blink every 5 seconds( usually a person blinks 10-12 times per minute).
  • Use peripheral vision. If you are looking at something, try to do it with the help of peripheral vision - people who have vision problems usually focus on one object, which increases eye fatigue and reduces the quality of visual perception.
  • Move your eyes more often and change the fixation point. If you look at anything, try moving your eyes, changing the focus point - so you remove the eye strain and improve the visual picture.
  • If you dream about something, close your eyes. Closing your eyes and imagining any picture, you let your eyes react to it like you really can see it.

It is also useful to walk a couple of hours a day in the fresh air - according to statistics, people who adhere to this rule, 20% reduced the risk that his vision will deteriorate.

Read more - ophthalmological clinics in Kiev. Detailed article with a review of the best clinics in Ukraine.

In the article( link) prices in the eye clinic of Helmholtz.

Methods of prevention of conjunctivitis.http: // zabolevaniya-konyunktivy / kon-yunktivit.html

One way to improve vision is to wear lenses. In order for this method to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to some rules for wearing them and :

  • , before you wear or remove the lens, you must wash your hands;
  • right lens process first, so as not to get lost in the lens and know where what;
  • do not touch the lens with nails;
  • wipe the lens with linear movements( circular movements are contraindicated).

Before putting on the lens, check whether it is wetted and there are no cracks or tears, and whether it is turned out( if you put the lens inside out, it will be less comfortable than it should be, and will shift significantly when you blink).

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