After reading the article, you will find out why loose skin on the abdomen and legs may appear, and how prevention and treatment at home will help to cope with this problem.
Contents of
- Why does the skin become flabby?
- Skin age changes
- Flabby abdominal skin after childbirth
- Flabby skin after losing weight
- Flabby skin in children
- How to remove flabby abdominal skin at home
- Video: How to clean the abdomen after delivery at home
- Vitamins for flabby skin
- Flabby skin in women
- Massage from flabby abdomen
- Masks from flabby abdomen
- Wraps from flabby abdomen
- Exercises for flabby abdomen
- How to get rid of flabby skin on the legs
- Cellulitis and flabby skinand legs
- Wraps from sagging skin of feet
- Oil from flabbiness of skin
- Video: Argan oil for fading skin
- Exercises from flabby skin of feet
- How to remove flabby skin of stomach and legs: advice and feedback
- Video: Exercises for inner thighs
and smooth leather says about desire and skill women courting for its body , makes figure young and attractive . By Unfortunately , with age under influence natural processes body skin body loses freshness and elasticity , can appear sagging , folds , manifestations cellulite and flabby form .Special disappointment deliver women state skin legs and abdomen , because it in these areas faster accumulate fat deposits and weakened muscle tone .
Why does skin become flabby? Externally
loss of skin elasticity manifested loss its connection with disposed under her muscles , form sagging , rugosity , dryness , uneven tone .
Reasonssagging skin associated with general health condition organism , presence those or other diseases and manner life . Can highlight basic background reduce elasticity skin :
- violation diet
- rapid change mass
- body age and hormonal change
- violation metabolism
- insufficient muscle tone
- wrong or irregular care
- hereditary predisposition
- stressful load
- insufficient level motor and physical activity
Age changes skin
Age changes concern not only skin faces , but and total body . With over years skin body loses elasticity , under action hormones passes reduction collagen and elastin in tissues - is leads to dryness and thinning cutaneous cover . Also leather hangs , undergoing daily exposure to forces gravity . The largest problems are observed in the area of the abdomen , buttocks and thighs .
Flabby skin of the abdomen after delivery
Flabby skin- in women occurs much more frequently , so how caused hormonal processes in the body and physiological factors change weight.
- Pregnancy and childbirth very often become cause occurrence sagging and loose belly skin , that looks very unaesthetic and able cause experiences and complexes. In
- time expectations child skin stomach stretched strong , especially , if previously woman different fragility and not had strongly developed muscles press.
- After genera is formed , become noticeable extensions and irregularities , gradually cavities are filled with fat cloth. After
- caesarean section skin feels more large change , so how internal and external scars change natural view and can make area belly asymmetrical.
Laxity skin after slimming
male flabby skin body tied often with sharp slimming . rapid reduction mass body and reduction structure subcutaneously - fat layer lead to formation « excess » cutaneous layer - is observed on stomach, the sides , the back of the and in the area of the thighs . women problems skin , related with losing weight manifest in basic troubled zones , and also suffers skin faces .
Flabby skin from children
In children such signs related with as a result of - deficient weight of body . Insufficient weight early age negative affects on general able organism child - occurs reduction immunity , broken assimilation nutritional substances and vitamins , worsens operation internal bodies and systems life support . When this occurs depletion subcutaneously - fat layer all areas body , skin becomes dry , sagging , going in folds .
remove flabby skin abdomen in home conditions
in first turn , notice on your ration power supply . For recovery of skin it is necessary to provide saturation of of organism with all with the necessary vitamins and with microelements . More total your skin needs in " vitamins beauty " and regular training.
Video: How to remove belly fat after giving birth at home
Vitamins for sagging skin
- Vitamin E - provides complete saturation of blood oxygen and restores immune function system.
- With
- With - strengthens wall of , stimulates generation of collagen , required by for beauty and for youth skin .Vitamin
- A - contributes strengthening body resistance and viral infectious diseases , responsible for fast regeneration and update structure dermis .
loose skin women
Sport swimming and exercises pool with aqua elements - aerobics - simple and affordable way to return skin smoothness and elasticity. House you help bath with aromatic oils ( pink , olive , jojoba , almond ), hydro and contrast shower . Effect of water and sharp change temperature will allow skin to activate processes regeneration of fabrics .
Massage from flabby belly
Massage skin belly favors amplification blood circulation and feeding tissues . Massage better do immediately after water , procedures using essential or vegetable oil from sagging skin : orange , juniper , jojoba , peach , olive , almond .
Masks from of flaccid of the abdomen
- To soothe skin after physical exercises , make restoring the mask to . Pre , gel natural ground coffee . Then wipe the dry and with the mask.
- For preparation masks take black clay ( can buy in pharmacy ), also will approach blue clay . Dilute powder clay in small amount water , connect in equal fractions with natural honey , add W - 4 drops ether oil sweet orange or of cinnamon . Apply to the area of the abdomen of the on the 40 - 60 minutes.
- Get rid of from stretch marks on belly will help mummy .For this 2 - W tablets need crush and dissolve first in a small amount of water , then mix with any nutritious cream .You can add several drops of essential oil - fir , tangerine , mint , to get rid of not very pleasant smell . Cream rub with massage in movements in area of abdomen after shower , through hour surplus get wet with a napkin.
Wraps from of Flabby Belly of
Variouswraps improve skin elasticity can do and in home conditions. Wraps improve skin turgor , nourish and moisturize , have detoxifying property. For wraps well suited marine algae or natural honey , green tea , black ground coffee, cocoa - powder( mixed with 1 yolk).
Exercises for flabby belly
Regular sessions with hula - hoop ( gymnastic hoop ) strengthen muscles belly and hips, strengthen circulation and help recovery elasticity. For lift saggy belly need choose exercise , aimed on training muscle lower press :
- In position lying on back , lift direct , connected together feet under angle 90º ( 15 - 20 times).
- Lying on back , reach right with elbow to on the left of the knee and on the contrary ( 15 - 20 once ).Running on
- in place within 20 minutes or jogging on fresh air. How to get rid
from sagging skin on the feet
Legs and , in particular , hip - one of most problem zones female body, so how here congestion fat deposits leads to education unevenness , appearance of cellulite . In result of you not can wear short skirt or shorts , hesitate of of the type of its foot on the beach .
Cellulite and flabby skin on feet
For prophylaxis and treatment cellulite needed thorough and regular care for skin . Humidification and supply cutaneous cover will help save freshness , and reduce signs aging .Special
cosmetic means , representing a complexes for maintaining hydrolipid balance , effectively struggling with streamers , prevent scar formation and skin roughness .In addition to , not forget about sufficient water consumption - not less 2 l in day necessary for moisturizing and smoothing skin .
Wrapping from flabby skin toe
- Wraps of are good agent for fight with flabby skin of feet , with fatigue and edemas.
- Such procedures extend pores , assist cleavage of fatty cells and actively regenerate the surface of the skin.
- wraps can be hot and cool , components choice for application depends from of your preferences.
- The most popular are wraps for feet on based algae( pharmacy kelp ) or honey with adding mustard.
Oil from flabby skin
There are many types of oils for body care. For withering skin, argan and olive oil are very suitable. And with all this they are very affordable and easy to use.
Video: Argan oil for aging skin
Exercises from sagging skin feet
Physical load feet should use muscles hips , shins and buttocks. Return muscles tone help :
- Riding on bike or classes on bike
- fast walking or jogging
- exercises with rope
- squats with additional load in hands
How to clean the flabby skin of the abdomen and legs: advice and feedback
In clinics cosmetology you will be offered the whole once procedures for fight tired, flabby and dry skin :
- mesotherapy - administering microinjection active substances problematic zone
- RF - lifting - correction circuits body, based on method exposure radiowaves
- LPG - massage - procedure hardware massage ( vacuum - roller lipomassage )
Plastic surgery it seems many only fast and simple way return lost forms . Do not cost forget forget about possible complications and long recovery period after surgical intervention . Operation from sagging skin can be selected only at presence serious indications :
- discrepancy muscle belly
- too strong stretching skin belly or hips
- violation work internal bodies
In all ostral cases correct power , cosmetic procedure and fichic narguzki able return you beautiful figure , flat belly and tucked feet .