We disassemble the drug Normoftal

Eyes are the body that we use throughout our lives. We all know that about 90% of information is obtained through these bodies.

But nevertheless, as a rule, deterioration of eyesight does not cause a person of great concern, becausethey take it as given.

And at the same time with the timely reception of the necessary medications it is possible to stop the process, and sometimes completely restore the visual acuity.

When referring to a hospital, an ophthalmologist can prescribe BAD Normoftal. It is a drug that consists of amino acids. That is why it often improves the functioning of the cornea, as well as the retina of the eye. How to take this medication correctly?

Contents 1. Complete instruction
  • 2. Side effects of
  • 3. Shelf life
  • 4. Price
  • 5. What are the analogues to replace the drug?
  • 6. Reviews
  • 7. Tips
  • 8. Relaxing eyes
  • Complete instruction


    The medicine can be prescribed by an ophthalmologist if the patient has one of the following diseases:

    instagram viewer
    1. Regular eye strain.
    2. Dystrophy at the initial stage.
    3. In the complex therapy of any ophthalmopathy.
    4. For the prevention of eye diseases.
    5. In the treatment of eye diseases.
    6. During recovery from an operation or eye injury.
    7. Some of the types of glaucoma.
    8. Retinopathy, which occurs with diabetes.

    How to use

    The drug should be taken orally while eating. Adult patients are advised to take in a dosage of one to two capsules. The number of receptions per day ranges from one to two times.

    The total duration of treatment is 30 days. If necessary, the doctor may decide to re-administer the drug in four to six months.


    The preparation can be found in the form of capsules. They are placed in a package of three blisters. In one pack there are 60 capsules each.

    The composition of the drug includes a complex of amino acids, including glutamic acid, lysine .Auxiliary elements are such components as lactose, tween 80, sugar, starch.

    Combination of funds

    The drug can be combined with other medications to treat any type of retinal dystrophy, as well as violations of the functions of the visual organ.

    Side effects of

    No cases of adverse reactions have been reported to date. This testifies to the excellent tolerability of this remedy. However, doctors do not rule out the possibility of a negative reaction.

    It is usually expressed in the appearance of such conditions as:

    • itching, hives, swelling, peeling;Runny nose, cough;
    • abdominal pain.

    If these or any other manifestations occur, this should be reported to your doctor immediately. This step will avoid the negative impact of external factors.

    No reports of overdose have been reported. But doctors also do not exclude the possibility of its appearance. In case of taking the medicine in a large dosage, you should wash the stomach and perform symptomatic treatment, if this is required.

    Contraindications to the use of

    Before you start taking the product, you should consult an ophthalmologist.the drug has several significant contraindications. These include the child's age of the child, as well as the allergy to the components of this remedy.

    How to take the medicine correctly during pregnancy or lactation?

    During this period of time, you should stop taking Normoftal. This is due to the possible negative effects of the active substance on the human body.

    If there is an urgent need, it is acceptable to receive the drug, but the girl must regularly take all the necessary tests, go through the examination and visit her doctor so that he can monitor the impact on the body of the unborn baby.

    Only when these recommendations are observed can we talk about effective treatment for the mother and absolutely safe for the baby.

    During lactation from reception also it is necessary to refuse, since.it can negatively affect the baby's body. This is also associated with the possible negative effects of components on the baby's body. If there is an urgent need for this, then reception is acceptable, but the method of natural feeding should be excluded.

    Shelf life

    Permissible temperature The drug should be stored at a temperature that does not exceed 20 degrees
    Storage location It is recommended to keep the product in a room where it will be cool and dark
    Shelf life Shelf life is 5 years. Overdue medication is not allowed for further use.
    Precautions Drug should be stored away from children and pets


    The cost of the medicine is formed on the basis of a number of external factors, for example, the mark-up of the pharmacy. It is also important to take into account that the article shows the average cost, and for more accurate data should contact the nearest pharmacy.


    The price for this drug ranges from 400 to 500 rubles .


    In Ukraine the cost is 234 hryvnia .

    What are the analogues to replace the drug?

    Among the analogs of the drug can be identified such tools as:

    • Okuvait Lutein. The price is about 680 rubles;
    • Complystitis Ophthalmos. The cost ranges from 200 to 300 rubles;Vitrum Dinner. The price of vitamins was fixed at 510 rubles;
    • Anthocian Forte. The price for this complex of vitamins ranges from 330 to 420 rubles;
    • Nutroph total. The cost is at the level of 560 rubles;
    • Lutein-Complex. The price for this medication is on average 369 rubles.

    The choice of an analogue can be done only by a doctor or, in extreme cases, a pharmacist.


    Reviews of this product are usually positive. Among the obvious advantages, they highlight such moments as a minimal set of adverse events and contraindications. When taking the drug in large doses, there were no cases of overdose, which is extremely important.

    Among other things, the tool is mostly responded only positively, becausesee the result. Vision is markedly improved a few months after the start of admission.

    Among the negative aspects can be identified such moments as the high cost of this drug. The fact is that people note the fact that the prescribed remedy though has a high efficiency, but costs an order of magnitude more expensive than its direct counterparts. That's why patients try to choose cheaper drugs.

    Advice for

    Before starting the medication, the patient should carefully read the instructions, which contain helpful advice on the reception, etc. Let us consider them in detail.

    1. In order to purchase the goods there is no need to show the prescription from the attending physician.
    2. The drug has absolutely no effect on the person behind the wheel, it does not.
    3. If there is no positive dynamics within a month, then you should return to the doctor for additional examination and selection of an effective analogue.
    4. In no case should you try to recover yourself, becausesuch a step can adversely affect human health.
    5. The preparation of Normoftal can be combined with alcohol.
    6. Normoftal is not a medicine, therefore it can not become an independent agent used for eye treatment.

    Relaxing eyes

    Tired eyes or lost eyesight? We use stereotypes to prevent disorders and improve vision:

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