Choosing an orthopedic pillow for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids

pillow from hemorrhoids Despite the rapid progress in medicine and the large number of innovative drugs, the problem of hemorrhoids still afflicts many people.

Unfortunately, expensive treatment and dozens of consultations with doctors often do not give the desired effect and do not help get rid of the problem.

It even happens that after the traditional course of treatment bleeding, pain and itching only increase. Is it possible today for people suffering from this disease to expect relief?

With the appearance in the consumer market of such goods as pillows from hemorrhoids, the answer is unequivocal: yes.


  • Therapeutic effect
  • Who needs a pillow?
  • Kinds of products
  • Terms of use
  • What to look for when buying
  • Opinion of the medical community
  • Feedback from consumers
  • Price issue

Therapeutic effect

These products are recommended for people who suffer from hemorrhoids or discomfort until they develop into a full-blown illness.

These pillows are not a remedy, but they are an excellent remedy for disease prevention and help to avoid many unpleasant symptoms.

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During sitting a huge part of the load goes to the organs of the pelvis, coccyx and anus. Blood vessels are pinched, through which blood enters the genital area, and due to this, the normal circulation of blood is disturbed. effects on hemorrhoid cushions

These pillows are usually round, square or wedge shaped, based on their design have a circle. When sitting on such a pillow, a person avoids the contact of the anal zone with the hard seat of the chair.

Unpleasant sensations are eliminated due to the fact that the entire weight when sitting is evenly distributed over the sides of the pillow. When sitting on such a product, the load moves to the bones of the thigh and pelvis.

The buttocks are not squeezed, the blood flow is not disturbed and the person does not suffer from pain, burning and discomfort.

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Who needs a pillow?

The use of the product is recommended in the following cases:

  1. For people whose activities involve a long stay in one pose .It can be office workers or people who spend a lot of time driving( bus drivers, truckers, couriers and so on).
  2. Pregnant women , who may have impaired blood circulation in the pelvic area due to the fact that the developing fetus puts pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system and blood vessels.
  3. Elderly , who, due to age-related changes, the flow of blood to the pelvic organs is deteriorating.
  4. To those who have a hereditary predisposition of to this disease.

Varieties of products

To date, several options have been developed for such orthopedic pillows. To choose the most suitable option, a person should navigate in the types of pillows.

Pillows from hemorrhoids come in different shapes and sizes. In addition, they can be made from different materials.

These cushions can have different weight restrictions, so before you buy the product, tell the seller the weight characteristics of the person for whom the product is purchased.

varieties of pillows Orthopedic products from hemorrhoids can be round, square, rectangular or wedge shaped.

As practice shows, the most convenient option is an inflatable or foam rubber pillow in the form of a ring. It has a recess for the coccyx and a hole in the middle. This reduces pressure on the sensitive areas of the anal area.

Some cushions are sold with the pump. This allows you to adjust the volume of the inflatable product depending on the weight and volume of the person who will sit on the pillow.

Terms of Use


Inflatable Pillow

It is not recommended to place the pillow on a soft surface( sofa, armchair).When sitting on a soft surface, the buttocks fall into the depth of the pillow, the blood vessels will be squeezed and as a consequence - the blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disturbed.

If you bought a pillow made of foam rubber or polyurethane, then simply put it on a stool or chair with a hard surface and be placed as you like( so that when sitting there is no pressure on the area of ​​the anal canal).

If you have bought an inflatable pillow, then using a special pump you need to pump it with air.

In this case, you can independently adjust the volume of the product depending on its weight.

If the product has special straps for fastening, then fix the position of the product on the hard surface( tie the straps under the stool surface or under the car seat).

What to look for when buying

When choosing a pillow, you need to pay attention to such criteria as size, shape and filler material.

If you choose a pillow from hemorrhoids for the driver, then it is worth paying attention to the options with special straps for attachment.

When choosing a pillow in shape, keep in mind that, as a rule, all pillows of this type in the base of the construction have a circle. Due to the circle, the main gravity is distributed along its sides so that the pressure on the crotch area does not come out when sitting.

Most pillows are filled with foam rubber. This option is good because it is hypoallergenic, does not cause irritation and does not contain insect pests.

It is better to give preference to a cushion-circle having an opening in it. When sitting on such a pillow, the load is removed from the perineum, and ventilation is provided.

Opinion of the medical community

What professionals think about the use of such products for hemorrhoids.

It can not be said that pillows from hemorrhoids can cure a person from illness. Most likely, it is a remedy that helps a person get rid of unpleasant symptoms during treatment.

The cushion is designed in such a way that when sitting, the center of gravity is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the product. This is a very useful property of pillows of this kind, because blood circulation is not disturbed and blood freely enters the area of ​​the organs of the reproductive system.

I recommend buying such pillows not only for people who suffer from hemorrhoids, but also for healthy people for prevention.

Anatoly Semenovich, proctologist, Moscow

I definitely recommend my patients to buy pillows that help to eliminate hemorrhoid symptoms. Some people help such products to a greater extent, others - to a lesser extent. But they can not hurt either.

In any case, when sitting on such a cushion, the blood circulation in the pelvic region improves, as the blood vessels do not contract.

But even with such a pillow, with constantly sedentary work, you need to take breaks for 10-15 minutes. Walk around, rock out, exercise, or take a walk, and then return to work.

Anatoly Andreevich, Coloproctologist, Novosibirsk

orthopedic pillow with hemorrhoids

Comments of consumers

Comments of consumers using orthopedic pillows for the purpose of treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids.

I work on a computer for about 12 hours a day. I feel very strong pain in the waist and perineal region. I noticed that unpleasant sensations arise from prolonged sitting. Has got a pillow for the prevention of hemorrhoids, now it has become much easier to work.

Анастасия, 23 years, Omsk

I am familiar with such a problem as hemorrhoids. Long sitting at the computer or driving a car causes pain. The doctor advised me to buy a pillow from hemorrhoids, for which I am grateful to him. With such a pillow, travel and sedentary work are easier.

Andrey, 44, Perm

As the reviews of doctors and consumers show, hemorrhoids cushions really help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and partially cope with the problem.

In order not to suffer from a disease it is better to purchase a pillow for prevention purposes.

Well, if the disease is already present, then such products will be a convenient means for eliminating symptoms and preventing further development of the problem.

Price issue

orthopedic pillow for hemorrhoids for drivers

A good and useful gift for drivers

Prices for orthopedic pillows from hemorrhoids are different. The cost of the product may depend on its size, shape and material, which was chosen as a filler.

The most inexpensive and optimal variant of the filler is foam foamed polyurethane( foam rubber).The pillow is more expensive if it is filled with viscoelastic. A little higher can be the cost of products with natural fillers( for example, crushed peel of agricultural crops, dry grass).

The most expensive are round cushions with a hole in the middle( bagel).

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