Why do you need dilution of blood: drugs, folk remedies and products

viscous blood A large number of functions perform blood in the body. It carries oxygen and carbon dioxide, performs thermoregulation, sends microelements responsible for maintaining the body in a toned and healthy form.

It is very important that the blood is not too viscous. The viscosity of the blood rises with time. To avoid diseases associated with high blood viscosity, some people have to take life-long special preparations, for example, Aspirin.


  • Why the blood becomes viscous, viscous and dangerous
  • How dangerous is this condition for the body
  • The first signs of a blood clotting
  • The methods of dilution of the blood available to each
  • Folk remedies against increased blood viscosity
  • Medication
    • How to take Aspirin for blood thinning
  • Supporting the normal blood condition

Why the blood becomes viscous, viscous and dangerous

In order to know how to deal with this problem, one must understand where it comes fromrepents. The cause of dense blood can be:

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  • increase in the content of red blood cells;
  • increase in hemoglobin;
  • increase in hematocrit - the ratio between red blood and plasma.

These indicators have different norms depending on age, there is no uniform norm.

Factors that can affect the viscosity of the blood are:

  1. Deficiency of fluid in the body .The human body is 85% water, while plasma blood is more than 90%.Lowering this parameter by at least 1% leads to a thickening of the blood.
  2. Such a deficit may occur against the background of dehydration of the body .The cause of dehydration can be not only blood corpuscle prolonged water use, but also constant vomiting or diarrhea. This condition is often found in children, because they quickly lose fluid. Dehydration also occurs against a background of certain diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, or intense physical exertion.
  3. Absence of some enzymes in the blood or a violation of their activity .With such pathology, the food does not fully break down and is not digested, the products of its disintegration, which are not completely oxidized, get into the blood, which leads to its acidification. Disturbance of the diet .Blood thickening is promoted by improper nutrition, blood becomes thick if you abuse sweet, simple carbohydrates, fatty and smoked food, alcohol. Products such as legumes and eggs contain specific protein inhibitors that can provoke a digestive disorder, while the protein begins to become worse absorbed.
  4. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals is dangerous because without them some enzymes that are involved in digestion can not be synthesized.
  5. Presence of parasites and infections in the body .The increase in platelets, and the propensity to form blood clots are caused by the struggle of the body with infections. But the products of the vital activity of worms can acidify the blood.
  6. Pathologies of some internal organs .Some diseases that affect the liver, kidneys, spleen lead to increased formation of blood cells, which, in turn, causes an increase in its viscosity.
  7. Medical preparations .Laxatives, diuretics, hormonal drugs can also make blood thick.

Than such a dangerous state for the body

Increased blood viscosity means that the functions of its elements will not be fully implemented. The heart should be very strong at the same time to push the liquid along the vessels, in addition, the speed of its wear increases. The doctors identified several serious pathologies caused by excessively viscous blood:

  • varicose disease;Thrombophlebitis due to viscous blood
  • arterial hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis, thrombosis;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • high cholesterol and as a consequence of atherosclerosis;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • myocardial infarction.

The listed diseases are very serious, some of them, quite possibly, can lead to a lethal outcome.

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The first signs of failures in the blood composition of

The increase in the viscosity of the blood is not a disease in itself, but rather a symptom, often signs that are characteristic of such a gathering can accompany other diseases or conditions in the body.

Characteristic signs of hypercoagulation are the following:

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • dry mouth;
  • absentmindedness;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • headache;
  • depression;
  • low temperature of the extremities.

There is also a hidden form of pathology, which does not manifest itself in any way. In such cases, an increase in viscosity is usually detected when passing a blood test.

Blood thinning methods available to every

Before carrying out any independent actions for dilution of blood, it is necessary to pass tests and determine if it is viscous.

Omega-3 acid

Omega-3 acid is the first blood thinning product

If the suspicion is confirmed, you need to seek help from a doctor, as there may be a number of reasons for the increased viscosity and some of them correspond to severe diseases that need to be treated. If the doctor allows you can start to dilute the blood in the home.

The first, simple and obvious method to influence this parameter is the change in the diet. The first place should be the use of a large amount of liquid, not less than one and a half liters per day.

The food should be high-grade, it is necessary to consume fats, beks, carbohydrates and microelements in the right proportions.

It is necessary to consume proteins that contain the whole set of amino acids. Red meat should be limited, but not abandoned at all. The emphasis is on making fish and white meat. Reduce and consumption of dairy products, as well as eggs.

For the dilution of blood, products that contain unsaturated fatty acids are suitable. For example, such an omega-3 acid, which is valuable for the body. Its a lot in sea fish and linseed oil.

Unsaturated fats can also be obtained from unrefined olive oil, in addition, it contains many nutritional and biologically active substances. Blood products containing taurine are well diluted. This amino acid is also found in large quantities in fish and marine products.

Folk remedies against increased blood viscosity

tincture of horse chestnut The most famous of the folk remedies that dilute blood is tincture of horse chestnut. For preparation, take the outer shell of the horse chestnut kernel in an amount of 50 grams and fill it with 0.5 liters of vodka.

In a dark place we insist 2 weeks. Take, diluted with warm water, 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating one teaspoon of tincture on a glass of water.

Well helps to cope with the problem and ordinary garlic. For a third fill with crushed garlic jar and pour vodka. Infuse 2 weeks. After that, strain and add as much juice of lemon and honey. Take 1 tablespoon before bedtime.infusion.


Drugs that are widely used for blood thinning:

  1. Anticoagulants .They act as follows: reducing the formation of fibrin, they prevent the formation of thrombi. There are so-called direct anticoagulants, they begin to act immediately, such drugs include Warfarin Heparin. But most often use preparations of indirect action. They can be taken for a long time, including for the prevention of viscous blood. Such drugs are: Warfarin, Fenilin, Cincumar and others.
  2. Antiaggregants .Drugs that interfere with the clumping of platelets, which also leads to less formation of thrombi. Medicines have a large number of contraindications, and are taken only on the advice of a doctor. This medication: Kurantil, Tiklopidin, Trombo ACC and others.

The most popular means for blood thinning, along with Aspirin, are the following medicines:

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  1. Kurantil is an antirepressant, the main indication for use is the propensity to form blood clots. It makes blood less viscous, improves microcirculation, carries out prophylaxis of vascular insufficiency.
  2. Phenylline is an indirect anticoagulant. Slows the coagulability of the blood, the action begins after 8 hours. Drink a long time the medicine can not.
  3. Warfarin is an indirect anticoagulant. Indication: thrombosis and vascular embolism. Can be taken as a prophylaxis with aspirin.
  4. Aspecard is an antiaggregant, effective for one week with a single dose.

How to take Aspirin for blood thinning

aspirin for blood thinning Aspirin has been used for more than 60 years to treat and prevent heart attack. Its effect on the viscosity of the blood is the ability to inhibit the adhesion of platelets.

For people with circulatory disorders and the elderly from 50 years and older for blood thinning, it is recommended to take Aspirin daily. It is used to accelerate recovery after heart attacks and strokes.

Dosage 75-150 mg per day, more can not be taken, because the consequences of a strong decrease in the viscosity of the blood can lead to serious pathologies.

Aspirin is contraindicated in certain diseases of the digestive tract - ulcer, gastritis. This is due to the fact that the acid destroys the gastric mucosa and worsens the course of these diseases. It is also not recommended to take the medication with bronchial asthma.

When taking the drug, it is necessary to regularly give blood to the level of platelets, if it is understated to take the drug is stopped.

It is impossible to take any actions independently and to be treated without specialist supervision. During the treatment should carefully monitor the level of prothrombin in the blood. Overdosage in the dilution of blood can lead to severe bleeding, including internal bleeding.

Supporting the normal blood condition

To maintain blood viscosity within normal limits, you need to adjust the diet and drinking regimen. Avoid excess cholesterol and sugar. In food, you need to eat more sea fish. Reduce the use of alcohol.

It is also important to change the way of life: rejection of bad habits

  • refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • more rest, especially in the fresh air;
  • do sports;
  • Avoid stress.

Problems such as increased blood viscosity and excess cholesterol are often visited by people of age. Independently they can be prevented only by diets and lifestyle changes.

If this does not work, then taking medication for dilution of blood should be done after consulting a doctor and monitor the main parameters of the clinical blood counts in parallel.

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