- Curative composition of cedar fruit
- Against which diseases are used tincture?
- The use of cedar tincture on vodka
- The right choice of raw materials
- Several recipes
- The use of pine nut shells
- Nut shell recipes
- Contraindications
Cedar growing in Siberia has given the world a very valuable medicine-nuts, which are considered a powerful source of vivacity and vitality. As well as its parent, the fruits of cedar cleans the soul and thoughts, restoring mental balance and health.
This tool is not only for healing the body, but for the soul. In medicine, they are used in both raw and in boiled form. Especially popular is the alcohol tincture on pine nuts, the benefit of which is proven by time and people.
Curative composition of cedar fruit
The content of useful microelements, with pine nuts, can be compared only with soybean, which is known for its rich chemical composition. These two products leave behind all the plants and types of nuts. The structure of cedar fruits includes: vitamins A, B, C, E, K, fats, proteins, starch, carbohydrates, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc.
Warning! A total of 100 g of the product will be enough to satisfy the daily necessary for a person such useful substances as manganese, cobalt, copper, iodine. In addition, in the nuts are rare amino acids that give youth.
Against which diseases are used tincture?
The famous cedar tincture, the recipe of which is passed down from generation to generation, has long been used to rub the diseased areas for colds, joint pains, body aches, rheumatism. Inside it is used to prevent the deposition of salts, to cure diseases of the kidneys and liver, to adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is indispensable in the treatment of non-healing and purulent wounds, abscesses, ulcers, deafness, chronic hemorrhoids.
Tincture is capable for a short time to put on the feet of a person suffering from rheumatism or gout. She is also subject to oncological ailments, which is beyond the power of many pharmaceuticals.
Tincture of pine nuts is also shown for uterine myomas. Science has recorded more than one case, when the drug produced excellent results. Taking the medicine inside, as well as doctoring by applying and syringing, not only reduced the size of the tumor, but also completely cured a serious illness( of course, in combination with the main course of treatment).
When treating uterine fibroids tincture is 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day. The course lasts six months, after which they take a break for 2 months, and then resume the therapy again. To expel the disease forever you will need 6-7 bottles.
Attention! If you decide to take the tincture on pine nuts, do not interrupt the treatment before the deadline.
Benefits of cedar tincture on vodka
The tincture on nuts is prepared in different ways: from whole and chopped fruits, from shells, from vodka and from alcohol. Sometimes even moonshine comes into play.
The agent has the following medicinal qualities:
- improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
- regenerates the skin, quickly heals wounds, burns, bruises and bruises;
- does not allow the salt to concentrate in the body;
- returns joints elasticity and mobility;
- cleans and normalizes lymph and circulatory system;
- imparts immunity to resistance;
- improves the performance of the hearing and vision;
- increases potency, struggles with male impotence;
- produces an antitumor effect.
Attention! Tincture on pine nuts, the testimony of which extends not only to internal diseases, decisively expels depression and despondency, gives the joy of being, purifies thoughts and soul.
The right choice of raw materials
To make the product really useful, you need to choose the right nuts. The first thing you should pay attention to is the color of the shell. It should have a rich dark brown color. The shell of other shades indicates a stale product and a dried kernel that has lost all its usefulness.
Pine nuts should be bought during the harvest - in the beginning of autumn( September-October).Quality cleaned product should be a gentle, light brown color. Dirty yellow color indicates prolonged storage. Stale cores change not only the color, but also the taste properties, which can make the tincture unbearably bitter.
Several recipes
Tincture of pine nuts on alcohol is prepared in two stages:
- Preparation of ingredients. As mentioned above, only fresh cedar fruits should be used for the recipe. First fill them with cold water and clean from debris, shells and unsuitable nuts. After that, 3 times, roll them with boiling water for 2-3 minutes( each time draining the water).This action is necessary to eliminate the resin, which gives the agent bitterness and pernicious to the digestive organs.
- Preparation procedure. From the finished nuts, separate 1 glass and fill them with 0.5 liter of vodka or alcohol. The container is sealed tightly so that the alcohol does not evaporate, and identify it in a dark, cool room for 2 weeks. After the cedar tincture is infused, pour it into a bowl of dark glass, and the remaining nuts in the old container again pour 500 ml of vodka and leave for 20 days.
Warning! A ready-made drink should not take more than 50 ml in one dose.
For cardiovascular, ophthalmic and urolithiasis, with weakened immunity, take 1 teaspoon, diluted in 50 ml of water, three times a day before sitting down.
In patients with joints and hearing problems - 15-25 drops, diluted in 50 ml of water, twice a day.
Recipe from Altaic healers
There is another recipe where pine nuts are involved. Tincture on vodka came to us from the Altaian Old Believers. It will require 1.5 cups of raw materials. Rinse the fruits of cedar with 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka, but put the dishes in a warm place this time and insist that the liquid is not 14, but 10 days. The finished drink should be taken at 0.5-1 st.spoon three times a day before a meal with the diseases described above. Treatment usually lasts 30 or 60 days with a one-month break. The number of courses per year is 2-5.
With honey
2 cups of processed pine nuts fill 1 liter of alcohol, bottle is determined in a warm room for 14 days. Then melt through a water bath 2 tbsp.spoons of honey( preferably floral) and dissolve it in water heated to 60 degrees. The resulting syrup cool to room temperature and pour into it a tincture( without nuts).Stir the ingredients and leave to stand for 7 more days. The finished solution is filtered through a gauze fabric and drink 50 ml before a meal both for therapeutic and preventive purposes.
Warning! Honey tincture on pine nuts should have a rich amber tint.
Use of pine nut shell
The nut shell contains a large number of rare tannins and is therefore characterized by bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, astringent and haemostatic properties. The simplest recipe for it( 2-3 tablespoons per 1 cup of boiling water) relieves inflammation of the oral cavity, heals severe skin ailments: eczema, lichen, burns, purulent wounds( by means of compresses and wraps).
Classical tincture on cedar shells dissolves salts in joint diseases, prevents their deposition, treats chronic osteochondrosis. A bath based on decoctions of the shell helps with rheumatism, gout and lumbago.
Nutshell Recipes
From urolithiasis and mineral metabolism disorders in the body
To do this, pour almost raw material into a jar of 0.5 liters and fill it with vodka so that it is 1-2 cm higher than the shell level. Cover the jar with a tight lid and insist 2 weeks in a dark, warm place, and then strain.
Drink 1 teaspoon, diluted in a glass of cold water, 3 times a day for 20 minutes before sitting down. Duration of treatment - 1 month with a 30-day break. Number of courses - 3-4.
For the removal of inflammation of the oral cavity
1 tbsp. Spoon the tincture with a glass of cold boiled water and rinse your mouth 5-6 times a day.
With hemorrhoids
All-powerful tincture on the shell of pine nuts makes for a long time, and sometimes forever forget about the malignant hemorrhoids. With medicinal raw material fill the jar( its volume - at your discretion) and pour alcohol, which must completely cover the shell. Seal the container tightly and leave to stand for 8-10 days in a dark place.
Ready infusion take 35-40 drops 3 times a day until hemorrhoids leave you.
Attention! The medicine should be used in a small amount( not more than 50 ml at a time), without diluting, or with tea, water.
Treatment of tincture of pine nuts is prohibited:
- for children under 12 years;
- during pregnancy and lactation;
- to people suffering from severe liver diseases;
- to patients who are predisposed to alcoholism;
- allergy( on alcohol or pine nuts);
- to persons managing cars.
To people who are not included in this list, the use of tinctures on pine nuts is allowed only after consulting a doctor.