- How does the healing plant
- Composition of the rhizomes
- Nine forces versus a hundred ailments
- Tincture on the eleventh: recipes for the preparation
- Contraindications
Nature is rich in medicinal herbs that can heal even the most serious diseases. One such miracle means is an elecampane, a perennial plant, reaching a height of 2-2.5 meters. His healing power people have long been channeled into the right direction, making broths and tinctures.
The use of tincture of elecampane on vodka is advisable for tuberculosis, diabetes, bronchitis, gastritis and many other ailments. It is not without reason that the plant is called nine-fold, meaning that it gives nine forces.
How does the healing plant
The leaves of the plant fit the stem are large, up to half a meter long, and about 20-25 cm wide. The flower sprout is thick, embracing small yellow flowers, as if collected in a basket. Its roots are long, powerful, dark brown. It blooms from July to September. It is usually found on the banks of rivers and lakes, on wet meadows and peat bogs, in steppes and forest-steppes among bushes.
The Latin name is helenium. According to one version, the term originated from the Greek helos - meadow, according to the second hypothesis, from the word helios - the sun. According to the legend, the plant originated from the tears of the beautiful Helena - the culprit of the Trojan War.
For medicinal purposes, the roots of the plant are usually used. Tincture of elecampane on vodka is no exception. Rhizomes for the recipe are harvested in early spring or late autumn - in periods when the largest amount of useful microelements are concentrated in them. After digging, the roots are washed in cold water and cut into pieces, 10-15 cm in size. Raw materials with damage and blackened coating are discarded, as it can spoil the tincture.
The cut roots are laid out in a thin layer on paper or a baking tray and dried in a draft, away from sunlight. For these purposes, the heater or the upper part of the heated oven is also suitable.
Attention! Dried raw materials should be stored in a container made of wood or dark glass, not more than 3 years.
From dried, chopped into pieces of rhizomes, and made an alcohol tincture of elecampane, which won the fame of an all-powerful remedy.
The composition of the rhizomes
The powerful healing power of the plant is due to the rich chemical roots of its roots:
- polysaccharide inulin( 44%) - strengthens the immune system and bone tissues, beneficially affects the liver, removes heavy metals from the body;
- essential oils or gelenin( 1-3%) - normalize metabolic processes, have a diuretic and antiseptic effect;
- mucus-has astringent, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties;
- vitamin E - prevents the formation of thrombi, heals the skin;
- saponins-relieve inflammation, are responsible for water-salt and mineral balance;
- alkaloids - relieve pain and spasms;
- gum - removes toxins and excess cholesterol;
- manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron.
Nine forces against hundreds of ailments
The therapeutic use of tincture of elecampane on vodka is very wide. First, it is urine and choleretic, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties. Secondly, due to the high concentration in the roots of inulin, responsible for reducing the volume of sugar in the blood, the remedy is strongly recommended for diabetes mellitus.
In addition, the nine-strength tincture is shown:
- to people with low acidity of gastric juice;
- for pulmonary diseases: tuberculosis, bronchitis, whooping cough and suffocation;
- for gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, ulcers, intestinal atony, diarrhea, constipation and flatulence;
- as an effective anthelmintic;
- for colds and acute respiratory infections;
- for atherosclerosis, edema and jaundice.
Tincture on the eleventh: cooking recipes
On vodka or alcohol
Recipe 1. Ground the roots( 30-40 g) with quality vodka( 500 ml).Put the capacity in a dark place for 2 days. Periodically shake the tincture, and then strain. Take 20-25 drops for half an hour before each meal. Tincture of elecampane on vodka is indicated for diabetes mellitus, jaundice, edema and as a cholagogue.
Attention! For a recipe with equal success, you can use both vodka( without impurities) and medical alcohol, with a strength of 60 to 75%.
Recipe 2. Fresh roots of the plant grate, separate from the received mass of 2 cups and pour them with vodka( 500 ml).Stir well and leave to stand for 10 days. Tincture should drink 1 tbsp.spoon before eating while treating tuberculosis. Duration of admission is 2-3 months.
Recipe 3. Pound or chopped roots( 20 g) fill with alcohol, with a strength of 70%( 100-150 g).The capacity should be determined in a dark place for 8-10 days. Do not forget to shake the liquid regularly. Finish the product and take 20 drops for 20-30 minutes before each meal. This tincture of elecampane on alcohol is recommended for cardiac ailments, colds and acute respiratory infections, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis.
Recipe 4. Finely chopped rhizomes( 50 g), mix with vodka( 0.5 liters) and insist 2 weeks in sheltered from the sun, periodically shaking. After filtering, take 15-20 drops 3 times a day for half an hour before you sit down at the table. Tincture is indicated for reception with ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous diseases, goiter.
On the fault of
For the preparation of nine-strength wine, you will need a port( 0.5 liters) and crushed roots of the plant( 2 tablespoons).Ingredients mix, cook on moderate heat for 10-15 minutes, cool and strain. It is recommended to drink wine for general health purposes or after a serious illness of 50 ml 2 times a day immediately after a meal.
Port can be replaced by Kagor( 1 liter), insist for a day, and then boil on low heat for 10 minutes. The strained tincture of elecampane is shown with a low acidity of the digestive fluid and with enterocolitis. Take should be 30 ml 3 times a day after eating.
Devyasilovaja mashzhka
Finely cut roots of a plant( 1 item in the spoon) put in a 3-liter glass bottle, there send honey( 700 g) and yeast( 100 g).Components of the future brew fill with warm, boiled water, filling 70-75% of the capacity, close the lid tightly and insert a septum( tube coming out of the throat of the bottle and lowered into the water).
Tincture put in a dark, but warm place for 20 days. Its readiness is determined by the hydraulic seal - the absence of bubbles indicates that the mash has matured. Empty the liquid and place it in the refrigerator. Drink 100 g in the morning and in the evening with cervical osteochondrosis and radiculitis.
Attention! Tincture of elecampane, the use of which in excessive amounts is detrimental to health, has a number of serious contraindications.
Its reception is forbidden:
- for severe cardiovascular ailments;
- in kidney disease;
- people suffering from an acute form of gastritis with low acidity, since elecampane slows down the processes of releasing digestive enzymes in the stomach;
- with female gynecological nails( especially with strong menstruation);
- to pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Devyasil on wine and port increases the acidity of the digestive juice, therefore it is not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcers and hyperacid gastritis.
Warning! Hypotonics( low blood pressure) should be taken with alcohol tincture with caution.
The use of tincture of elecampane in vodka, alcohol or wine should be carried out within the prescribed dosage. Excessive use can provoke poisoning.