The magical effect of garlic tincture

  1. Basic rules for taking
  2. Therapeutic effects of
  3. Healing prescriptions
  4. Contraindications
Garlic tincture is a powerful blow to many diseases

The healing power of garlic was known even by our distant ancestors. This product was treated for colds, healed purulent wounds and long-term non-healing ulcers, and also used to control intestinal parasites. And this is not all the properties of garlic. In fact, the list of diseases with which it helps to cope is quite large. Methods of using this product can also be several: ointments, steam inhalations and even amulets that are worn on the chest.

But the most effective means is precisely garlic tincture. It is a magical elixir that protects the human body from the harmful effects of the environment and, getting inside, helps to cope with a variety of diseases.

This agent effectively rejuvenates organs and tissues, promotes early recovery and blocks the harmful effects of pathogenic bacteria.

Important! Taking garlic tincture, you must observe the utmost accuracy, since it has the strongest effect. And in order not to suffer from negative consequences, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended daily rate and in no case exceed it.

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Basic rules for taking

First of all, you should focus on how to drink garlic tincture:

  • always drink the product with milk in order to neutralize the sharp effect on the gastric mucosa;
  • , despite the fact that the treatment cycle is 10 days, you should continue to drink the drug for 25 drops for a few more weeks. This is necessary for active prolonged exposure, during which the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins;

  • a second course of treatment can be carried out no earlier than five years after the initial treatment;
  • and do not be afraid that after taking the tincture from you will come an unpleasant smell of garlic - milk to some extent neutralizes it;
  • during the use of the drug should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and do not overload the digestive system with heavy food.

The healing effect of

Garlic is rich in protein and selenium, it contains vitamins B and ascorbic acid, as well as sugars and very useful minerals, including phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium. That is why the treatment of garlic tincture brings positive results.

With the integrated approach, this drug helps to overcome cancer and cure prostate adenoma. Garlic tincture improves the digestive tract - it increases appetite and helps to absorb food. It is effective against intestinal parasites, with constipation and helps to reduce decay processes. This drug is used to treat urolithiasis and other kidney diseases.

Tincture of garlic helps to cope with the allergy

As you can see, tincture can have a positive effect in a variety of situations. This is a real healing elixir, which gently and carefully take care of the human body, and helps get rid of not only acquired, but also from hereditary ailments.

Healing recipes

You can prepare garlic tincture by various methods - on alcohol, on vodka, on red wine and even on water. Choose for yourself any of the suggested options and be sure to follow the instructions. And pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • to stand on alcohol or vodka is necessary in a cool shady place;
  • during preparation, metal utensils and metal objects can not be used, as the product will oxidize;

    Important! Garlic can not even be cut with a knife. Clean it with your hands and put it in a glass or ceramic dish.

    You can use a ceramic knife
  • to rub garlic in a mortar should be extremely accurate, and avoid getting it on exposed skin, as it can get burned;
  • drink the drug necessary with milk for half an hour before meals three times a day.

The infusion will bring additional benefit in that the food intake will be ordered, since there should be a four-hour interval between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

On alcohol

Tincture of garlic on alcohol is prepared as follows:

  • it is necessary to take garlic in an amount of 360 g and clean;
  • add the raw material to a mortar and crush it to a gruel-like condition;
  • pour 200 ml of alcohol 96%, stir;
  • tightly close and put in a cool shaded place;
  • after 10 days, filter the infusion and press for 3 more days.

After this time, the product is completely ready for use. The scheme for taking alcohol tincture of garlic is as follows:

This instruction will help you rejuvenate the body
  • 1st day - before breakfast 1-2 drops, before lunch 2, before dinner 3;
  • 2nd day - according to food intake 4-5-6;

  • 3rd day - 7-8-9;
  • 4th day - 10-11-12;
  • 5th day - 13-14-15;
  • 6th day - 15-14-13;
  • 7th day - 12-11-10;
  • 8th day - 9-7-6;
  • 9th day - 6-5-4;The 10th day of the
  • is 3-2-1.

On vodka

Recipe for garlic tincture on vodka involves the use of the freshest raw materials. Choose a product with large and juicy "teeth", and make sure that there are no signs of mold on the skin.

Tip! It is better to use home-made garlic, since the shop products could be processed by chemical compounds.

Vodka should also be quality, free of impurities and flavorings. The container for tincture is pre-washed, sterilized and dried. Tincture of garlic on vodka is used, as well as alcohol, according to the scheme described above.

So, we turn to cooking:

  • a large garlic head to clean;
  • prepared raw materials put together in a mortar and crushed;
  • transfer to a jar and pour in 400 ml of vodka;
  • tightly close and put in a cool shaded place for two weeks;
  • after the specified time, filter the filter.

Store the finished product out of the reach of children - on the top shelf of the refrigerator or clean in a cool cellar.

On red wine

Tincture of garlic on red wine is prepared as follows:

  • 12 "cloves" of garlic cut into small pieces with a knife;
  • add the raw material to a glass jar and pour in the contents of a bottle of red wine;

    Important! Use only dry wine.

  • close the lid and move it to the window to keep the container under direct sunlight;
  • leave for two weeks, shaking the contents daily;
  • after this time, filter the product and pour into a bottle of dark glass.

Tincture of wine with garlic should be taken three times a day for 5 ml per month. This drug will help to remove salt, cleanse blood, strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle, improve metabolism and increase efficiency.

Wine-garlic infusion is effective for women's diseases and perfectly tones up the body

On water with lemon

Tincture of garlic with lemon very well cleanses the vessels. To make it, you need to do the following:

  • 4 heads of garlic cleaned and crushed with a mortar;
  • 4 lemon wash and grind with peel in a blender;
  • the prepared components are folded into a glass container and poured three liters of warm boiled water;

    Warning! Here you can not use steep boiling water or too hot water, cool it to + 35 ° C - this temperature will be optimal.

  • container close the lid and insist the contents at room temperature for three days;
  • after this time, the liquid should be filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Tincture of garlic in water with lemon is taken on an empty stomach three times a day for 100 ml. The duration of the course is 40 days. For the duration of the intake, the tincture will need to be cooked several times, as one serving will be small.

Important! Before using the product, always consult a doctor. But if you even after that still fear for your health, then start taking small doses, which will allow for a more mild treatment.

Clearing the vessels with this infusion, it is recommended to drink abundantly throughout the course of the

. The best time to prepare this remedy is in the autumn, as it is at this time of the year that garlic has maximum efficiency. End the course of drug consumption should be in January. Repeat treatment with lemon-garlic tincture can be no earlier than a year.


Like any other medicinal product, garlic tincture has its contraindications, among which:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in acute form;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • of a bladder disease in chronic and acute form;
  • hemorrhoids in acute form;
  • liver disease;
  • individual intolerance of the components of the agent.

In addition, during the reception of garlic infusion, there may be some side effects:

  • sleep disorders;
  • tachycardia;
  • heartburn;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • a rapid increase in appetite.

It is necessary to say that all these phenomena pass without leaving a trace after the end of the course of treatment. And to improve the general condition, it is recommended to drink mint tea or a motherwort tincture.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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