Calendula tincture for hair was used in ancient times, however, the beauties of those times made it with their own hands. But now it's even easier - just look into the nearest pharmacy and buy this inexpensive remedy. Professional beauty salons ask for substantial sums for their services, we also offer a health course at home. And believe me, the result will not disappoint you.
Calendula - an ambulance for hair
Alcoholic tincture of calendula has a fairly wide range of applications, but today we will talk about its benefits for hair. This means successfully fights against dandruff, heals wounds on the scalp, strengthens, restores and heals damaged hair.
Applying various mixtures, which will include this drug, you can solve the problem of baldness, to give shine dry and freshness to fatty hair.
For the growth of
Many women are familiar with the problem of hair loss - they become rare, dull, poorly formed in the hairstyle and every next drying with a hairdryer or using leveling iron only aggravates the situation. We bring to your attention a mask recipe that will not only strengthen the hair, but will also promote their active growth.
- In a glass container, connect 50 ml of an alcohol tincture of calendula and 10 ml of olive oil.
- Components carefully mix and add to them 2 drops of essential oils - chamomile and rosemary.
- Half of the mixture obtained is rubbed into the skin of the head, the remaining part is spread over the entire length of the hair.
- After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water.
Tip! To enhance the effect of the drug, the hair can be rinsed with a decoction of rose hips or chamomile.
From alopecia
If your hair begins to fall out, then recommend paying attention to the following recipe.
- Combine the alcohol tincture of marigold and water in a ratio of 1: 3.
- Cut a piece of cotton fabric into strips, fold several times and moisten them in the resulting liquid.
- Lotion apply on the scalp, top put on a cap made of polyethylene.
- After 2 hours wash the hair.
Recommendation! During this procedure it is recommended to move less, it is best to lie down and relax or read a book.
. The procedure can be performed daily or every other day. But if baldness is already at a difficult stage, then such compresses may prove ineffective.
From dandruff
Tincture of calendula will help and against dandruff. What needs to be done?
- Mix 50 ml of calendula tincture and 20 ml of castor oil.
- The resulting mixture is applied to the scalp and rubbed with soft circular motions.
- The treatment time should be at least 10 minutes.
- After the session, wash the hair with shampoo.
Probably, someone will have doubts about the use of tincture of calendula for hair, since alcohol base can overdry the scalp, which will only contribute to the appearance of dandruff. But actually it is not.
Alcohol is able to dry out the skin only if it is used in its pure form. Being in the tincture, it plays the role of preservative and has absolutely the opposite effect - it stimulates microcirculation of blood. A plant extract, dissolved in such a base, maximizes its useful properties - heals the wounds and perfectly nourishes the hair follicles.
For greasy hair
To refresh greasy hair after washing it, use the following remedy.
- In a liter of water dilute 3 tablespoons of tincture.
- Pour the solution into a comfortable container, tilt the head and lower the hair into the liquid.
- Hold for about 3 minutes.
This same product can also be used before applying shampoo. It should be rubbed into the roots with a cotton swab. After 5-7 minutes, you can wash your hair.
Tip! To revitalize the hair, cure the tips of the tips and give them a shine in this solution, you can add 10 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Before applying tincture of calendula for hair, you should avoid the risk of allergies. To do this, you can conduct a simple test. Drop a drop of the drug on the wrist or inner surface of the ulnar fold and do not rinse off for half an hour. If after this time there is an itch and reddening, it is better to use some other means or to reduce the concentration prescribed in the prescription.
Important! In fact, individual intolerance to tincture of calendula is extremely rare, so this tool is considered harmless.
Numerous reviews of those who have already tried the action of the drugs based on this drug, they assure that these prescriptions are very effective, especially when dandruff and inflammatory diseases of the scalp occur. The tincture of calendula is quite an accessible tool, the action of which has been checked for years. It is suitable for any type of hair and has a long lasting effect.